Newly diagnosed with Type II diabetes.........scared and confused

Posted by rubywitch67 @rubywitch67, Feb 26, 2023

I hope someone is out there because I'm REALLY scared and need help to process this. I was just diagnosed three days ago with diabetes and feel totally overwhelmed. I WAS able to talk with a Certified Diabetes and Clinical Education Specialist the next day, but was given so much verbal information I became frantic trying to retain it all. Which I didn't! I was given a very small booklet titled "Introduction to Diabetes," with bits and pieces of information, but it didn't tell me what my next step should be or the one after that. I'm a 71 year old woman and there is no diabetes in my family that I know of. I want to get this into remission and the educator I saw said that was a very reasonable goal considering my numbers. I'm sorry this is so long. Thanks so much. Linda

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List of organ transplant medications try search " organ transplant immune surpressant medications list ". I tried to post the list but it looked poor.

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@bobweller thank you for trying to post “organ transplant immune suppressant medications list”. I am terrible at posting links and I’m not so great at screen shots either.

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