Scared of meds for anxiety

Posted by mwilhe02 @mwilhe02, Apr 26, 2024

I feel like I am losing my mind. Been on .25 xanax 3xs day 4 3 weeks. Now dr switched me to Adavian .5 or ½ one time a day. I am taking small dose of zoloft and will increase as I get worse anxiety from it. I want to be off atavian and trying to wean off. I am scared. I get chills, shakes...I feel like I am losing it. This all started because my panic attacks came back.

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In the emergency right now because I went off cold turkey. Couldn't breathe, heart palpation, no sleep, numb fingers etc. Not doing this anymore. Going back on them until zoloft kicks in about 3 weeks and going
axk to xanax rather than ativan. Taking a normal dose of zoloft as well. Liver tests came back fine. Then I'll deal with it. Thx u


No he didn't. He said I hadn't been on it long enough (1 month). Just to take when I hav an anxiety attack. These attacks happen in the am and round 4 pm. 1st afternoon I haven't had one. I am thinking may be the Atavian wearing off and that's what I was feeling. I know tommorrow am if I wake up without one. 🙏 Still hav the tightness in the stomach a bit and I finally feel like I can eat something 2nite. Rough time. This is a great tool for anyone to use!

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OMG! I just think certain people cannot take benzodiazepines. They worked for me for a couple of weeks ( was on them for about 2mo.) and then my anxiety just got worse when I wasn’t on them. It was really hard to wean off but you should definitely try. It is so worth it! Everything is so much better. You just need to suffer through the hard part which could be a few months with titration. Try any methods you can like taking walks and meditation to help you through the hard hours/nights and just know that it will pass eventually if you stay the course. Good luck to you.❤️


I take .5 lorazepam when needed. I have stage iv kidney cancer and figure that's the reason I'm anxious and sad alot of the time. Cancer meds heighten anxiety and so do SEs. Have had PTSD since childhood due to sexual abuse.
I go to support groups and have onc- psych. I'm 71 yrs old
Take care of yourself. Take a .5 if you need. Don't suffer. At my age I'm too old to get addicted to anything. .5 is a very low dose. And it works.
They over warn you about addiction when a med works.... especially a cheap one
Get used to being mortal.,.make friends with your impermanence...all you have been conditioned to think re death is bs. If you hadn't been so lied to about mortality you wouldn't need to take it!!!
Hugs from an old 71 yr old lady with terminal cancer


Have you tried Klonopin (Clonazepam)? I only 0.5 mg daily, but it helps so much. And it is very mild, not overwhelming. I was on 1 mg., and that was very mild also, but took the anxiety away.


Ibhav a dr appt tommorrow. I will ask about it. Want to go back to my .5 xanax, split twice a day. Works so much better 4 me than Atavian. He has me on one .5 a day which I found out is half my xanax dose. Thx u 4 the tip.


Have you tried Klonopin (Clonazepam)? I only 0.5 mg daily, but it helps so much. And it is very mild, not overwhelming. I was on 1 mg., and that was very mild also, but took the anxiety away.

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I take that too. Do you ever trouble sleeping ? I have severe insomnia and have to take something too.


I used to have prescription for .25 Xanax and it was fine. Now I have prescription for .5 Klonapin and I cut it in half. My primary says that’s fine. For me just a little goes a long way. I hope I won’t need to use it anymore this year, but if so…..I’ll consider starting the Lexapro.


I take that too. Do you ever trouble sleeping ? I have severe insomnia and have to take something too.

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No I haven't. I didn't like Atavian. It is an older drug and my dose ½ of .5 was very weak and didn't manage the anxiety. This day and age I should be able to be functionable while adjusting zoloft. I called and got back on .25 or .5 xanax as needed . I am more comfortable with that drug. I will give it 2 more weeks as I get to a therapeutic dose of zoloft. What a ride this last month has been. Thx u all


Have you tried Klonopin (Clonazepam)? I only 0.5 mg daily, but it helps so much. And it is very mild, not overwhelming. I was on 1 mg., and that was very mild also, but took the anxiety away.

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Just left emergency room and they prescribed me with this! So much better.


Through many years, and various doctors, I’ve had people give me drugs for anxiety and mild depression. Nothing worked for more than a couple of weeks. Then I went on medication for ADHD—and surprised to find my anxiety is gone, and my mild depression is (usually) minimal.

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