Fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD)
I have had 2 neck CT scans and both found MFD- my neurologist states it’s nothing to worry about. In the mean time I have suffered from chronic dizziness, headaches, anxiety symptoms, ringing ears. I have seen a cardiologist, neuro vascular specialist and had a wide variety of tests that all seem normal- except the neck CT. No MFD in renal artery. Curious if I should ignore it like my doctor is telling me or if I should seek a second opinion?
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Your symptoms are being caused by something. Pain is a call from our body that something’s not right. If your doctor isn’t addressing these symptoms and getting to the underlying causes I’d seek another opinion. Sometimes we hesitate with our bodies but that hesitation could lead to other issues.
I know nothing about FMD but did a quick web search and found this resource of specialists if you do seek a second opinion: on the drop down select FMD Clinics.
I’m at my wits end with this… I have literally been checked for cardiac issues, kidney, stomach, neurological… the vascular doctor was a joke. But I will keep moving forward because this can’t be normal to live with.
Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Looks like you have already received comments on your post. Folks on this site are great to share their experiences. May you soon find answers.
That is exactly my plight. I have told the innumerable pain docs over the years, "Look, the principle of cause and effect...I am in severe, chronic pain. That is the effect. There is a cause. Now, it's your job to find the cause.". Each doc just wants to put a band aid on the pain with injections, PT, and who knows what else. So, I say, "How about reaching out to the medical community? Surely someone has had experience with this". Oh, no, they say. I am the expert. I don't need any other doc chiming in. Bah, HUMBUG!
Ah, you have learned that you have to be your own, best advocate. Pain docs and others will not, for the most part, reach out to their fellow wizards for any kind of consultation in regards to your pain unless you are forceful in asking them. Otherwise, keep researching and making appointments to get other opinions. No one else will likely do it for you.
So true you must be your own advocate- seeking second opinions. I can’t imagine that any doctor would think it’s normal for me to be dizzy 24/7 and nothing helps. And then to be diagnosed with fibromuscular dysplasia on 2 different CT scans - only for them to say “it’s not blocking blood flow to your brain so your fine” ignore it…. Wow! Let me just ignore that until I have a stroke or worse 🙁
Chronic pain in the absolute worst thing when nothing seems to help.
you must be your own advocate- seeking second opinions. I can’t imagine that any doctor would think it’s normal for me to be dizzy 24/7 and nothing helps. And then to be diagnosed with fibromuscular dysplasia on 2 different CT scans - only for them to say “it’s not blocking blood flow to your brain so your fine” ignore it…. Wow! Let me just ignore that until I have a stroke or worse 🙁
Now I’m going to doctors that specialize in dizziness and getting those second opinions.
I’m also being my own advocate and getting back in shape physically and emotionally. Some days it’s impossible.. but I do it anyway because in the end every little bit helps. You can do this! Keep your head up!
Yes, pain rules my mind every waking hour. I tried doing some recommended exercises only to have my pain ramped up even worse. I can't even walk around our communty with my wife. A short walk of a couple hundred yards sends the bottom of my feet into severe burning mode. I am getting my old, non-functional spinal cord stimulator removed this coming Monday. Then, I will be able to finally get an MRI and, hopefully, find out what's going on with my back.
I’m curious where does your pain stem from? Back? Feet?