Has anybody had decreased kidney function?

Posted by Tina Sims @tinaesims, Jun 2 7:12am

Since I've been on rifampin my kidney functions took a nose dive. I am now off but it has only slightly improved. Has anybody else experiences this?

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@tinaesims I was on rifampin for 20 months about 4 1/2 years ago. At the time, my kidney function was not closely monitored, but but about a year after stopping it was slightly out of normal range. It is now monitored annually and has fallen gradually but stays in the high normal range.


I was originally on the big 3, one of which was Rifampin, for 18 months. Then I was off for a little over a year, then unfortunately I had to go back on because MAC came back. Within 5 weeks, the Rifampin caused complete kidney failure, acute tubular necrosis. I was hospitalized for 3 weeks and had to endure dialysis. I am at 55 GFR and 1.12 creatinine but I feel good. I am now on Azith, Ethambutol and Clofazimine and doing well. Hope to be off all meds in another 4 months or so. Apparently reintroduction of Rifampin has a rare side effect of kidney failure. Guess I just got lucky.


I was originally on the big 3, one of which was Rifampin, for 18 months. Then I was off for a little over a year, then unfortunately I had to go back on because MAC came back. Within 5 weeks, the Rifampin caused complete kidney failure, acute tubular necrosis. I was hospitalized for 3 weeks and had to endure dialysis. I am at 55 GFR and 1.12 creatinine but I feel good. I am now on Azith, Ethambutol and Clofazimine and doing well. Hope to be off all meds in another 4 months or so. Apparently reintroduction of Rifampin has a rare side effect of kidney failure. Guess I just got lucky.

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This sounds like me!!! I guess I'm lucky too!


Green eyes. When I was on rifabutin I had to stop it because of my liver enzymes were going up and up my kidneys were fine. So again every body reacts different. I hope instead I was given clofazimine. It looks I am on the same regiment as you. I am glad you tolerate it well.


Green eyes. When I was on rifabutin I had to stop it because of my liver enzymes were going up and up my kidneys were fine. So again every body reacts different. I hope instead I was given clofazimine. It looks I am on the same regiment as you. I am glad you tolerate it well.

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Hi Liliana. I am barely tolerating it. I spend a lot of time near the bathroom but if it takes care of the MAC it is well worth the terrible side effects. The clofazimine is known for changing skin color but mine hasnt changed much. A tiny bit pink but thats it. I am grateful there was a substitute out there that doesnt harm the already harmed kidneys. I hope your tests are showing an improvement.


This sounds like me!!! I guess I'm lucky too!

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Good to know, I was on the big 3 a few years ago and now have altered kidney function. My GFR is 48-52 and my creat runs about 1.12 . I took bactrim for about a week and my GFR dropped to 28 and my creat to 1.8. I now ask my nephrologist before I take anything new ordered by another physician.


I was on Rifampin and Ethambutol for 18 mos. about 10 years ago for MAC. My GFR dropped into the high 50's about 3 yrs ago. Last year I somehow got Pseudomonas A. infection that colonized my lungs and I was put on Tobramycin (nebulized, one week/month) for 7 months until I could not tolerate it. My GFR is now 38, but since I've been off the Tobi my next tests will tell the story. I also take Azithromycin 3X/week. I'm hoping my numbers have improved. I get tested later this month.

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