Cat Scans and Post Covid follow-up

Posted by cattt @cattt, May 21, 2024

I have recently had Covid 19 ...again.. and this time secondary infections, one being pneumonia. I was treated according to medical standards to date and needed further antibiotics following a bladder infection. I have had two chest x rays with the last noting cleared of pneumonia, although being down this road before, knowing it can change. I am experiencing a throb in the upper thoracic back posterior, that is really tight. Periodically I feel a very heavy tightness in the chest area again mostly left side. This is aside from the soreness and dizziness I experience after a cough (short or long duration). At present I am thinking it could just be irritation from all of the above. I am curious if a CAT scan of the lungs will pick up more than an x-ray. I do know it can assist in looking at the heart and any abnormalities associated from the pneumonia that were present during pneumonia. If this were pulmonary circulation- related would it pick up anything missing that an x-ray might not detect?

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A cat scan can image soft tissue much better than an x-ray, which is usually used to image bones.
Good luck and hope you find relief.


Hi. Sorry for your troubles.
After my third bout of Covid in Feb this year I also experienced chest pain and short of breath for about two months, quite regularly. Also sent for CT scans, one I had - may have been MRI- showed all the blood vessels and checked for clots. Everything came back negative as about 2 dozen tests over the past 2 years have. I was not tested for pneumonia but symptoms I was having led me to have the tests done. Good luck. Hope you’re feeling stronger soon.


I’m now in the care of the Long Covid clinic The Leading Edge Clinic headed up by Dr. Pierre Kory. They believe I have long Covid, and that all of my chronic illnesses are related. I’ve been diagnosed with Dysautonomia, POTS, MECFS, MCAS, Psoriatic Arthritis, PAH, brain fog, Tinnitus, migraines etc……. They are starting me on triple anti coagulant medications and supplements. I also have taken a micro clot, blood test results pending


I am non-Vaxxed. I also have had Covid three times. All my issues started with severe chest pains and dizziness with tinnitus and migraines.


I found out the reason why I received all of these chronic illnesses is because after having Covid, my body never rid itself of the spike protein.


@dawn1290 -

How did you find that out?


I’m now in the care of the Long Covid clinic The Leading Edge Clinic headed up by Dr. Pierre Kory. They believe I have long Covid, and that all of my chronic illnesses are related. I’ve been diagnosed with Dysautonomia, POTS, MECFS, MCAS, Psoriatic Arthritis, PAH, brain fog, Tinnitus, migraines etc……. They are starting me on triple anti coagulant medications and supplements. I also have taken a micro clot, blood test results pending

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Could you say more about the micro clot test? I want to have that done but can’t find any specific information about who does it or how/where to get it.


@dawn1290 -

How did you find that out?

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The Leading Edge Clinic ran by Dr. Pierre Kory.

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