Anyone been dizzy the next day after taking Melatonin?

Posted by cookiepic @cookiepic, Dec 22, 2021

Has anyone tried melatonin and the next day been dizzy? I do have a balance issue to begin with from DDD of my neck as well as a inner ear problem. I had a bad vertigo in Dec but thank God I've been fine with that.

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I take 10 mg of time release melatonin a night and have had no bad reactions—and I have an inner ear problem because I had sudden hearing loss (SHL) at age 22. But my sleep problem (waking at 3 or 4 am and not being able to get back to sleep) has only been solved successfully with Delta 8 CBD tincture made by SunMed. It works for a year then you need to detox from it for three months. Those three months were terrible for me, but I power through knowing that sleep is coming after 90 days!

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I'm curious, what are the side effects of the Delta 8 CBD such that you need to stop using it and wait 90 days? Certainly the body, it seems to un-educated me, would clear itself of the CBD in less than 90 days. Just curious as to the path you took to find that out. I take doxylamine succinate (a version of Unisom) and it seems that it has stopped working after taking it for several years before bedtime each night. So maybe if I find the time period where my body adjusts to not having it in my system, I could resume taking it and it would return to being effective. Very interesting info you posted....!


After a year and three months, the CBD tincture simply stopped working for me. I contacted the SunMed store manager who said that the body can build a tolerance to it after a while. Therefore, they suggested stopping it for three months to clear it from the liver. By the way, taking 50 ml before bedtime produces no buzz, high or after effects. However, I could certainly not pass a drug test which is not an issue because I am retired.

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