Can PMR be induced by Exercise

Posted by mcarso @mcarso, Oct 7, 2023

Just a theory; I been treated for PMR since April 2023. It began after I stated new exercises for my legs (which I haven’t done for years) mostly the consisted of sumo squats among other exercises. Right after I stated this routine I stated to develop pain in my leg which I just thought was muscle pain, mostly my adductor tendons between the legs were the major problem. This soon spread throughout my legs back shoulders, arms; yo know the symptoms. I was finally diagnosed with PMR in May by my rumo Doctor; placed on 15mg of prednisone and currently done to 7mg. I started my normal weight lifting routine around 4 months ago starting with lifts weights working up to my normal weight. Around a 2 weeks ago I started doing the leg routine again just doing the sumo squats very light weight (10 pounds) working up to 30 pounds. I stopped doing these due to my adductor tendons acting up again.
Could this be the reason why I got the PMR in the first place? Seem very coincidental. Now I run on the elliptical and walk hills all prior to doing these latest sumo squats.
Just throwing this there. I’m 70 years old never had RA or arthritis of any kind all X-rays on joints are normal. My only current pain is very mild in my fingers on both hands in the morning. Weird

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.

Be wary, take into account the source of the food you are eating. Supermarkets inject their meat with a salt solution, and vegetables have varying levels of insecticide. This was found by a research lab when they tested every item in a product department, and later random items off of the supermarket shelves. They were all contaminated. It get's more difficult to stay healthy these days. I Wish I had saved the article but it came from a reputable source.


The Scandinavian link was believed for a long time, mostly because people in countries further south didn't develop PMR, but as those countries consumed a more western diet they also had increased incidences of PMR. It is more likely that the additives in our diet, color enhancers, flavor enhancers, heat treated oils and preservatives in our food are responsible for tipping our immune systems on their heads. And of course the incidents of insecticides on the produce you buy in your supermarket doesn't help either. This is why it's very important to watch your diet when in a PMR flareup.

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Oh so true!


I started drinking a collagen powder supplement in my coffee and after about 2 months my PMR began. I struggled and finally went to a rheumatologist who diagnosed it. But I had stopped all vitamins and collagen a week before seeing him and my symptoms had somewhat improved. So I added in slowly all but collagen with no changed then I added collagen in and my symptoms returned but at the time I didn’t put it together so I started prednisone and with in 4 hrs my symptoms disappeared. So my dr diagnosed PMR. I stopped all vitamins and supplements and continued to feel great no fatigue no pain. After a month I slowly added vitamins back and felt fine. One day I added collagen and within 3 days despite prednisone all my symptoms returned. Sooo… needless to say I have not taken any more collagen. My dr agrees the collagen could be aggravating the inflammation. I am now 2 months into prednisone and beginning to taper down with good results so far. I will be at 10 mg next week 10-10-23 for a month then hopefully to 5 mg in November, as I am having knee replacement in December. Hope this helps. I know we are all different with different outcomes.

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I think your last sentence defines PMR correctly. What works for one throws another into a flare. Bloody awful unpredictable disease.


So similar. I did some goblet squats in my boot camp class with a higher weight than normal, but never recovered; then the PMR symptoms in March, and I was diagnosed in May.


Well that makes 2 of use with the same exercise hope all is going well. I’m over the PMR just stopped taking prednisone around a week ago so far so good.


My PMR started after injuring my shoulder using the TRX in rehab. I think I was trying too vigorously and was badly out of shape. I believe one must start exercise ridiculously slowly when we are older no matter what we think we are capable of. Very hard to do.


I would say definitely yes. Mine began immediately after starting a rigorous exercise program last July to get in shape after not exercising at all for years. My intent was good, but the outcome was lousy, plus I put on 20 pounds with the Prednisone. The last 10 months have been pretty depressing. Hope for a better outcome for you!


Mine started when I began to regularly play pickleball. after doing basically no exercise for years. First I sprained a hamstring tendon that kept me out for weeks. The inflammation went up to my butt and I couldn't sit on the toilet unless I sat on my pelvic bone. So I started pball again, crippleball I call it. The bending over to pick the ball off the floor suddenly started groin/hip pain, after never a hip twinge in my life. I could barely walk. When suddenly both shoulders made it impossible to roll over in bed I knew what this was.
So yes my impression is that exercise can set it off.


Exercise is another type of stress especially when a person isn't used to exercise. Stress comes in many forms. It is safe to say that stress is what triggers PMR and PMR flares.


Who knows? There's such a dearth of research. My rational mind says no, that exercise doesn't cause PMR because it's an autoimmune disease. I think inflammation is the base culprit. But, to repeat, who knows?

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