The lunatics have always been around...and in large numbers.
When archeologists were working on the pyramids, they literally found graffiti from some of the building crews.
And, you know, with disgusting jokes...just like today's crowd of Neanderthals.
Nothing has changed. Same old thing. And I don't think the percentages change much.
I think as we get older and learn more, we just realized how many cavemen have always been around.
I think some psych study found that fully 5% of US CEOs qualify as sociopaths.
Makes sense, with the kind of greed they have and the mindless, heartless, vicious decisions they make. Yet some folks still live under the delusion that some of these folks are American heroes or something...when they are actually just con men a high level.
Before we met, my wife got around and admits she dated her fair share of Neanderthals. She says she didn't mind, as long as they were Neanderthal, dark and handsome.