Meds for bronchi flare

Posted by spunkye @spunkye, Apr 17 12:35pm

I’m having a bronchiectasis flare and my doctor prescribed steroids only. She’s a new doc and usually I get prescribed antibiotics also. She said she wants to wait to prescribe antibiotics until I can give a sputum to the lab for testing. I haven’t been able to do that yet.
If I have an infection, which I suspect I have, shouldn’t I also be getting antibiotics? Should I request those from her?

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I am not making a recommendation here - only saying that, 25 years ago, it worked for me. The ENT counted 22 sinus/ear/throat infections in 2 years in my 40's and said "let's take a closer look." After scoping, he resorted to surgery and removed scar tissue, polyps, cleared out pockets of infection & straightened my septum (broken in a teenage water fight that involved metal buckets.) Once all was healed I could breathe normally through my nose for the first time in my life - I had my first recognized sinus infection at age 10.
Probably my bronchiectasis began to develop way back then from repeated bouts of bronchitis brought on by sinus infection drainage.

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Thanks @sueinmn Your comments are very validating as I have put off sinus surgery for years!


I have read this too.

“In bronchiectasis it is also likely that chronic rhinosinusitis will impact on the chronic lower respiratory infections. Chronic sinus inflammation can remodel the upper airways to become a reservoir for opportunistic infections that can descend into the lower respiratory tract. Supporting this hypothesis are studies which showed the same bacterial clones inhabiting both the upper and lower respiratory tracts. “ (I forgot to record the article and website. )

Maybe doctors could help with early diagnosis or lessen possible Bronchiectasis complications by offering a simple nasal swab. Years before I was denied sputum tests (I had just read a bit about sputum tests at the time), I was told by a former physician that we don’t do nasal swabs. They are not necessary. I was suffering with a serious sinus infection and had seen an ENT once, who gave me a diagnosis, but that specialist was moving out of the area.

A nasal swab or sputum test might have been beneficial?? Those two primary care physicians (one replaced the other) were both certain that nothing was seriously wrong. Hopefully more research can make a difference with awareness too.


Best not to take antibiotics until they/U know what bacteria you have so they can prescribe appropriately


When I had bronchiectasis flare up ( sinus infection , more sputum from lungs and more cough than normal) I was also given steroid - 5 days of prednisone, but no antibiotics. I also had an X-ray which did not show changes other than what I have. This all was given by an an call pulmonologist ( of course I got sick on the weekend) and confirmed by my pulmonologist. Well I thought I should be given an antibiotic. Yes I got better in about a week but I am still not sure it was enough. Next weeek I am going to NJH and planning to discuss it with dr so after that I will share on this forum.

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My doctor finally relented and ordered antibiotics…on this second day of taking them I feel SO MUCH BETTER!!!


When I have an exacerbation I always submit a sputum culture before stating antibiotics. Weirdly, most times nothing grows in the lab yet an antibiotic helps. It's both a relief and a frustration that nothing grows from the culture. Doctor prescribes antibiotic because I have chills, malaise, headache, body aches, cough, increased sputum, etc. I will only take steroids when my chest is very wheezy. Headaches then are 8+/10. My latest thinking is that lack of sinus drainage is causing a sinus infection, which seeds the lung infection. Sinus surgery is in my future as I get way too many of these infections.

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I had balloon sinuplasty four weeks ago along with a six week course of Bactrim. I can now breathe through my nose and the sinus infection that has probably been brewing for years seems to be cleared. My energy level is back to what it was over two years ago when I developed a cough that led to the bronchiectasis diagnosis. My pulmonologist did three sputum samples before clearing me for the surgery and Bactrim. While the surgery and recovery are not pleasant I would do it all over again to experience these results!


I have one question, after your sinusplasty did you have less bronchiectasis exacerbations or less severe mucus buildup from the bronchiectasis? I assume sinusolasty is similar to angioplasty that is heart related of course.


I have one question, after your sinusplasty did you have less bronchiectasis exacerbations or less severe mucus buildup from the bronchiectasis? I assume sinusolasty is similar to angioplasty that is heart related of course.

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It’s only been four weeks for me so I can’t answer about exacerbations. I can say that the mucus build up is much less. Needing to nebulize is not the first thought in my mind every morning. I still do it but I often don’t feel like I need it! It has been amazing!


I am not making a recommendation here - only saying that, 25 years ago, it worked for me. The ENT counted 22 sinus/ear/throat infections in 2 years in my 40's and said "let's take a closer look." After scoping, he resorted to surgery and removed scar tissue, polyps, cleared out pockets of infection & straightened my septum (broken in a teenage water fight that involved metal buckets.) Once all was healed I could breathe normally through my nose for the first time in my life - I had my first recognized sinus infection at age 10.
Probably my bronchiectasis began to develop way back then from repeated bouts of bronchitis brought on by sinus infection drainage.

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I take Guaifenesin Extended release 1200mg twice daily.
Often times, I'll take additional immediate release guaifenesin throughout the day (400mg) usually 1200mg at a time with plenty of water.
I can't take Sudafed - too many side effects.
This helps sinus/ears and lungs
Also take NAC and Glutathione Capsules everyday

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