Did statin cause PMR?

Posted by vfaye @vfaye, Nov 29, 2019

I’ve recently been diagnosed with PMR. Initially primary care doc suggested my pain might be from statins and recommended I stop them to see if there is improvement. After stopping the statin there was some improvement, but not enough to keep the rheumatologist from diagnosing it as PMR.

I’m not convinced. I have found some research that suggests a link between statins & PMR. In the meantime, I’ve refused to take Prednisone (other medical issues complicates using it) and am trying alternate treatment for the pain.

Did you take statins prior to PMR?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.


Prednisone weakened my bones, made me lightheaded and dizzy and gain tons of weight in the 5 mos I took it for PMR. Went off three wks ago.

I am trying things to help with pain. Right now CBD oil and cherry pills for muscle pain.

Some days it works - some not. Today hurting all over.

Did laundry yesterday, always pain the next day when more active than the day before.

Frustrating as heck, I am a walker, hiker and bicycle rider… had to give up all but walking.

I am 74 -75 in August. I used to be so active. So bummed.

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Thx for commenting. I am already osteoporotic, diagnosed in '17, not medicated.
I could take the side effects you experienced if the didn't get to an outrageous point, but anxiety, insomnia and heart events...nope, why would I do that do myself or my husband. He's lived through the nightmare of my anxiety issues. Certainly not as bad for him but my being in panic mode 24/7 as others are with pred, well, as I said there are things worse than death.
I am the same after I try to do anything, hurting the next day.
Also worked out avidly for 40 years, now this.
I understand your frustration...
We are the same age tho I am 75 this month.


Statins can cause the same achiness as PMR but once you stop statin pain goes away. I started aches and fatigue about 6 months after changing statins and once I began 20 mg of prednisone the PMR symptoms went away. That was back in Aug. I’m 67 yr old female in good health. I have weaned down and just recently off prednisone this April and so far so good. I still take Rosuvastatin with no issues to date.


https://acrabstracts.org/abstract/are-there-any-identifiable-triggers-in-polymyalgia-rheumatica-a-matched-control-study/ Good day all -- i went back to this abstract that i saved - Not sure if the link will work unless you have a login to the American college of Rheumatology - this study is from Argentina and from 2019 , so pre- covid Vax; but for this conversation notice that there is a comparison for statin use ( table 1).
I wish i was more knowledgable about statistics - my understanding is that it is NOT easy to prove a causation.

I will copy and paste here :
Background/Purpose: As many other rheumatologic diseases, pathogenesis of Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) is not well understood. Genetic factors seem to play a role. Some studies have suggested a seasonal
variation, indicating a possible infectious trigger; others have shown and association with statins
Our objective was to compare PMR patients with matched controls in order to identify
possible triggers in the year previous to PMR development.
Results: 169 PMR patients and 169 controls were included. 79.9 % were females. Age at PMR diagnosis
was 79.5 years (SD 6.1). No differences were found between PMR patients and controls regarding
infections, hospitalizations, vaccines, surgeries or statin initiation in the year previous to PMR diagnosis
(table 1).
Conclusion: We didn’t find an identifiable trigger for the development of PMR when analyzing the year
previous to diagnosis comparing to matched controls. No seasonal pattern was clearly seen.


I don't know what statins are doing to me, but they have kept my genetic cholesterol in check for years. Maryann, I don't like to take medication at all, including supplements, unless I understand the true need for it and it doesn't cause too many side effects.

My brother, himself a physician, stopped his statin years ago, opting for low chol diet and increasing his running. His numbers skyrocketed and calc deposits were found on his heart. He had to increase his Lipitor to 80 mg from 20. Or so science says. I read interesting articles about the relative danger of cholesterol so often, I'm sure there is more to the story that Big Pharma doesn't want us to know. Just my 2 cents on that.

