Tinnitus- any suggestions?

Posted by susanfalcon52 @susanfalcon52, May 30 6:12am

I have developed tinnitus recently. It seems that it may have started on a flight. As we were descending, I felt terrible ear pain. Then, gradually started noticing a white noise in ears.

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It will probably reduce over time. It requires patience which is hard with noise in our ears! Doctors don't have much to offer other than "put it on the back burner." The brain does adjust and the noise goes into the background of your awareness.

Given the cause, I am also wondering if yours is temporary.

Often hearing loss is a trigger: the brain tries to fill the void with noise- or at least that is what docs have told me. It sounds like yours was triggered by changes in air pressure so hoping it is there for just a short time.

ps I hear mine now because I am writing about tinnitus!!


You might get checked by an ENT.
Sometimes the eustacian tube doesn't respond quickly enough to changes in pressure and it painfully stretches the tympanic membrane. The membrane can become damaged, but more likely you have some slight remaining obstruction. Fluid congestion on one side or wax on the outside.
You could try a nasal spray decongestant, and/or debrux earwax softener.
They have these devices in the drugstore that have a tiny camera that connects to your phone, so you can look inside the canal. I haven't used them.
I hope it goes away.


It will probably reduce over time. It requires patience which is hard with noise in our ears! Doctors don't have much to offer other than "put it on the back burner." The brain does adjust and the noise goes into the background of your awareness.

Given the cause, I am also wondering if yours is temporary.

Often hearing loss is a trigger: the brain tries to fill the void with noise- or at least that is what docs have told me. It sounds like yours was triggered by changes in air pressure so hoping it is there for just a short time.

ps I hear mine now because I am writing about tinnitus!!

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It’s great to see you here!
I hope you’re right about it going away. I do have an ENT appointment coming up. I wear headphones all day to talk to clients. I’ve turned that volume down.
My GP (40 year old), was a little condescending about it. It sounds like white noise.
If nothing can be done, I will adapt and keep moving.


It’s great to see you here!
I hope you’re right about it going away. I do have an ENT appointment coming up. I wear headphones all day to talk to clients. I’ve turned that volume down.
My GP (40 year old), was a little condescending about it. It sounds like white noise.
If nothing can be done, I will adapt and keep moving.

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Hi @susanfalcon52! I have found ENT's to be quite dismissive about tinnitus, perhaps because they have nothing to offer. I actually wrote on ENT I saw after the appointment, on my portal, saying that it would be helpful if doctors could recognize the suffering when tinnitus first starts or gets worse. As it turns out, they were right in that for the most part I have adapted, or my brain has. Whenever I am on a thread about tinnitus, like now, it gets louder!

I cannot wear headphones at all. I get instantly dizzy, heachachy and my tinnitus gets worse. That's tough if it's part of your job! I think there may be something else wrong in my ear though- hyperacusis and a numb left cheek. They tell me it's trigeminal neuralgia. Who knows!


My tinnitus is so loud after being on this thread! 🙂 It really is the brain.


Mine is most likely from loud sound I’ve been told by ear doc. I played in rock bands in the 60-80s. So it’s possible. I recall coming home after a job, and my ears were ringing like mad.
Lately, I believe I’ve had it nearly all my life. I recall as a kid it’d overwhelm me when I was going to sleep.
Day to day, I think my brain has filtered it, but when I stop to listen it’s there singing away!
I’ve used the noise as a sound when I meditate, so it’s not all bad. Do I wish I didn’t have it? Yes!!! Can it be cured? I don’t think but I’d love to hear remedies.


Mine is most likely from loud sound I’ve been told by ear doc. I played in rock bands in the 60-80s. So it’s possible. I recall coming home after a job, and my ears were ringing like mad.
Lately, I believe I’ve had it nearly all my life. I recall as a kid it’d overwhelm me when I was going to sleep.
Day to day, I think my brain has filtered it, but when I stop to listen it’s there singing away!
I’ve used the noise as a sound when I meditate, so it’s not all bad. Do I wish I didn’t have it? Yes!!! Can it be cured? I don’t think but I’d love to hear remedies.

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I believe my recent ear pain while descending on a flight kicked mine off. I had never noticed it until after that. It’s weird though, it seems like maybe it was there before? It sounds like white noise.
I see an ent this week. First time ever. I am prepared to be told that it’s forever. 🙁


My tinnitus is so loud after being on this thread! 🙂 It really is the brain.

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You are right - it is in the brain. I’m sitting in a quiet room writing about tinnitus and it’s really loud!
I am about to get up and feed dogs and also talk to dogs. I know that I won’t be aware of it then.
I saw the ent last week. He was taking it seriously, but was not very encouraging about it going away. He said that it could be from plane experience or just the beginning of hearing loss.
He scheduled a hearing test and put me on antibiotics and Claritan for five days.


We are told there is no treatment or cure for tinnitus. However, good things are happening. Tinnitus is the most common disabling condition reported by service men and women returning from combat zones. News of this new treatment just became available. It will be interesting to see how effective it is.


We are told there is no treatment or cure for tinnitus. However, good things are happening. Tinnitus is the most common disabling condition reported by service men and women returning from combat zones. News of this new treatment just became available. It will be interesting to see how effective it is.


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