Anyone have paecilomyces lilacinus in lab culture

Posted by mch (Marycarol) @mch, May 7 4:19pm

My latest bronch lab culture showed paecilomyces lilacinus fungus. Apparently this is another soil born fungus that is rare but showing up more frequently in lab cultures. So far, my pulmonologist describes it as "colonizing" and not an infection but this characterization appears to be based on lack of clear symptoms from this fungus and nothing more definitive. Sounds like can cause very nasty infections, with serious damage, and no sure-fire treatment.

Anyone else have this present in lungs or know anything about it?

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@mch My ID doc used to say that if an unusual fungus appeared in a single culture, you watch and wait. If it happens again you consider treatment. Since it seems this is possibly common in soil, maybe it's not critical to consider next steps unless it persists.

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