I TOTALLY hear you on pred. I am in the process of being diagnosed for PMR and have done a huge amount of homework on what I consider trusted sites, and I'll do whatever I can to not take prednisone due to the side effects. I already have all of them and won't subject myself to a double or triple dose of heart issues, lifelong ghastly anxiety, insomnia, osteoporosis (diagnosis '17) and more. NO. I am also turning 75 next month and the way I see it, there are things worse than death. For me, prednisone is one of them. If my doc won't work for me with LDN, I'll have to find something else.
Wish you the best...we are of the same mindset.

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Just to update you I am now down to 7 1/2 mg of prednisone. I could not function for the last 3 years without it. I recently tried Kevzara to help me get off Prednisone. I felt very good on it and was able to move down to 7 1/2 mg. However, I had many skin problems from it and had to stop.
The only uncontrolled serious side effect that I have from prednisone is bone density, I am now in osteopenia territory. I tried taking the generic of Forteo, Teriparitide and it caused me to faint on the 11th day I injected it. Then again at day 14 and I quit. Could not have any more broken bones. I fell in February, now age 77 and am having a total shoulder replacement June 7th. I hope my bones are strong enough for that. My Dr. won't do LDN, I asked. Best wishes to you.


I am convinced my PMR was triggered by a statin. I started a statin in November; very low dose because of a previous bout of non-tolerance on a brief trial of standard dose in May. One month after starting the statin in November, I woke up aching, stiff and painful. When my inflammatory markers showed elevation mid-January, I was diagnosed with PMR. Until now, I have been very healthy, active and pain free. I’m managing the pain with Aleve since I’m concerned about the side effects of prednisone. Still able to exercise, but at a more subdued level. I was relieved when my rheumatologist told me that PMR does not leave behind permanent damage, but very unhappy that I’m having to deal with this as a result of the statin. No longer taking the statin, so trying to modify my diet to improve my cholesterol.


I feel that the COVID vaccines caused the PMR.
Never had pain and exhaustion before.
Is there a study on the correlation of COVID Vaccines and PMR?


I feel that the COVID vaccines caused the PMR.
Never had pain and exhaustion before.
Is there a study on the correlation of COVID Vaccines and PMR?

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I agree about Covid vax and PMR.


I have taken statins for years, no problem. I also believe Covid vaccinations and boosters caused my PMR and GCA.


I am convinced my PMR was triggered by a statin. I started a statin in November; very low dose because of a previous bout of non-tolerance on a brief trial of standard dose in May. One month after starting the statin in November, I woke up aching, stiff and painful. When my inflammatory markers showed elevation mid-January, I was diagnosed with PMR. Until now, I have been very healthy, active and pain free. I’m managing the pain with Aleve since I’m concerned about the side effects of prednisone. Still able to exercise, but at a more subdued level. I was relieved when my rheumatologist told me that PMR does not leave behind permanent damage, but very unhappy that I’m having to deal with this as a result of the statin. No longer taking the statin, so trying to modify my diet to improve my cholesterol.

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My PMR started a few weeks after starting on a statin and it was before covid vaccines were available.


I am convinced my PMR was triggered by a statin. I started a statin in November; very low dose because of a previous bout of non-tolerance on a brief trial of standard dose in May. One month after starting the statin in November, I woke up aching, stiff and painful. When my inflammatory markers showed elevation mid-January, I was diagnosed with PMR. Until now, I have been very healthy, active and pain free. I’m managing the pain with Aleve since I’m concerned about the side effects of prednisone. Still able to exercise, but at a more subdued level. I was relieved when my rheumatologist told me that PMR does not leave behind permanent damage, but very unhappy that I’m having to deal with this as a result of the statin. No longer taking the statin, so trying to modify my diet to improve my cholesterol.

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I also am convinced that the statin caused the PMR. I was given 10MG of Pravastatin and within a few months I had bad pains in my legs. I stopped the statin but the pains never ceased. I suffered for over 3 months before the doctors figured out what was wrong. I started out with 15
MG of prednisone and worked my way down to 5 and tried to get off of it. That just didn't work. I started back at 5MG and was doing okay until I dropped to 4MG. i must be having a flare up but it is in my shoulders this time. I had blood work yesterday and will see the Dr next week. t will be 2 years this summer that I have been dealing with this.

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