Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and IVIG Treatment?*

Posted by michaelpaul @michaelpaul, May 5, 2017

Has anyone been recommended IVIG treatment for Hashimoto's thyroiditis? I have found plenty of references for IVIG therapy for Hashimoto's encephalopathy, but not for thyroiditis alone. Thanks in advance for any comments.

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I have Hadshimoto's Thyroiditis and hypothyroidism. Initially, prior to being diagnosed, my body was in a lot of discomfort. My joints hurt. I was so fatigued.
Once I was diagnosed and stabilized on Synthroid/Levothyroxine, I improved drastically! (I didn't have skin issues or rashes at that time.
It's been 15yrs. since my diagnosis. Two years ago I began having rashes and lesions on my legs. I was diagnosed with Lichen Planus on my skin. The rash, lesions etc... flare up and down for me. The severely of it varies a lot. You might want to research this. Unfortunately, I was also diagnosed with Esophageal Lichen Planus and Oral Lichen Planus. ( Esophageal LP is extremely rare. Less than 50 people in the country have this)
There is a common denominator in many patients with LP, it's Hashimoto's Thyroiditis!
FYI.,.. Lichen Planus is also an autoimmune disease.

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Sorry for my typos! LoL


Does hyperthyroidism cause body aches. My endocrinologist says it does not. I have had terrible body aches since January and now my wrist, hand and ankles hurt. I have always had non-toxic mult-nodular goiter, but now my thyroid is pushing on my trachea and needs to come out. I found out I have hyperthyroidism and my TSH has dropped to 0.07. I just really want to know if this is why I ache soooo much and why I'm so tired. Thank You.

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Have you considered getting a second opinion from
a rheumatologist. I have Graves’ disease which fortunately is in remission a lot but my TSH has been as low as around .001. The worst symptom i have had is heart palpitations—no pain



Being tired could definitely be due to low TSH. Not sure about aches and pains.

Has your provider put you on Levothyroxine / Synthroid?

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i have low TSH….its counterintuitive but low tsh represents hyperthyroidism and “anti thyroid drugs” are prescribed with the most popular one purportedly being methimazole (Tapazole brand name) per my endo’s. Synthyroid is for hypothyroid when TSH is too high. This has been explained to me at least 15–20 times by endo’s and its very confusing because it is counter-intuitive


Sorry for my typos! LoL

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Apparently there is a common denominator in almost all auto-immune conditions—-that a person who has one is likely to have numerous—-that’s what numerous of my specialists have told me


I have both Hoshimotos and Graves’ disease. Most of the endo’s i’ve seen don’t take hoshimotos that seriously—they prescribe synthroid when TSH is high. The only person i know who had IvG had multiple life threatening autoimmune disease including lupus, RA, a condition that resulted in her not developing immunity from
vaccines and a serious very rare autoimmune condition that effected her pregnancies



Being tired could definitely be due to low TSH. Not sure about aches and pains.

Has your provider put you on Levothyroxine / Synthroid?

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I start taking Methimazole tomorrow. She said she needs to my TSH level before surgery. Maybe my terrible body aches aren't from my thyroid - maybe something else. I have also been taking eye drops due inflammation since March. My endocrinologist said I did not have TED. My body aches all started when I had lithium toxicity and covid st the same time. I didn't know I had covid until I went to the he hospital for toxicity. Thank You.


Apparently there is a common denominator in almost all auto-immune conditions—-that a person who has one is likely to have numerous—-that’s what numerous of my specialists have told me

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I agree!!


I start taking Methimazole tomorrow. She said she needs to my TSH level before surgery. Maybe my terrible body aches aren't from my thyroid - maybe something else. I have also been taking eye drops due inflammation since March. My endocrinologist said I did not have TED. My body aches all started when I had lithium toxicity and covid st the same time. I didn't know I had covid until I went to the he hospital for toxicity. Thank You.

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I truly wish you the very best!🙏



Thanks for correcting me and clarifying hyperthyroidism vs hypothyroidism and the different meds use to treat.


it’s counter-intuitive. Glad i was helpful. I have much more experience with thyroid issues than u wished

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