Amitriptyline 25 mg

Posted by srwolfe @srwolfe, Sep 26, 2023

Ok people my Dr has prescribed Amitriptyline 25 mg for my chronic body pain. Started on 9/21/2023 and so far no nite sweats. Instead I am really sleepy all day. Last night I took the pill at 5pm and feel a little more alert. I feel some pain relief but nothing close to the overall pain relief of using the cymbalta. Only five days hopefully the amitriptyline will kick in and help the pain. Anyone using Amitriptyline please let me know.

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I was on Elavil for years - over ten. Never had any issues stopping it. I had issues going back on it. I was on 50mg for over ten years. When the docs wanted me to restart it several years later, even the smallest dose made me exhausted and non functional. I think our bodies change over time. It was a great med when I was on it. Medicare doesn’t approve it for the elderly. Maybe that’s why. Irene5

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I can’t handle the no sleep at night. Then I can’t stay awake during the day.


I can’t handle the no sleep at night. Then I can’t stay awake during the day.

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I totally get that. Gabapentin at night might help.


I've been taking amitriptyline for atypical neuralgia pain. I do think that it helped me but I'm now weaning off it very slowly to see how I do without it. I am down to 5mg daily which is very low, I'm going slow so the withdrawal symptoms don't get too bad. Currently I am experiencing headaches and not feeling 100%, but I believe it is due to reducing the medication even though I am reducing very slowly (reducing by 5mg every 14 days).
Has anyone else here experienced withdrawal symptoms from amitriptyline?

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I am going back a ways but it’s the medication you are discussing. 30 years ago I was put on 100 mg of amitriptyline to take at night for an antidepressant. I felt horrible all day long and I was a sales person which made it tougher. it took awhile to wean off it but it was well worth it. back then this medication was good for everything, pain relief, anxiety, sleeping great, antidepressants. Thing is it did not work for anything. I hated the feeling, like a zombie, tired all the time, could not function. sort of felt like I was having an out of body experience. I would never take 2mg of that drug, it’s cheap, doesn’t work, doesn’t give any relief for anything. but who knows the why’s and the what for’s that you are seeking help for. good luck


I was started on 5 mg amitriptyline about forty years ago for sleep. Now i take 150mg every evening. I also take Hydrocodone 4x10mg a day for severe pain from neck, back and arm injuries, but at one time i was taking over 400mg Oxycontin+ 6x10mg Percocet daily. I sleep ok, but am trying to cut the Elavil in half lately. So far so good.


I was younger and didn’t ask questions, they told me that Amitriptyline was great for depression. It just put me further in, it did help me sleep however. Pain started to become an issue at about 50 years of age or so, started with oxycontin 10mg 3x and ambiem for sleep ( got off of amitriptyline ) ended up with 60mg oxycontin 3x per day. I now take 2-15mg ms contin plus 4 percocets per day. That’s my line in the sand, other than 1 gabapentin at night with sleep meds. All to treat neck pain, torn rotator both sides, need a new knee on the right knee, neuropathy both feet. Plus prostate cancer ( in remission ) that caused some pain in my mid section. I went off subject and I am sorry but I thought you should have the full picture and why I take the medication I do. Hope all goes well for you.


Dr put me on Elivil and every night I had Restless legs that is one of the side effects so I stopped it and went back on my Lyrica .I have fibromyalgia, back injury, @crushed nerves in groin


I've been taking amitriptyline for atypical neuralgia pain. I do think that it helped me but I'm now weaning off it very slowly to see how I do without it. I am down to 5mg daily which is very low, I'm going slow so the withdrawal symptoms don't get too bad. Currently I am experiencing headaches and not feeling 100%, but I believe it is due to reducing the medication even though I am reducing very slowly (reducing by 5mg every 14 days).
Has anyone else here experienced withdrawal symptoms from amitriptyline?

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I'm trying to go off it now and have had awful headaches and can't sleep, doctor put me on Zolpidem and it's awful. Not working for sleep at all. Need to go back on AMIL. I was only on 10mg, but I can get by with 5mg and cut them in half. I had no issues with being too sleepy throughout the day, or any side effects at all. I am a 57 year old female in good health. Competitive tennis player in good shape.


I'm trying to go off it now and have had awful headaches and can't sleep, doctor put me on Zolpidem and it's awful. Not working for sleep at all. Need to go back on AMIL. I was only on 10mg, but I can get by with 5mg and cut them in half. I had no issues with being too sleepy throughout the day, or any side effects at all. I am a 57 year old female in good health. Competitive tennis player in good shape.

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The weaning off Amil was definitely tough. Took about 4 wks for me with slow dose reductions. Doc gave me Lunesta for sleep which worked well. I wish you good luck, I know it’s difficult but you’ll get there.


Dr put me on Elivil and every night I had Restless legs that is one of the side effects so I stopped it and went back on my Lyrica .I have fibromyalgia, back injury, @crushed nerves in groin

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How were you diagnosed with crushed nerves in your groin? I have a similar pain in pelvis/hips/groin.


I've been taking amitriptyline for atypical neuralgia pain. I do think that it helped me but I'm now weaning off it very slowly to see how I do without it. I am down to 5mg daily which is very low, I'm going slow so the withdrawal symptoms don't get too bad. Currently I am experiencing headaches and not feeling 100%, but I believe it is due to reducing the medication even though I am reducing very slowly (reducing by 5mg every 14 days).
Has anyone else here experienced withdrawal symptoms from amitriptyline?

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I tried Amitriptyline but felt terrible on it (made me feel like a zombie). I have severe spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease and small fiber neuropathy pain and tried Cymbalta/duloxetine and it helped me for a couple years then I weaned off it. It helps with nerve/arthritis and fibromyalgia pain and anxiety/depression. I am now on Wellbutrin for chronic pain/depression and 100 mg Gabapentin at night for nerve pain. I also take alpha Lipoic acid and Acetyl l carnitine supplements which helps for nerve pain.

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