Sores on torso and arms after multi-year use of Xalkori (crizotinib)?

Posted by dedehans @dedehans, Mar 18, 2024

I have been on Xalkori for 8 years now and it has kept me in remission so far. Unfortunately I seem to be getting some side effects now, IE I am breaking out in itchy sores all over my torso and upper arms. Drs have said it looks like exema and given me multiple things to put on these eruptions but they don't work at all. Hot showers tend to make it all itch and blister more. I ask about this here as I read that this could be a side effect from the xalkori (crizinitinib) and wondered if any here have experienced this too.

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@dedehans, I'm tagging a few other members like @2onlow8 @shaila1902 @peachie @velmaforever @hlolson who have experience with Xalkori (crizotinib) and may have some thoughts on this late appearing side effect.

Have you found any relief yet?


@dedehans, I'm tagging a few other members like @2onlow8 @shaila1902 @peachie @velmaforever @hlolson who have experience with Xalkori (crizotinib) and may have some thoughts on this late appearing side effect.

Have you found any relief yet?

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Hi! I was on Xalkori for only 4 weeks when I experienced Grade 4 hepatotoxicity, so I was switched to a different TKI. I haven’t personally experienced any of those side effects but I have read about others who had experienced rash like that and found relief with topical cortisone cream(consult with your doctor).


Hi! I would highly recommend joining facebook group Ros1ders. They have so much information and recommendations.


Hello @dedehans, People on other targeted therapies can develop rashes or sores even after years of treatment too. It's so strange. I've heard that some can find relief through a steroid cream. How are you feeling? Were you able to find something that provided some relief?


Hello @dedehans, People on other targeted therapies can develop rashes or sores even after years of treatment too. It's so strange. I've heard that some can find relief through a steroid cream. How are you feeling? Were you able to find something that provided some relief?

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Not really yet. It comes and goes. I find that my lovely hot showers can make the itching spots increase . I have tried the steroid cream (triamincinolone acetonide ) and a lotion (ammonium lactate 12%) and I just itch more.Going to the dermatologist this week for annual skin check so will see if she has any suggestions to offer.


I have only been on Xalkori one year now. The only time I had a skin issue was an allergic reaction to an oral antibiotic I was on. Is it possible you are having an allergic reaction to something else? I understand how miserable your condition can be. As stated before, join the Ros1ders on Facebook there is wealth of information to side effects and treatments. I wish you well, and congratulations on your 8 years of success.


Not really yet. It comes and goes. I find that my lovely hot showers can make the itching spots increase . I have tried the steroid cream (triamincinolone acetonide ) and a lotion (ammonium lactate 12%) and I just itch more.Going to the dermatologist this week for annual skin check so will see if she has any suggestions to offer.

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Hoping that you find some relief, and soon!


I have only been on Xalkori one year now. The only time I had a skin issue was an allergic reaction to an oral antibiotic I was on. Is it possible you are having an allergic reaction to something else? I understand how miserable your condition can be. As stated before, join the Ros1ders on Facebook there is wealth of information to side effects and treatments. I wish you well, and congratulations on your 8 years of success.

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Thank you for your response. No, no new drugs or anything. I did join Ros1ders and check it from time to time. I do see doctors tomorrow so will ask....


Hi, there. I have ROS1 as well, but am on Repotrectinib (just started in Feb). Although I'm not having any side effects like what you describe, I DO have a preexisting skin condition with random itchy spots, and I was prescribed Clobetasol Propionate 0.05% and it works like a charm - every time. I suggest maybe you mention this ointment to your derm to see if they might either give you a sample to try, or perhaps they can prescribe it so you can try it for a couple weeks. Best of luck! ♥️


Hi, there. I have ROS1 as well, but am on Repotrectinib (just started in Feb). Although I'm not having any side effects like what you describe, I DO have a preexisting skin condition with random itchy spots, and I was prescribed Clobetasol Propionate 0.05% and it works like a charm - every time. I suggest maybe you mention this ointment to your derm to see if they might either give you a sample to try, or perhaps they can prescribe it so you can try it for a couple weeks. Best of luck! ♥️

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Thank you! I will ask my dermatologist about Clobetasol propionate in an hour or two and will report back. Appreciate you all.

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