Cancer Survivor Guilt: What can I do to cope better?

Posted by apl2014 @apl2014, Jul 22, 2020

I am a survivor of Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia. It's a very rare Leukemia, and one of the few considered "curable". It's been 5 years since I achieved remission. I really struggle with survivors guilt. Is this common? What can I do to cope better?

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Welcome to Connect, @bevans00007 You’re in the right group for help with APL. The person who started this discussion about survivors guilt a few years ago, @apl2014, had Acute Promyeloctytic Leukemia.

@2012can, another member with APL discusses their diagnosis and experience in a couple of replies:

Is this a new diagnosis for you? Because of new treatment options this can be one of the more treatable forms of leukemia with a positive prognosis. Are you undergoing treatment?

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Had this 2015 reached remission, know have colon cancer

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