Ear problems: Many diagnoses but no solutions, getting desperate
ive been diagnosed with several differnt diagnoses.such as yeast ear.atopic dermatitis of the ear.rhinuititus and nothing has seemed to cure my situatiom. im beside myself.so many symptoms still even ruptured eardrum .can anyone relate?
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Hi @kelly44doug, you sound at the end of your rope. It must be so frustrating to get different diagnoses, but no solutions. Are you working with an ENT specialist?
I have many ear problems as well. Luckily, mine were discovered by a neurotologist at Mayo. I had similar symptoms to you, but I had a Cholesteatoma. It caused all kinds of problems with my ear, but was not visible to the eye. So I had to have many scans to find it. I had a successful surgery in 2016 that corrected it. Is not perfect, but much better than it used to be.
My eardrum is now ruptured for the second time(same ear),and im w experiencing granulation and it is discharching from my ear with continuous debris that could be either wax crust balls or maybe mastoid cavity or sometimes it’s like toilet paper fibers and sometimes they all discharge together,can’t afford ent specialist ! So anybody any ideas clues suggestions please do tell!
Kelly, this certainly sounds like something that needs the attention of a medical specialist. To find free or low cost medical care and more, check out this search engine called "My Help Navigator". It's a social care network that connects people and programs: https://myhelpnavigator.auntbertha.com/
All you have to do is enter your zip code to find service in your area.
Have you had an ear infection recently?
yes about 2 weeks ago i went to ER. iwsa sucking the fluid out of my to my mouth and spitting it out with refrigirator tubing. i realised i needed antibiotics so i went ahead. ruputed for the second time with effusion and prescribed 850 mgs of antibiotics and currently i am fluid clear but i feel as though the mastoid cavity is infected because of the off white fibery tissue disgharge that is abundant
oh and thank you for reply
what scan was most helpful to you finding this?
CT Scans are the best for seeing the inner/middle ear. MRI's with contrast are helpful, but used together, they can see a lot.
ive been having black things in my ear that seem to be idiopathic by ent and primary care doctors sone of them are brown sone are off white tic tac looking that ive been able to seehowever even with some images i cant get anyone to understand me! i believe could be mold exposure from sheet rock
I have weird shapes that I could pick out of my ear all day! Some are sharp; some are soft and some feel like melted candle wax. Like you, I haven’t been able to get any help - from primary care doctors, psychiatrists, ENT doctors - and now they have me in a IOP (Intense Program for seniors), but so far none of the counselors have anything to say when I explain my condition. I have an appointment with an Neurotologist at the end of August. That will make it 8 months that I’ve been looking for help. I can’t be the only one that ever had this condition. Oh- Since I feel these objects with my fingers and my ear certainly feels them -but no one - not even me can see them - a psychiatrist convinced me that this condition is neurological so that’s why I have the appointment in late August. I’m very frustrated at this point as know are you.