overwhelmed by so much (often conflicting) info on natural approaches

Posted by swuelfing1 @swuelfing1, Dec 3, 2023

Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone else feels overwhelmed when researching what to do about dealing with osteoporosis naturally. There is so much good info out there which is great. It's just that often it gets sooo detailed such as in the area of supplements that it gets confusing or just overwhelming to decide what to do and narrow it down to a feasible plan. Also there are certain topics that there's controversy about - like yes/no on dairy, if dairy then which dairy, oxylates?, correct exercise? correct supplements, too much calcium? As you research you find several very credible and trustworthy resources who still disagree on so many topics. You could endlessly research and go down rabbitholes on every topic. Has anyone figured out any strategies to keep things manageable and decide what to do?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Osteoporosis & Bone Health Support Group.

I know exactly how you’re feeling! The first organization I came across a few years ago was Save Our Bones. It was after my first DEXA and I was diagnosed osteopenia. I liked that Save Our Bones was more plant based and it appealed to me as an old vegetarian (turned meat eater only for health). However the Acid/Alkaline thing always confused me. I never used to think much about it. I go way back to Diet for a Small Planet, Laurel’s Kitchen, and the Moosewood Cookbook.

This whole thing with eating so much meat is difficult but it does seem optimal for protein. Then there’s all of my beloved vegetables, legumes, nuts, and fruits with oxalates and other antinutrients which interfere with absorption of what I need to at least maintain my osteoporosis numbers and not get worse….it’s frustrating! I just purchased the book Toxic Superfoods: How Oxalate Overload Is Making You Sick--And How to Get Better. I’m going to learn more about that. On the other hand I recently read a study someone posted that concluded that many of these plants’ negative affects when we prepare them properly can be minimized and aren’t probably as bad as previously thought. That’s hopeful. I love the idea of getting protein from nuts and seeds as well as tofu and tempeh, Maybe we can share more information as we come across it.

I do appreciate Dr. Doug as he seems somewhat flexible with diet. I know he’s a big carnivore and dairy guy but he probably gets the best raw A2 grass fed dairy and meat around which few of us can find or afford. He also has issues with high glucose which is treated best with low carb diet. He also says that everyone is different and what they eat can be different based on their bodies’ needs.


I did reverse osteopenia without drugs. It takes concentrated effort and attention though. But that was years ago and I have gotten slack in my efforts.
Now I have osteoporosis. I am
working with a functional medicine doctor to manage it without medicine ( I’ve had 3 doctors tell me not to take the drugs, one of them being a orthopedic surgeon). I have a list of amounts of vitamins and minerals to get daily, as many as possible from diet.
What ever route you take, please take K2 in the form of MK7. It’s what keeps calcium from going to your arteries, put simplistically.

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Would you be willing to share your list of vitamins and supplements including brand and dosage? I'm overwhelmed as well and it would be most helpful to see what others are taking as far as vitamins and minerals. Many thanks and good luck!


I did reverse osteopenia without drugs. It takes concentrated effort and attention though. But that was years ago and I have gotten slack in my efforts.
Now I have osteoporosis. I am
working with a functional medicine doctor to manage it without medicine ( I’ve had 3 doctors tell me not to take the drugs, one of them being a orthopedic surgeon). I have a list of amounts of vitamins and minerals to get daily, as many as possible from diet.
What ever route you take, please take K2 in the form of MK7. It’s what keeps calcium from going to your arteries, put simplistically.

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If you could be so kind as to make us a list of what you did take, my husband is in stage 4 liver cancer and i Have had to take over so much around the house plus working, I just need a quick fix if that is possible at this moment. I really am out of time and exhausted to do the required leg work here. Thank you in advance if this is possible.


Opinions certainly vary. Some LOVE and swear by Osteostrong, but I've heard one too many stories about no studies and high fracture risk.

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I haven’t heard there’s a high fracture risk


Another opinion:

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(See my post starting with "I have been doing osteostrong for almost 2years -it will be two years next month)." Prior to osteostrong I had 3 Dexa scans. 2016 OSTEOPOROSIS, 2018 Osteopenia, 2022 Osteoporosis, 2024 23 1/2 months after starting and following ostestrong procedure faithfully: 7.2 increase in lower spine and 4.4 increase in femur. About the same increase as expected with 2 years of osteoporosis drug taking. And MY bone increase was not muddied by OLD BONE staying in place rather than being removed by my body as nature intends, because osteoporosis drugs suppress the removal of old bone by osteoclasts. SO the resulting "increase" is from new bone laying on top of old bone. Much like wrapping a rotted weight bearing post with new wood. It looks bigger and new but the inside is rotted and will soon crumble. Osteostrong bone increases do not cause old bone to remain because it doesn't inhibit osteoclast activity. Furthermore, NUMEROUS members of my osteostrong facility are reporting minor to major increases after even 1 year without drugs. So I respect her opinion - it just isn't MY experience or the experience of other osteostrong participants that I've met through my facility. And my doctor, after reviewing my DEXA SCAN results said my recommendation: Stay of meds and continue doing osteostrong program. NOBODY IN MY FACILITY has reported the GIANT increases she showed. My increase track with the same percent increase ranges for women taking osteoporosis meds for the same 2 year period. (6-8% in spine and 4-6% in hip/femur).

She is more than welcome to see my results (she said she'd believe it when she saw it.). I can share all 4 of my Dexa scans with the most recent one being 2 years after starting osteostrong.

I had ALL FOUR OF THEM AT THE SAME FACILITY. And I'm guessing that KAISER has the same training for all of their DEXA techs.

