Newly diagnosed with Type II diabetes.........scared and confused

Posted by rubywitch67 @rubywitch67, Feb 26, 2023

I hope someone is out there because I'm REALLY scared and need help to process this. I was just diagnosed three days ago with diabetes and feel totally overwhelmed. I WAS able to talk with a Certified Diabetes and Clinical Education Specialist the next day, but was given so much verbal information I became frantic trying to retain it all. Which I didn't! I was given a very small booklet titled "Introduction to Diabetes," with bits and pieces of information, but it didn't tell me what my next step should be or the one after that. I'm a 71 year old woman and there is no diabetes in my family that I know of. I want to get this into remission and the educator I saw said that was a very reasonable goal considering my numbers. I'm sorry this is so long. Thanks so much. Linda

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My glucose has been boarder line high and over for years now. I see an Endocrinologist who treats my thyroid and parathyroid issue. But he noticed this glucose level a couple years ago and tested my A1C. That was just over 5.2 and he said it was fine for now. I had 2 liver transplants the past 24 years. The meds have caused both kidney damage and peripheral neuropathy in both feet and it's going up my legs now. These meds typically cause Diabetes too after years. I will be 69 this fall so I am now worried that I will get that next. You think that solving my liver problems would have not caused these other issues.


My glucose has been boarder line high and over for years now. I see an Endocrinologist who treats my thyroid and parathyroid issue. But he noticed this glucose level a couple years ago and tested my A1C. That was just over 5.2 and he said it was fine for now. I had 2 liver transplants the past 24 years. The meds have caused both kidney damage and peripheral neuropathy in both feet and it's going up my legs now. These meds typically cause Diabetes too after years. I will be 69 this fall so I am now worried that I will get that next. You think that solving my liver problems would have not caused these other issues.

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@bobweller congrats on your transplants. On the other hand it is often the immune suppression to protect the transplant that causes its own problems (as you said). What immune suppression are you on?


@bobweller congrats on your transplants. On the other hand it is often the immune suppression to protect the transplant that causes its own problems (as you said). What immune suppression are you on?

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@bobweller could you ask your transplant team if there are other immune suppression meds that would have less side effects? Many new ones are coming out over the past 24 years.


@bobweller congrats on your transplants. On the other hand it is often the immune suppression to protect the transplant that causes its own problems (as you said). What immune suppression are you on?

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Just Tacrolomus for the Transplant along with a few others things for other issues mentioned.


@bobweller could you ask your transplant team if there are other immune suppression meds that would have less side effects? Many new ones are coming out over the past 24 years.

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Years ago I tried another immune surpressant but found I was allergic after 4 weeks. With others, my understanding is there is not real good blood test to monitor med levels. Tacrolomus can be measured in the blood so they can identify how much you need. I am fortunate that I never suffered a rejection episode in 24 years and I try to keep the med levels below the normal minimum with my doctors.


Just Tacrolomus for the Transplant along with a few others things for other issues mentioned.

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@bobweller Tacrolimus can cause toxicity to the kidneys. It can also cause increased blood sugars. Could you ask your transplant team about alternative immune suppressants?


So far (80 y.o.) it seems I have no cardiovascular or digestive or endocrine issues...likely because foremost I take of myself in ways that are in MY Control: food, exercise, and friendships, this last one I only half control but probably even more important for general health. If Surprised, I was too but often the simplest things in life are also the most crucial. Could lack of a few friends lead to diabetes, well here`s a link that will surprise you that was on national radio in Canada: 50% increase in Diabetes!

You can do a LOT in the Early stages of diagnosis. Take good care, friend!


List of organ transplant medications try search " organ transplant immune surpressant medications list ". I tried to post the list but it looked poor.


@bobweller Tacrolimus can cause toxicity to the kidneys. It can also cause increased blood sugars. Could you ask your transplant team about alternative immune suppressants?

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I tried years ago with Sirolimus and I was allergic to it. I got hives all over. But we stopped there. That was when I was told Prograf/Tacrolimus is the only suppressant that can be measured by a simple blood test (FK 506). This is the name they assigned to Prograf test during development.


Not to sound a scare alarm but I just saw this article in the Times about the connected issues that aggravate the diabetes diagonis:
"While blood sugar issues often start this dangerous cycle, Dr. Parikh said, excess body fat, inflammation, high cholesterol and other risk factors can also drive changes that can lead to heart or kidney disease or diabetes downstream."

I think a generally healthy lifestyle that we like to have is often a result of a life directed toward pursuing a larger life goal. It sure seems to work for me, saving me from any meds and test or visits to my doctor for many years now.

I truly believe you have a lot of control over this diagnosis. Wish you good health.

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