How long does it take the medication mirtazapine to work?

Posted by roadqueenie @roadqueenie, Apr 18, 2020

I’m being switched from Viibryd to Mirtazipine (slowly) over two weeks. Mirtazipine started at 15mg and I’m now at 30mg and I take Buspar 10mg for depression and anxiety. I also take Ativan 1mg three times a day. My questions are: how long has it taken these drugs to build up and help symptoms and can the anxiety and depression make me feel physically sick? I just don’t feel well, don’t fell like doing anything except laying on the couch or recliner, I have no motivation to even go for a car ride with my husband and it’s scaring me. I’ve had a complete blood work up and I’m healthy! But I’m nauseous most of the time and food doesn’t appeal to me so I’m living on bananas, rice, ham and other bland food. Anyone else been through this please and thank you?

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I finally got in to see my doctor and he's titering me back to Paxil, what's nice is it's a very short time before I go back to my Pacil, less than a week, can't wait to feel good again

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I am so glad you saw your doctor and will be going back on Paxil. Please keep in touch! God Bless


I know I will always be on antidepressants, some people have to go on them because of a situation being trauma whatever, with me I just started having panic attacks, horrible anxiety etc , my mother was manic depressive and my father had depression and on my father's side he had 2 brothers with depression who had to hold into sanitoriums for it, of course this was decades ago and that's what happened, I have been told that it can definitely be in families and I truly believe that's why I have it

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Depression also runs in my family. I too believe that I will always be on some kind of antidepressant. I have come to believe that its fine, as long as I am feeling better and enjoying life again. I wish you luck - keep me posted.


How long does it take the medication mirtazapine to work? When is a good time to come off the medication? It’s been a couple of months. No improvement. Why is the doctor trying it again? I am concerned about brain fog. Anyone else experience that with this drug?

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I had been taking Wellbutrin for 10-15 years when I felt like I was sliding back toward the dark hole of suicidal depression from which I spent 8 years climbing out. My psychiatrist prescribed Mirtazapine 45mg as an add on, and it's been a good maintenance combination. I never noticed any negative side effects and haven't ever tried stopping it. I don't want to mess with what's working to treat my major depression.

Because of my history of suicidal ideation my doctors are attentive to my mental well-being, which I surely appreciate. Managing medications for multiple medical conditions requires an ongoing need to be especially aware of interactions between my meds. Sometimes I have to weigh the benefits with the risks, and watch out for any problems. I've certainly had an education! There are times when being obsessive about being informed pays off.

I'm wondering what side effects others have experienced. I don't take Mirtazapine for sleep - I use a BiPap because of sleep apnea.



I had been taking Wellbutrin for 10-15 years when I felt like I was sliding back toward the dark hole of suicidal depression from which I spent 8 years climbing out. My psychiatrist prescribed Mirtazapine 45mg as an add on, and it's been a good maintenance combination. I never noticed any negative side effects and haven't ever tried stopping it. I don't want to mess with what's working to treat my major depression.

Because of my history of suicidal ideation my doctors are attentive to my mental well-being, which I surely appreciate. Managing medications for multiple medical conditions requires an ongoing need to be especially aware of interactions between my meds. Sometimes I have to weigh the benefits with the risks, and watch out for any problems. I've certainly had an education! There are times when being obsessive about being informed pays off.

I'm wondering what side effects others have experienced. I don't take Mirtazapine for sleep - I use a BiPap because of sleep apnea.


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I agree with you 100%. You have to weigh the benefits with the risks! I am about to increase the Mirtazapine to 15 mg, but I am taking it hoping for increased appetite. So far so good on the 7.5mg. I am continuing with Cymbalta and going off Lexapro and Atenolol because of low blood pressure because I lost so much weight. I feel some side effects from this but hoping they will stop when I increase the Mirtazapine and stop the other two.

Keep us posted!
God Bless


Yes, I'm a senior heart patient. Started with 7.5 Mirtazapine, doctor suggested 15 mg. It didn't help. Side effects hurt.Went back to 7.5.Seems to help with anxiety and sleep . And did get better over time. Been on the 7.5 for about 3-4 months. Average on depression. No side effects on the 7.5 dosage.

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Did you go back down to 7.5mg without any tapering from 15mg


Did you go back down to 7.5mg without any tapering from 15mg

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Went straight to the lower dose. Been about 60 plus days. 7.5 works better for me. 67 year old male. Plan on staying on it . Take it at bedtime with 5 mg Melatonin. On very low dose .5 Alprazolam as well.

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