My facility has never promised any increases in 6 months. And they have never mentioned muscle strength increases other than saying that at a certain level of exertion (which you can see on the machine as you're pushing, can also trigger muscle strength increase but the goal of osteostrong is to increase bone density.

Also Dr. Doug Lucas has opened his bone health zoom meetings to all osteostrong members and has interviewed the founder of osteostrong on one of them and has recommended osteostrong on his zoom meetings. I think the exaggerations may be coming from franchises who are less than honest.

My franchise doesn't make such claims or promises.

Also this doctor seems to find the dexa scans to be unreliable? But yet the dexa scans are what doctors use to decide to prescribe OSTEOPOROSIS MEDICATIONS.

So are THOSE dexa scans somehow correct and dexa scans after osteostrong are sketchy and questionable? I agree with her about the GIGANTIC increases being a scam, dishonest, or the result of a flawed machine.
But that's not my experience and not what I see at my facility as reported by members who go for their first Dexa Scan following some number of months or years on osteostrong.


Dr. Doug Lucas Retired Orthopedic Surgeon Interviews Dr. John Jaquish - founder of osteostrong.


Dr. Doug Lucas retired orthopedic surgeon on osteoporosis drugs:


(See my post starting with "I have been doing osteostrong for almost 2years -it will be two years next month)." Prior to osteostrong I had 3 Dexa scans. 2016 OSTEOPOROSIS, 2018 Osteopenia, 2022 Osteoporosis, 2024 23 1/2 months after starting and following ostestrong procedure faithfully: 7.2 increase in lower spine and 4.4 increase in femur. About the same increase as expected with 2 years of osteoporosis drug taking. And MY bone increase was not muddied by OLD BONE staying in place rather than being removed by my body as nature intends, because osteoporosis drugs suppress the removal of old bone by osteoclasts. SO the resulting "increase" is from new bone laying on top of old bone. Much like wrapping a rotted weight bearing post with new wood. It looks bigger and new but the inside is rotted and will soon crumble. Osteostrong bone increases do not cause old bone to remain because it doesn't inhibit osteoclast activity. Furthermore, NUMEROUS members of my osteostrong facility are reporting minor to major increases after even 1 year without drugs. So I respect her opinion - it just isn't MY experience or the experience of other osteostrong participants that I've met through my facility. And my doctor, after reviewing my DEXA SCAN results said my recommendation: Stay of meds and continue doing osteostrong program. NOBODY IN MY FACILITY has reported the GIANT increases she showed. My increase track with the same percent increase ranges for women taking osteoporosis meds for the same 2 year period. (6-8% in spine and 4-6% in hip/femur).

She is more than welcome to see my results (she said she'd believe it when she saw it.). I can share all 4 of my Dexa scans with the most recent one being 2 years after starting osteostrong.

I had ALL FOUR OF THEM AT THE SAME FACILITY. And I'm guessing that KAISER has the same training for all of their DEXA techs.

My facility has never promised any increases in 6 months. And they have never mentioned muscle strength increases other than saying that at a certain level of exertion (which you can see on the machine as you're pushing, can also trigger muscle strength increase but the goal of osteostrong is to increase bone density.

Also Dr. Doug Lucas has opened his bone health zoom meetings to all osteostrong members and has interviewed the founder of osteostrong on one of them and has recommended osteostrong on his zoom meetings. I think the exaggerations may be coming from franchises who are less than honest.

My franchise doesn't make such claims or promises.

Also this doctor seems to find the dexa scans to be unreliable? But yet the dexa scans are what doctors use to decide to prescribe OSTEOPOROSIS MEDICATIONS.

So are THOSE dexa scans somehow correct and dexa scans after osteostrong are sketchy and questionable? I agree with her about the GIGANTIC increases being a scam, dishonest, or the result of a flawed machine.
But that's not my experience and not what I see at my facility as reported by members who go for their first Dexa Scan following some number of months or years on osteostrong.

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@mariegroh, I think at some point we have to decide who and what to believe b/c there is so much contradictory information out there. I know some swear by Osteostrong and some wouldn't go near it. Some love Dr. Lucas and some think he is a snake oil salesman. Thanks for weighing in.


@mariegroh, I think at some point we have to decide who and what to believe b/c there is so much contradictory information out there. I know some swear by Osteostrong and some wouldn't go near it. Some love Dr. Lucas and some think he is a snake oil salesman. Thanks for weighing in.

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here's the thing the babs. I DID OSTEOSTRONG for 2 years. And for the first time since 2016 my DEXA scan at an INDEPENDENT site not affiliated with Osteostrong and the same one I'd gone to since 2016 showed an improvement in spine (7.2% and Hip/femur 4.4%) WITHOUT ANY HARMFUL DRUGS like BISPHOSPHONATES. So I'm not SWEARING by anything OTHER THAN DATA and RESULTS.

As for Dr. Lucas, I'm not qualified to speak to his integrity but having attended a couple of his ZOOM meetings I heard nothing at all SNANKE OIL in ANY REGARD. Very sound advice based on oh...once again...DATA AND RESULTS.

So what people FEEL or THINK is ok and I don't have a problem at all with that but I will ALWAYS make my health decisions based on DATA and RESULTS.

And I will never simply TAKE SOMETHING like a prescription medication without HOURS of my OWN research. It's why I'm currently REJECTION STATINS. There really is no proof that they prevent CVD any better than placebos and there are TONS OF DOCUMENTED kind of awful side effects possible.

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