Endless withdrawal from benzos and pregabalin

Posted by chaos @chaos, Jun 3, 2022

I’m at my wit’s end. I have been withdrawing for so so long that euthanasia is looking good to me. Since last November I have withdrawn from clonazepam and closely followed by pregabalin. Actually still struggling with the later drug. I am not sleeping, full of anxiety, fear and wanting to off myself. It feels like every week I reduce the drug, I lose hope that things will get better. I don’t have anyone in the medical system that understands withdrawal from these drugs.
It would be good to connect with people that have gone through this process and have improved their lives.
Also, I’m not sure if there is a discussion already in place for this topic.

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Hi. This is my first time here and or even on this post. @chaos I hope you’re well. I am two years into tapering from benzodiazepines and I’m 36 and I feel like I’ve lived in a war zone in my own body for so long. I hope with all of my heart that you are doing well and have found some peace.

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Two years into a taper is a long time, what did they give you for tapering? You'll get through it, the hardest part was making the decision to stop. There are some up days, few to count, but the longer you are off they will continue. I wish you success, hopefully the worst is over after TWO YEARS, that seems so unheard of.


This website helped me get through some really tough times, knowing there are so many others going through the same thing makes me feel I am not alone. Stay strong!


That's exactly the same for me. The only place I could find common ground and understanding. When you tell someone you are tapering from Benzodiazepine, they take a second look, probably thinking you are a druggie. I left this site for a while and just recently came back. So nice to know someone else has the same fondness for Mayo Clinic Connect.. Thank you for sharing. Laurine7


I am currently withdrawing, reducing from methadone and xanax .i have been. Reducing the methadone to 15 mg from 50 but still taking the 1.5mg if xanax. Waiting to finish the withdrawal of the methadone before starting to reduce the xanax. I’ve been on both for 13 years. Any help,suggestions would be greatly appreciated


What are you tapering off of? Ive never heard tapering with gabapentin. What is theanine, never heard of that, and MAYO has underlined it in red? Fact is I think tapering is a new thing to Dr's. They prescribed me the incorrect dose to taper off the Lorazepam, it turned my whole life upside down. I kept telling the Dr. I am still going through withdrawal, her response, NO YOU CAN'T BE. What does a body do then, just suffer, my friend. I was taking Lorazepam 6MG every night for more than 10 years, I was tapered with Clonazepam .50MG, it should have been 3MG, thus my protracted withdrawal. I didn't find out til 12 months after I tapered. I asked Walgreens about my horrible dry mouth and other terrible symptoms after taper and he asked me questions about my dose from tapering. He was shocked when I told him. The only good news right now I have is, my Neurologist prescribed Tramadol for sleep, after several other drugs did not work, and it has worked for a few days now. I can't tell you how excited I am because I have slept for 5 hours, and for a few days. My wish is for me to be able to stop researching about Restless Legs Syndrome and printing, and searching and printing. My worry with the Tramadol which is an opioid, is going through a taper. I want to just break the cycle of 3 hrs, finger crossed I can do this.

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It is called PAWS. Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome. Very common. Tell your Dr. to read the Ashton Manual. The brain damage may actually last forever for some, but most have complete healing within 5 years of the very last micro dose. That's when the actual withdrawal begins. Everything before that is just tapering. Nobody knows how long PAWS may be for each person. Benzodiazepines are such bad drugs.


That's exactly the same for me. The only place I could find common ground and understanding. When you tell someone you are tapering from Benzodiazepine, they take a second look, probably thinking you are a druggie. I left this site for a while and just recently came back. So nice to know someone else has the same fondness for Mayo Clinic Connect.. Thank you for sharing. Laurine7

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They can cause both psychological and physiological withdrawal. Becomes an iatrogenic illness when you psychologically don't need or want the drug, but your body continues to crave it in order to function normally... assaulting you with horrendous symptoms; pins and needles, nausea, screaming joint pain, body aches, no sleep, etc... It is the receptors in the brain that have been damaged. They have to have time heal. That time frame varies from person to person. The only way out is through. Be strong, you can get through. ((Hugs))


I am currently withdrawing, reducing from methadone and xanax .i have been. Reducing the methadone to 15 mg from 50 but still taking the 1.5mg if xanax. Waiting to finish the withdrawal of the methadone before starting to reduce the xanax. I’ve been on both for 13 years. Any help,suggestions would be greatly appreciated

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Hang in there. I stopped Suboxone cold turkey and it was a nightmare, however, I am sober over 6 years now. You can do it. All you have to do is today. AA and NA helped me also. It can be done, I promise.


Hang in there. I stopped Suboxone cold turkey and it was a nightmare, however, I am sober over 6 years now. You can do it. All you have to do is today. AA and NA helped me also. It can be done, I promise.

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Thanks for your needed support i am reducing the methadone and hopefully will be done in a few weeks. Then i have to wean off of the xanax which terrifies me. I’ve decided to start therapy for support. I will be 70 in july and want to get my life together so the remainder of my lufe will be normal
One again thanks


Try to just stay in the day. I understand as most of us project into the future. Obviously we have to plan some for the future, but when it comes to a lot of things, I "future trip" and create scenarios which cause fear and these things may never happen. I know it is easier said than done, as I work on all the time. I can freak myself out pretty quickly. Therapy helps me as well, but I receive help from others who understand addiction, they speak my language. One thing at a time. Hang in there, TODAY.


I am a bit confused as to which dose you are asking about. I was on 4mg of clonazepam on and off over 30 years. I was on 300mg of pregabalin since November of 2021. I came off the drug one night at the insistence of a pharmacist due to some serious side effects. I was completely crazy with withdrawal symptoms and told to tough it out since it would only take 1-2 days. This was not true at all. I went back on 300mg and have been reducing weekly. I am currently at 75mg.
I also have high dose bio-identical progesterone that has been helping through all of this. This drug would be at 1200mg per day. Without it, I fear that I would have died by now.
Hope this helps.

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How did you get the progesterone, from your doctor?

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