Dizziness, Fatigue, tingling behind Head, blurry vision

Posted by drksidr @drksidr, Apr 13 8:33pm

I am male and 27, before 5 month i fainted and hit my back side head of head, next morning i had heart palpitation for over week and after that till now i am suffering from acid reflux, burping alot, chest pain, dizziness, fatigue, tingling behind head and sometime behind ears, ringing in ear which comes and goes, blurry vision and little confusion and met many doctor and nurses none could made me feel better. All symptoms were improved gradually but sometimes it amplifies again.
I am taking Omeprazole also
I dont know whats going on with me from months

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@drksidr that sounds awful!
Everything but the stomach issues seems to be related to your head getting hurt. But, the first question is why did you faint?
A neurologist is the specialist you need to see.

I have acid reflux too. It makes me cough terribly when lying down to sleep. My doctor suggested that I take some Mylanta liquid just before bed. I do now and it’s been much better.

Good luck to you.

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Because of low bp i fainted i think, exactly even i think because of head injury i got stomach problems, because all the symptoms started suddenly.


I fell while having neuropathy fainting,backards right on my backside of head and ever since i have had pain from shoulders to behind ears pain.Well the right side stopped hurting after 6 months.The left side hurts from shoulder to behind ear mostly when i try to sleep and wake up for 1st hour.Hopefully it will go away too

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I feel hopeless in canada no doctor could rule out whats hoing on with me, they just give IV thats it


drkside, Omeprazole can cause low magnesium; low magnesium can cause fainting. Low magnesium can also cause ringing in the ears, heart palpitations and confusion.
Burping is a more direct effect of the medication.
A serum metabolic panel might be clarifying. Magnesium supplementation is simple.
I would want imaging to ascertain any damage from the fall.
best wishes

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I got all kinds of imaging,xrays etc.. and they all said there was nothing wrong


Because of low bp i fainted i think, exactly even i think because of head injury i got stomach problems, because all the symptoms started suddenly.

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They called mine Afib when my bp dropped all of a sudden.3 days in hospital with every test you can think of.Now a year later i am no longer Afib they say.Took me off Eloquis and other drugs


How much Omeprazole are you taking and for how long have you been taking it? Did you try antacids before taking Omeprazole? I take 20mg Omeprazole for gastritis/esophagitis and have some similar symptoms to you. I may stop taking it to see if any symptoms improve. I really think you need to see a neurologist if you haven’t already to get a brain MRI. You should get to the bottom of your low blood pressure which made you pass out. It could be neurological and/or cardiovascular.


Should i stop taking Omeprazole for a time being

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Controlling acid reflux by diet and care after eating (-- staying upright after eating, not exercising after eating or bending over, not wearing tight belts or other constricting clothes) is better for you all around.
I'm not fond of proton pump inhibitors because they reduce absorption of nutrients. They are implicated in osteoporosis, in increase in all cause dementia and severe electrolyte disturbances.
Stopping PPIs can temporarily make acid reflux worse than it was originally. I would stop. Since it is prescribed you'd be best consulting or at least informing that doctor of your decision. It would be more clarifying to have a metabolic blood panel now. But you could just wait and see if the symptoms go away without the PPI. Did you pass out before or after you began taking this medication.
You might want to see a gastroenterologist for an upper endoscopy to see if you have a hiatal hernia.


How much Omeprazole are you taking and for how long have you been taking it? Did you try antacids before taking Omeprazole? I take 20mg Omeprazole for gastritis/esophagitis and have some similar symptoms to you. I may stop taking it to see if any symptoms improve. I really think you need to see a neurologist if you haven’t already to get a brain MRI. You should get to the bottom of your low blood pressure which made you pass out. It could be neurological and/or cardiovascular.

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Im taking same 20mg never tried any other antacids, doctors dont even listen to me, they say i have anxiety because of that this all happens


Controlling acid reflux by diet and care after eating (-- staying upright after eating, not exercising after eating or bending over, not wearing tight belts or other constricting clothes) is better for you all around.
I'm not fond of proton pump inhibitors because they reduce absorption of nutrients. They are implicated in osteoporosis, in increase in all cause dementia and severe electrolyte disturbances.
Stopping PPIs can temporarily make acid reflux worse than it was originally. I would stop. Since it is prescribed you'd be best consulting or at least informing that doctor of your decision. It would be more clarifying to have a metabolic blood panel now. But you could just wait and see if the symptoms go away without the PPI. Did you pass out before or after you began taking this medication.
You might want to see a gastroenterologist for an upper endoscopy to see if you have a hiatal hernia.

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Drug was prescribed by the doctor, its been 4 and half month im on medication, i am avoiding every trigger food and will talk to nurse about changing medications


Drug was prescribed by the doctor, its been 4 and half month im on medication, i am avoiding every trigger food and will talk to nurse about changing medications

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Don’t let them ignore you and your symptoms. Make sure to advocate for yourself and don’t let them ignore you and just chalk it up to anxiety. Of course you have some anxiety due to your new symptoms. Did you have anxiety before you fainted/hit your head? If not, you really need to get to the bottom of low blood pressure and head injury neurological symptoms. That is not typical for someone your age. Praying you get people to listen to you and take you seriously.


Drug was prescribed by the doctor, its been 4 and half month im on medication, i am avoiding every trigger food and will talk to nurse about changing medications

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drksidr, I think all the PPIs carry the same hazards.
Of course, you'd have anxiety because all this happens. Any normal person would. It doesn't help to have doctors who are dismissive and don't listen.
Some people have reflux because the esophageal sphincters relax. Many meds can cause them to relax--antibiotics, antidepressants, muscle relaxers and more.
Other people have reflux because of a tear in the diaphraghm the muscle that keeps the es the stomach from putting backward pressure on the esophageal muscle.
If you can, it is always better to treat cause than symptom.
If you've had a metabolic panel recently, you might look at the magnesium levels. If you haven't call your provider's office and request one. You shouldn't have to see anyone. You could supplement magnesium to see if your other symptoms disappear, but I'd wait till after the blood draw. We're on your side.

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