Post-COVID Cough

Apr 16, 2021 | Kate Walsh | @katewalshpa | Comments (31)

Many patients are noticing persistent symptoms after being considered “recovered” from COVID 19 illness. They may have been released from self-isolation and are no longer considered acutely ill, but continue to struggle with bothersome symptoms. Cough is the second most common persistent symptom after COVID-19 infection following fatigue.

When someone experiences a cough for more than 3 weeks out from illness there are a few things to think about. Are you having persistent postnasal drip? Is the cough productive and coming from your chest or is it more of a throat clearing cough? If related to persistent postnasal drip, there are several over the counter nasal sprays that contain inhaled steroids that may be effective in decreasing the inflammatory response. Are there any other associated persistent symptoms? If you are experiencing cough, especially with shortness of breath, we do encourage you to see a medical professional to be evaluated. There are many complications that can arise from COVID-19 including blood clots, secondary pneumonias, and fibrosis. Chest imaging and other tests can help medical professionals identify problems that would require specific treatment.

Many viral illnesses can lead to what is called a post-viral cough syndrome. Post-viral cough is the term used when a cough continues more than 3 weeks past viral illness. A persistent cough can be part of an inflammatory response, increased sensitivity, and/or possible conditions such as underlying reactive airways. As many as 25 out of every 100 people can experience a persistent cough following viral illness. If cough persists past 8 weeks it is considered more chronic and other underlying conditions many need to be evaluated such as gastroesophageal reflux, chronic sinus disease, or asthma.

People may be concerned about or fear their own and others cough symptoms because cough is a very common presenting symptom (occurring in more than 50%) of COVID patients.  The stigma associated with coughing has been magnified during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many are already feeling isolated, and persistent symptoms may lead them to isolate even more. This isolation can often affect overall well-being.  Seeking help from a medical professional can help you better understand either the origins of the cough or provide options to help manage the symptom. Both can lead to an improved quality of life.

In regard, to COVID-19, we need to better understand the cough pathway to optimize treatment options. Research is ever evolving and your health care professional may have new suggestions or treatment options for you and others struggling with post COVID symptoms.

Connect with others going through post-COVID recovery in the COVID-19 discussion group.

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I’m still dealing with the cough after having Covid in July. Doctor told me it was post nasal drip - used a Neti pot, Flonase, gargled with salt water, inhaler and nothing helps. I have bags of sugar free Halls cough drops all over the house for when the coughing fits hit me.


Welcome new members @mb8183 @sonrodriguez4 @sheryb @19sonny580. I invite you to join the discussions in the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group

Members talk about all things related to COVID recovery including this in this related discussion:
- What remedies help with post Covid cough?


I am now starting my 6mo of post covid coughing. I have seen my physician 3-4 times and went to Urgent care twice. Nobody is concentrating on the issue in my lungs. They all want to blame it on sinus drainage. Quality of life is going down hill. Why is nobody listening? 8

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I understand!! I get it too!! Until they hear me cough ask them to do a full thyroid test one and 2 !


I had Covid or maybe a bad cold, starting on January 1st, with a very sore throat. Other symptoms that were pretty much exactly what the symptoms are for Omicron followed. I tested negative with home testing and went for a PCR nasal test on the following Tuesday but that too was negative. I had all of the symptoms for about 5-7 days. Now I am still coughing, I had to postpone an MRI that was scheduled for today (yes, on a Sunday) but there is no way I could be still for an MRI.

Initially my cough did not seem productive but it has become so. It doesn't seem to be getting any better. If it continues I may contact my PCP but I'm not sure that there is much they can do for just a cough. I did buy some cough medicine and it may help a little bit.

I have not lost my sense of taste, but by evening I am not really looking forward to dinner and am eating less than typical for me. I have no idea if that's connected too or not.

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Ask your Dr to call in an RX for Tessalon Perles!! Our pulmonary specialist gave them to us and they are FANTASTIC!!!! They really help stop the cough!! Let me know if you get them how they work for you.


Ask your Dr to call in an RX for Tessalon Perles!! Our pulmonary specialist gave them to us and they are FANTASTIC!!!! They really help stop the cough!! Let me know if you get them how they work for you.

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Hi, @cgbear1042 My post was from January of 2022 so I have long since recovered. I did have Tessalon Perles though when I had a respiratory virus in November of 2022 and they really did not help much with that. I had them plus an inhaler. I seem to get respiratory viruses easily. I also had bronchitis in March of 2022, and then Covid this past January.

I am immunocompromised due to being post liver transplant so I am sure that has made me much more susceptible to whatever virus is floating around.


I’m going on 4 weeks since symptoms appeared and the cough is still so bad. I hear the rattling in my chest and it’s impossible to sleep. I’m so tired and frustrated!

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Same here. Had a bad cold a few weeks after Covid, and that didn't help. It comes an goes. Day without. Then I wake up in morning and cough heavily for hours. Tried several cough medications. Not very helpful.


I had covid in April and now have asthma like symptoms when I never had asthma before. The inhaler I have deals with it well but the cough is another monster. Been to the er and all imaging shows clear lungs. Waiting for a referral is taking forever. Could I possibly call teladoc and ask for a round of steroids? Will that help my cough? The er doctor seemed to think my cough was from inflammation... I get very wheezy when the cough gets bad too.


I've been dealing with a mucus cough for over three months now. Sometimes I've gone for two or three nights in a row without sleep, and have almost called 911 since I couldn't catch my breath. My doctor has tried prescribing steroids without any success in treating this. He has no idea how to treat this.


I’m having erratic resting heart rate readings. Is this a normal thing?


I’m having erratic resting heart rate readings. Is this a normal thing?

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