Any experiences with Cryoablation for renal cell carcinoma (RCC)?

Posted by mb4414 @mb4414, Sep 18, 2022

New diagnosis of RCC and am considering Cryoablation. Does anyone have experience with this treatment?

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Hi @mb4414, and welcome. @jwhitman may be able to share his experiences with cryoablation for kidney cancer.

Mb4414, not all tumors are suitable for cryoablation. Has this been recommended for you?


Hi @mb4414, and welcome. @jwhitman may be able to share his experiences with cryoablation for kidney cancer.

Mb4414, not all tumors are suitable for cryoablation. Has this been recommended for you?

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I have an appointment with interventional radiology to evaluate my situation. I am trying to educate myself on treatment options.


Happy to post that 1 year post cryo-ablation MRI showed no lesion. Moving from every 3 to every 6 months follow ups. !


Happy to post that 1 year post cryo-ablation MRI showed no lesion. Moving from every 3 to every 6 months follow ups. !

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@mb4414, that's great news. I'm grateful that you returned to share. I'm throwing **confetti**

If you would to give yourself advice or tips when you were starting this treatment one year ago, what would you tell yourself? What do you wish you had known?


@mb4414, that's great news. I'm grateful that you returned to share. I'm throwing **confetti**

If you would to give yourself advice or tips when you were starting this treatment one year ago, what would you tell yourself? What do you wish you had known?

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Be proactive, but do not obsess to the point of being so stressed out. You can’t think straight.
Do your research and get a second opinion if you need to. Make a plan and proceed.


I have a renal cyst, likely cancerous, of 1.4cm. After discussions with interventional radiologists and my urologist we are reviewing scans twice/year. If the mass grows to between 2-2.5cm we’ll treat with ablation. Supposedly these procedures are 90-95% successful in elimination of the cancer


I had cryoablation done in March of this year. It was a 6 cm. spherical shaped mass on the lower lobe of left kidney. They wanted to do a full kidney removal but I asked for a 2nd opinion using cryo. They at first poo-pooed the idea but I finally got the consult and the cryo people said it could be done. The doctor said he had done similar sized tumors before so it was a go. Total procedure took about an hour using 4 probes. There was about 2 hour prep time ( injections etc. ) before and then just local anaethesia. Recovery time was spent lying down and taking short walks. They checked for blood in urine twice and was released 4 hours after the procedure


I had cryoablation done in March of this year. It was a 6 cm. spherical shaped mass on the lower lobe of left kidney. They wanted to do a full kidney removal but I asked for a 2nd opinion using cryo. They at first poo-pooed the idea but I finally got the consult and the cryo people said it could be done. The doctor said he had done similar sized tumors before so it was a go. Total procedure took about an hour using 4 probes. There was about 2 hour prep time ( injections etc. ) before and then just local anaethesia. Recovery time was spent lying down and taking short walks. They checked for blood in urine twice and was released 4 hours after the procedure

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@deebee41, I just read your post in the prostate cancer group. Is kidney cancer a second primary cancer or was the mass related to metastatic prostate cancer? Was cryoablation the only treatment required at the moment?


@deebee41, I just read your post in the prostate cancer group. Is kidney cancer a second primary cancer or was the mass related to metastatic prostate cancer? Was cryoablation the only treatment required at the moment?

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Not metastatic. Just one of 4 cancers I am dealing with. Cryo was my choice. The other doctors wanted complete removal. I have stage 3 Chronic kidney disease and the removal of one kidney would have hastened my journey to dialysis. Other cancers are prostate, skin and breast. Breast is scheduled for surgery soon.


Not metastatic. Just one of 4 cancers I am dealing with. Cryo was my choice. The other doctors wanted complete removal. I have stage 3 Chronic kidney disease and the removal of one kidney would have hastened my journey to dialysis. Other cancers are prostate, skin and breast. Breast is scheduled for surgery soon.

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@deebee41, I understand your treatment choice of cryoablation in light of your chronic kidney disease. Unfortunately, having one cancer doesn't automatically mean you get a pass on other cancers. @dsh33782 knows this well too. He was diagnosed with kidney cancer after esophageal cancer and then thyroid cancer.

Deebee, you may wish to connect with other men with breast cancer experience in these related discussions in the breast cancer support group:
- Male breast cancer: Anyone other men out there with breast cancer?

See all male breast cancer discussions

Will you require any further treatment for kidney cancer?

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