What helped to reduce my internal vibrations
I am sorry to read everyone's story and relieved that I am not alone. I have never tested postitive for covid but I feel that vaccine has a part in cauaing or at least contributed in worsening my symptoms; pain, tinglings, twitching and internal vibrations. I have complex symptoms I cannot count. I have a lot to say about my experience, maybe another time but just a quick message to say that I don't know what's causing them but some supplements, especially making radical changes in my diet seem to reduce my internal vibrations. Supplements alone didn't indeed stop them but stopping to eat many food did reduce them significantly. I don't know if it will work in your own case but maybe worth trying. Fasting also reduce the vibrations. I basically eat meat, chicken, vegetables (greens, cauliflowers, broccoli, zuccini, fresh peppers, hot pepper, spices, seeds, etc.) and mostly shelled nuts (less processed) but other nuts and seeds as well and drink bone broth. No gluten, no diary, no lactose, no fruit. I avoid eating scratcy vegetables (no peas, potato, etc), no rice, grains, lentils or fruit except blueberries and alike. I lost about 3 kgs but feel better although muscle twitchings are happening more often. I opted to olive oil mostly. I avoid frying my food. Also no sugar, no desserts, no coffee (rarely), eggs (rarely), no herbal tea, no gluten free flour or packaged gluten-free food because they are processed and have rice and corn flour in them etc. Avoid flour in general. I prefer hot water with frech ginger, fresh lemon juice, cinnamon, cloves black pepper and turmenic powder. I make green vegetable soup with chicken, ginger, hot pepper, etc. mostly. Be careful with the amount of lemon juice. I make my choices based on anti inflammatory and anti toxic approach as much as possible. I stopped using cosmetics like creams. I use natural soap. I opted for natural oils for my face and body which I use every day. I mix some oils and apply this on my body which seem to reduce or stop esp. nerve(?) pain on my low left side + my low back pain. I have been taking propolis powder and bee polen every day with water, vitamin B complex, a-lipoic acid (2 months), probiotics that are bile resistant (continous), - Vitamin C (could be with Rosehips & Citrus Bioflavonoids) - one table each gluten and lactose free. Also omega 3 (in triglyceride form, 2x1) OR krill oil (1×1). I have been taking probiotics for the last 7 months. I have been taking all others for the last 1,5-2 months. I have also used anti-parasitic medicine a few weeks ago and was on some anti-fungal medication for vaginal ph imbalance die to previous infections. I have a history of reoccuring UTIs and antibiotics didn't seem to work but make me feel worse. My immune seem to be weak. I try to avoid taking medicatios excepts some supplements as mentioned above. I will probably stopped alpha lipoic acid after finishing the box, and switch to a multivitamin and mineral after I finish vitamin B complex. I would particularly suggest to begin with a slow elimination of your diet and be patient. My approach again was to not eat too much and target healing the gut. I know how desperate one can feel and hope this helps someone. Please be careful when applying, always observe how you feel. I guess one needs to stick to this strick diet to see results if one can tolerate it. Please let me know if you see any changes. I still have other symptoms but this approach helped with reducing the internal vibrations significantly. I will try to write my story maybe another day. Best wishes.
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Thanks for your message. I wish you fast recovery. Unfortunately, internal vibrations haven't been studied much yet. One of my doctors reply to me was if doctors thought internal vibrations were important, this subject would have been studied. He has no clue.
As for me, at rest, they are usually felt more. I still have them, mostly felt at nights. I think they are still 24x7 but I feel them more intensely at rest. I also have pain on the left side and weak muscles in comparison to the right side. I wish I knew what to do...
Hi, I would like to give another update. Firstly, I am not careful about my diet unfortunately and I have emotional eatings. Despite this, I seem to have gradual healing over the 3,5 years. My internal tremors are reduced. I have attacks of symptoms, which means they get more intense (pain, burning pain, tingling more intensely on my left side). The origin of this seems to be my left abdomen and left back. I have noticed that anti-inflammatory diet helps, cutting gluten, lactose and sugar.
What helps is pacing, resting, walking on your own pace however you tolerate, staying home when you feel overwhelmed, breathing exercises every day (2 or 3 days a day - I downloaded an app which includes Box breathing, equal breathing and 4-7-8 breathing), meditating helps a lot (day and night, 20 minutes or in the day whenever you can). I sit or mostly lie and just do "body scan meditation" or listen to guided meditations, vedic mantra chants or just sit and relax my body parts as I focus on each body part from down to up. I have been attending 8-week courses online, such as Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Mindfulness for Life and Mindfulness Based Compassionate Living (MBCL). I recommend such online courses if you can afford, there may be cheap online ones as well. Also search on youtube body-scan meditations (usually lasts 40 min and recommended to be done every day), which is used in MBSR. Even if you do it 10 minutes a day it helps. It helps to be in present and observe thoughts, emotions and bodily sensations without judging them. You become and observer and let them come and go.
I do journaling every morning and I sometimes continue to do in the day if I feel like it and if I have time. I write in the the stream of consciousness which means you write as whatever comes to your mind and you keep it private. You can burn it or keep it safe somewhere and no need to read it. It helps to calm the mind. Like the mindfulness exercises, you try not to judge. I have been following morning pages routine in the book Artists' Way. The book is for everyone to do journaling. You do not have to follow the book but it helps.
You may also try to set healthy boundaries with people or situations. This helps to open space for your true self as I believe thoughts turns to emotions and it affects our physical reactions as well. Somatic exercises (I used BetterMe app) help tremendously to release the tension in the body. It helps so much. I think these should be a routine even before yoga or clinic pilates practise as somatic exercises (10 min.) relaxes the muscles quickly and a lot. I recommend to stop doing anything that makes you tired or puts psychological or mental pressure on your mind and so your body. When you remove the psychological and mental pressure (as much as you can) with these regular every day activities (even if 10 min. morning and night), I believe it helps the body to heal itself/to improve. I hope it helps. My warm wishes...
My internal vibrations started after a Covid booster vaccine two years ago. (I never had Covid to my knowledge) At first the vibrations were only after waking up from sleep and very brief in my head only. Two years later, they last longer, closer to a minute. They also can occur when trying to go to sleep. They are worsened by sugar, stress, or being overtired. And sometimes they now are felt in other areas such as legs and arms. Primary care doctor is of no assistance and has been resistant to allow me to see other doctors - no referrals.
Hi, other things to have checked if you can are thyroid hormones and adrenal glands. Many people talk about hormones and chronic stress. I have Hashimotos and when I cut gluten, sugar and lactose, after 8 months for the first time my thyroid hormones were normal. I believe that it happened to you after the booster. I also had severe symptoms after the vaccination. A homeopath (also a cardiologist) finally believed me. How I forgot to say that I went to a proper homeopath and also under treatment for the side effects of vaccination. I am not sure if it is working but I give it time... In 3,5 years it seems I have a very slow healing and I hope we see better days. All best...
I don't understand whats going on with me I'm feeling these internal vibrations. I thought it was my neighbors fan. Partially I think that it was. But now I am continuing the vibrations and I don't know what it is. In someway i.feel that it could be like if you have ever been on a boat rocking and then you feel it again. Even though your not. I feel.like I'm going crazy.
Is it your ears ?
Because I've developed horrible ear whistling after covid and unbalanced walking.
Here is a very recent article on the research that is being done regarding internal vibrations.
Best Wishes to you.
Here is an article you might be interested in. You are not crazy and your doctor should be referring you to a Long Covid Clinic. If your doctor refuses, I believe you can refer yourself. The research is beginning.
Best wishes to you in your journey to health.
Read this article Jennifer. You are not going crazy.