How about a laugh, (hopefully)

Posted by Leonard @jakedduck1, Dec 31, 2018

I believe laughter is the best medicine. Laughter has actually been scientifically proven to help people with depression issues.
Let’s give it a try so we can all get happy and feel better. Many Epilepsy forums I’ve been on had joke sections. I was probably the biggest joke of all since I didn’t get a lot of the jokes. They said the jokes couldn’t be above 4th grade level for me to understand them so my jokes may be rather simplistic but let’s give it a try.
Have a lovely day everyone,

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Butt joke:

Why are proctologists constantly getting calls from the collection agency?

Because they're always in arrears.


If you lose a sock in the dryer, it returns as a Tupperware lid that doesn't fit any container.

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Or that empty box of staples in the back of your office desk.


Though her husband often went on business trips, she hated to be left alone.
“I’ve solved our problem,” he said.
“I’ve bought you a St. Bernard. It’s name is Great Reluctance. Now, when I go away, you shall know that I am leaving you with Great Reluctance!”
She hit him with a waffle iron.
By Snoopy (Charles M. Schulz)


Chicken joke:

Why did the turkey cross the road?

To show it wasn't chicken.


How to Write Good
1. Avoid alliteration-always.
2. Prepositions are not words to end sentences with.
3. Avoid cliches like the plague. They're old hat.
4. Be more or less specific.
five. Be consistent.
6. Who needs rhetorical questions?
7. Exaggeration is a billion times worse than understatement.


How to Write Good
1. Avoid alliteration-always.
2. Prepositions are not words to end sentences with.
3. Avoid cliches like the plague. They're old hat.
4. Be more or less specific.
five. Be consistent.
6. Who needs rhetorical questions?
7. Exaggeration is a billion times worse than understatement.

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Some respectful responses to your dang good recommendations, Shirley:

1. Mr. Piper has a hard time getting around this one while at the farmer's market.

2. Death sentences generally end in pray positions.

3. I thought it was one of Camus' better works, and hardly derivative.

4. Darwin was more specific. That's where his genus lies.

Five. A pox of a thousand Hobgoblins upon ye, Madame!

6. Who does not need rhetorical questions. What needs rhetorical questions. Who needs a new mitt. (Not sure about I Don't Know).

7. I think you're being a bit hyperbolic with this one.

8. Avoid dangling participles. And, generally try not to dangle anything, unless you're at a nudist colony.


Some respectful responses to your dang good recommendations, Shirley:

1. Mr. Piper has a hard time getting around this one while at the farmer's market.

2. Death sentences generally end in pray positions.

3. I thought it was one of Camus' better works, and hardly derivative.

4. Darwin was more specific. That's where his genus lies.

Five. A pox of a thousand Hobgoblins upon ye, Madame!

6. Who does not need rhetorical questions. What needs rhetorical questions. Who needs a new mitt. (Not sure about I Don't Know).

7. I think you're being a bit hyperbolic with this one.

8. Avoid dangling participles. And, generally try not to dangle anything, unless you're at a nudist colony.

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great additions!


I didn't make it to the gym today. That makes it
five years in a row.


A young man sees an elderly couple sitting down to lunch at the local fast food restaurant. He notices that they have ordered only one meal, and an extra drink cup.

As he watches, the gentleman carefully divides the hamburger in half, counts out the fries, one for him, one for her, until each has half of them. Then he pours half of the soft drink into the extra cup and sets it down in front of his wife.

The old man then starts to eat, while his wife sits watching, with her hands folded in her lap. The young man, feeling moved, decides to ask if they would allow him to purchase another meal for them so they don’t have to split theirs.

The old gentleman says, “Oh no. We’ve been married 50 years, and everything has always been and will always be shared, 50/50.”

The young man then asks the wife if she was going to eat her half, to which she replies, “Oh, yes… but it’s his turn with the teeth.”


I didn't make it to the gym today. That makes it
five years in a row.

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A new personal best!


Even when I miss a gym date, I still mark it off on my calendar and later can't remember if I really went or not.

It leaves me deeply satisfied.

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