Feeling at my wits end with Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia

Posted by Jen, Alumna Mentor @sandytoes14, Aug 19, 2019

Usually I am not one to share much of my personal story but here goes...I have what is called moderate to severe degenerative disc disease, arthritis of the spine C3-C7 and lumbar spine, and Fibromyalgia. In the 20 years Ive had pain, I"ve been though many treatments including PT, tens unit, bio feedback,injections, nerve ablations, you name it. I'm prescribed Cymbalta 60 mg for Fibro and anxiety as well as 225 mg of Lyrica. I have been on and off various painkillers too. I'm currently on a long acting oxycodone of 13.5 mg and once a day one 15 mg of IR oxycodone. This has been my regime for a few months now as I switched from 15 mg IR oxycodone. Now for those who are worried about me ODing...I understand. I actually hype-vigilant about my meds. (And I have my hubby and son who watch) Years ago I was on 15 mg Fentanyl patch for 10 months and came off it in one month with no side effects.
Right now I'm really struggling with this rotten pain. I have no appetite, either can't sleep or nap during the day.

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I am just starting medical marijuana my pain has went from a ten plus to a three


I am just starting medical marijuana my pain has went from a ten plus to a three

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Can you provide more information on what type of medical marijuana you are using, how often, etc?? I am in the process of getting a MM card, for fibromyalgia and insomnia.


Hello to all of you responding too or asking questions about managing pain. Firstly, pain and how it affects you is very individualistic both in the type and degree of pain you feel. People have different tolerance levels to certain types of pain which may adversely affect some patients more or less than others. Unfortunately, one of the worst, (in my opinion) questions to be asked is what level of pain do you feel between 1 to 10? One person’s 5 could be another’s 3 or 7. Describing what each number from 1-10 represents is more descriptive and helpful. Frankly, once your pain level is debilitating the numbers don’t mean much any longer. If you’re able to get some measurable to adequate pain relief it can be very beneficial. When you are dealing with pain levels of 9–10 or worse, you live in a very different world. I describe 10 or worse because your personal experience of a 10 can change over time. What I once thought was a 10 became worse as my symptoms and pain grew exponentially. Managing your pain successfully comes down to what your various levels of functionality are. At my worst, I was forced to lay in bed and just endure as much pain as I could while taking maximum doses of pain meds. One can also have a number of different areas of their body affected with high levels of pain. I had severe nausea, migraine headaches, joint & muscle pain throughout my entire body, extreme exhaustion, arthritic type pain, severe cognitive and cognition challenges etc…….all occurring simultaneously with pain levels of 7-10 and above! Whereas somebody else might just be dealing with back, knee or some other “singular” area of pain or severe discomfort in their body. No less hurtful but not experiencing the multifaceted pain experiences etc.
The specific type and amount of pain meds might be somewhere between somewhat to very effective for one person and provide very little if any relief to another. The strongest pain meds aren’t necessarily the best or most effective. You just have to keep trying different meds, combinations and dosages to find what is most efficacious for you. However, even that can change over time. Pain is still one of the least and or misunderstood health and medical challenges for most physicians to treat successfully ir at least effectively! Comparatively, not many physicians specialize in long term chronic pain or chronic acute pain. They have a difficult time being successful in treating it so it’s very frustrating and unsatisfying to the physician or pain specialists so they’d prefer not to deal with it or the patients who have it. Even worse, people whose only modicum of success is using opioids are especially challenged because so few physicians will even prescribe them anymore. I’ve had to endure some absolutely inhumane periods of pain due to my inability to find a physician or so called “pain clinic” to treat me over the past 32 years. Through no fault of my own physicians I had established great relationships with in addition to high levels of trust and experience would retire, move away or pass away etc. Trying to get a new physician to work with has become practically impossible. Even worse, working with any physician or pain clinic which doesn’t offer or provide you with any kind of efficacious treatment(s) are essentially worthless!!!! Personally, I never found any kind of marijuana or THC product helpful for pain. However, they’ve been helpful to assist me with my sleep. Hopefully, you will find a physician who will be willing to work with you and provide you the types and dosages of medications that work the best for you. However, in today’s ineffective and mostly worthless “War on Drugs” strategies the authentic and genuine pain patient and loyal physician are held captive, threatened and prevented from gaining access to the opioids they need and work for them. The physician’s are under constant threat of losing their license. In short, effective pain management in the United States is a disaster and a huge social failure!!!! One must be extremely persistent in pursuing the pain management care they require. Best wishes and the best of luck in your pursuit of effective pain relief and wellbeing. GODSPEED


I would like someone to talk to. I haven't figured out if I have fibromyalgia yet but I feel very strongly that I do. My hand are going numb when I sleep on them for 1 to 10 hours after I wake up sometimes for days. My esophagus is swollen and throat. I have swelling in my ribs and chest and it stings, aches, dull pains, etc it hurts so bad in 10 different ways. I have a cough for about 6 months now. And a sinus headache along with sinus swelling. It's driving me crazy and I'm hoping I can figure this out.
I also have severe degenerative disc disease and severe stenosis of the spine. I've had 2 operations first one at 30 yrs old 2nd one at 31. 1st was a removal of one of my lower disc and the 2nd one was a fusion in my neck is fibromyalgia linked with back problems? I've read that it can cause problems but does it cause degenerative disc disease?


I would like someone to talk to. I haven't figured out if I have fibromyalgia yet but I feel very strongly that I do. My hand are going numb when I sleep on them for 1 to 10 hours after I wake up sometimes for days. My esophagus is swollen and throat. I have swelling in my ribs and chest and it stings, aches, dull pains, etc it hurts so bad in 10 different ways. I have a cough for about 6 months now. And a sinus headache along with sinus swelling. It's driving me crazy and I'm hoping I can figure this out.
I also have severe degenerative disc disease and severe stenosis of the spine. I've had 2 operations first one at 30 yrs old 2nd one at 31. 1st was a removal of one of my lower disc and the 2nd one was a fusion in my neck is fibromyalgia linked with back problems? I've read that it can cause problems but does it cause degenerative disc disease?

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I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia a year ago, but my symptoms started a year before that -- extreme insomnia and weeks or months of flares with mild to severe pain that can be all over or shift from one area of the body to the next. Also nerve pain that feels like it's just under the skin. I'm not on any medications except for Trazodone and CBN/CBD gummies at night to help with sleep and low dose muscle relaxer at nights when I need it for pain, altho it doesn't help that much.

Your symptoms don't sound like typical fibro symptoms. Fibro can cause back and neck pain, but it's usually the muscles that hurt and not the spine. Also, I've never read that it can cause degenerative disc issues.

I also would like someone to talk to and was thinking of starting a chat group in the fibromyalgia support group. I'd like to connect with others and discuss their experience and what helps them with the symptoms, which are life altering.

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