How many days i should stay at Rochester for BPH steam procedure?

Posted by johnnyfish007 @johnnyfish007, May 2, 2024

i have BPH and doctor suggests to do steam treatment. I am from hong kong. plan to do it at mayo at rochester. just want to know, how many days i should expect to stay at rochester for the treatment? many thanks!

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I would suggest you stay until the catheter is removed and you can urinate without much discomfort. This varies depending upon how much swelling you have from the procedure but should probably be in the 3-5 day range. This was my experience when I had the procedure.


I presume you’re not returning to Hong Kong immediately following the procedure? Would suggest as the other person stated stay until you are sure you are self urinating with no issues.


Hi @johnnyfish007, I hope you saw the helpful posts from @jenatsky and @usc94. When asking your doctor about how long to stay, be sure they remember returning home for you means a long flight back to Hong Kong. The answer may be different for a long trip rather than someone driving a few hours back home.

To help plan for your visit, you may also appreciate the discussions in this group:
- Visiting Mayo Clinic Support Group

When will you be visiting Rochester?


@johnnyfish007 - Some great suggestions are already included above. I think the best answer to your question of how long to stay at Mayo Rochester is: Whatever the docs recommend.

For me, I had the procedure Tuesday and spent that night in the hospital for simple observation. I was released Wed AM and was wearing a catheter. I returned Thursday for a flow test which, when passed, allowed the removal of the catheter and I was then "fully released". I drove the seven hours back home on Friday.

Your docs will have a firm opinion on how long you should stay in the area.

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