Did statin cause PMR?

Posted by vfaye @vfaye, Nov 29, 2019

I’ve recently been diagnosed with PMR. Initially primary care doc suggested my pain might be from statins and recommended I stop them to see if there is improvement. After stopping the statin there was some improvement, but not enough to keep the rheumatologist from diagnosing it as PMR.

I’m not convinced. I have found some research that suggests a link between statins & PMR. In the meantime, I’ve refused to take Prednisone (other medical issues complicates using it) and am trying alternate treatment for the pain.

Did you take statins prior to PMR?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.


I am convinced my PMR was triggered by a statin. I started a statin in November; very low dose because of a previous bout of non-tolerance on a brief trial of standard dose in May. One month after starting the statin in November, I woke up aching, stiff and painful. When my inflammatory markers showed elevation mid-January, I was diagnosed with PMR. Until now, I have been very healthy, active and pain free. I’m managing the pain with Aleve since I’m concerned about the side effects of prednisone. Still able to exercise, but at a more subdued level. I was relieved when my rheumatologist told me that PMR does not leave behind permanent damage, but very unhappy that I’m having to deal with this as a result of the statin. No longer taking the statin, so trying to modify my diet to improve my cholesterol.

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My husband started a statin months after his PMR diagnosis (diagnosed with PMR in May 2023).

He quickly developed a cold (side effect of taking Lipitor) and because he was on prednisone his doctor told him to stop taking it. He was on it about a week or two.

She also had him stop his supplements and Tylenol while they tried figuring out what was going on because around the same time as starting the Lipitor he was getting terrible headaches, jaw pain, temple pain, etc

Those new side effects began just before starting Lipitor.

Soon after that he was diagnosed with Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA) (February 2024). We have not gone back to Lipitor because he's still on high-dose prednisone and Actemra. Developing another cold from Lipitor isn't a risk worth taking right now.

When I asked his doctor (his rheumatologist, who is also the Chief of Rheumatology) what caused his GCA she said most likely it was from an infection. He had developed a severe cold and cough late December 2023 and started feeling the symptoms of GCA not long after. I should have asked and have since wondered if she meant he got sick from that severe cold or if she meant from a prior infection (like a virus that stays in your system, like Herpes, etc.)

My understanding is that people who develop PMR


I see folks struggling along hoping for some magic, playing with the toys and the steroids. I did all this, starting almost 4 years ago, and finally, after all COVID shots and muscle pain for 3 years. tapering down on steroids all the way to zero. But after going mentally bonkers on last New Years night that lasted 4 days, everything bad went away. Continuous pain from upper body muscles cramping and fighting is gone. (HUGE YAY for that) But now my upper body muscles still won't grow back despite careful exercise, bike workout, careful pickleball and softball running: I remain 10 pounds down with puny fat deposits. So am I too old at 83 to grow serious biceps and snow ski again? I am grateful for being able to run well, and recover (if slowly) from exercise. Comments welcome. Davy Dots


Hello MaryAnn,
I have so many similar symptoms after being on a statin for 7 months. Medical community is of no use and I cannot afford naturalists, etc. Insurance won't pay for me to go to Mayo, yet it is okay for me to apparently wait 11 months to see a NeuroMuscular dr locally. System here is a mess, farmed out to doctors but I have to be so proactive and research and study and request my referrals and what I want. Been going on 3 1/2 years!
Now I am on Hydrocortisone 15mg a day because I have insufficient Adrenal glands (tested using the gold standard test) and Cortisol level is "dangerously" low most likely because Adrenal gland is sluggish and not working properly because of the Prednisone injections I received for a few years for the terrible pain.
Wish there were ways for people to discuss more personally over zoom, FB, or otherwise, rather on this somewhat impersonable forum?...

Thank you and I wish you the best.

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Yes, I did. Started with pains in thighs and upper right arm. I stopped the drug but the pains never went away. It took 3 months of misery before they told me it was PMR. It will be 2 years this summer and I am still playing around with the prednisone. It is a bummer.


My PMR symptoms started about two weeks after starting on statins for cholesterol.

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