lung nodules

Posted by fotula @fotula, Apr 2, 2024

Has anyone been told they have lung nodules that were incidental findings while undergoing routine testing?

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Yes, these can be stable over time so not a problem if that is the case.


Yes. I had CT that also showed the 2 nodules and a follow up a year later that showed a worsening infectious process.


@fotula Hello, I popped in to say that lung nodules can mean many things - or nothing.
When a radiologist reads a CT, they report all of their "findings" to the doctor - not having the patient's medical history in had, they do not know what might be significant.

Some causes of nodules - "artifacts" of prior pneumonia, other lung infections or long-term exposure to substances like sawdust or paper dust, indication of a current infection, evidence of some lung conditions, and (rarely) cancer.

Your primary should be made aware of this CT, evaluate and refer you if necessary. The most usual approach with small nodules is "watch and wait" - with a repeat image in 3, 6 or 12 months depending on your other health issues and risks.

What did your provider have to say?


Yes, I get scanned every year, accidentally learning that I'd cracked two ribs from falling in the woods.
Gotta be careful crossing the creek!


@fotula -- Hi. My wife has them too.

The goal of her treatment is to ensure they're not changing... so she gets yearly CT scans that provide good information on their current status. Depending on the type / status of the nodules, the scans may be ordered more frequently.

Don't know if you are / were a smoker. But it's certainly recommended that you not smoke (cigs or anything else), and avoid environments harmful to your lungs (second-hand smoke, or any other noxious fumes).

Good luck!



I have nodules too. We did a followup CT scan after 6 months and there was no change. My doctor explained that most people have them. I smoked for many years (quit over 25 years ago) and with all the 'garbage" we breathe in, it's not unusual to find them.. But followups are important, just in case...


Yes I have. I have COPD and when I had the first low dose MRI done they saw the nodule. That was in 2019. I have a low dose MRI once a year to make sure it has not grown. I’ve been told that they sometimes go away by themselves.
Mine so far hasn’t but it’s judged to be benign.


Hello all, I just had my first LDCT lung scan, age 52, former smoker. Quit 15 years ago age 37. The findings were shocking to me. I have 4 round ground glass density, indistinct margins. Two in right middle lobe 4-5mm and 5-6mm. One of those is described as part solid. 7mm in upper left lobe. 4-5mm in lower left lobe. According to the LUNGRADS category they list these as category 2 nodules and recommend follow up CT scan at 12 months. I feel like that is a long time to wait. I understand that many people have nodules and some just go away but I guess I concerned because if this were an inflammatory process for me it would indicate recent illness. I have not been sick or had any cough or congestion in a very very long time. Does anyone have any experience with ground glass nodules that appeared suddenly and went away or stayed stable over a long time? Also, I had a CT scan for calcium scoring on my heart 2 years ago and on that report it clearly says NO SUSPICIOUS PULMONARY NODULES. So I wonder are these new and developed to this size already in 2 years? Or could it be perhaps they were missed or not visualized because it was a heart scan? So many questions and I do have an appointment with a pulmonologist on November 1st who can hopefully look at both of these scans and help me figure out what may be going on but I would really love to hear from as many of you as possible regarding lung nodules, ground glass nodules, and your experiences with them. I think it would help me feel not so alone and maybe help me to understand this a little better in my own mind until I can get more information from the pulmonologist. Thank you all!


Hello all, I just had my first LDCT lung scan, age 52, former smoker. Quit 15 years ago age 37. The findings were shocking to me. I have 4 round ground glass density, indistinct margins. Two in right middle lobe 4-5mm and 5-6mm. One of those is described as part solid. 7mm in upper left lobe. 4-5mm in lower left lobe. According to the LUNGRADS category they list these as category 2 nodules and recommend follow up CT scan at 12 months. I feel like that is a long time to wait. I understand that many people have nodules and some just go away but I guess I concerned because if this were an inflammatory process for me it would indicate recent illness. I have not been sick or had any cough or congestion in a very very long time. Does anyone have any experience with ground glass nodules that appeared suddenly and went away or stayed stable over a long time? Also, I had a CT scan for calcium scoring on my heart 2 years ago and on that report it clearly says NO SUSPICIOUS PULMONARY NODULES. So I wonder are these new and developed to this size already in 2 years? Or could it be perhaps they were missed or not visualized because it was a heart scan? So many questions and I do have an appointment with a pulmonologist on November 1st who can hopefully look at both of these scans and help me figure out what may be going on but I would really love to hear from as many of you as possible regarding lung nodules, ground glass nodules, and your experiences with them. I think it would help me feel not so alone and maybe help me to understand this a little better in my own mind until I can get more information from the pulmonologist. Thank you all!

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I had a CT last year and the found several nodules, two are ground glass. I had a follow up CT 6 months later and there was no change. I was nervous when I read that report, since I was a long time heavy smoker who quit almost 30 years ago. According to my Doctor these nodules are very common. When the followup showed no change, I felt better Hope you get your questions answered by the pulmonologist.


I had a CT last year and the found several nodules, two are ground glass. I had a follow up CT 6 months later and there was no change. I was nervous when I read that report, since I was a long time heavy smoker who quit almost 30 years ago. According to my Doctor these nodules are very common. When the followup showed no change, I felt better Hope you get your questions answered by the pulmonologist.

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Thank you for your reply. I am glad to hear yours are stable. I suppose its just a waiting game for me now. I will follow up with my results whenever I find out more. Do you mind if I ask if you got the ct scan as part of lung cancer screening or was yours an incidental finding because you were being scanned for something else. I had a ct scan for coronary calcium scoring two years ago which states in the report NO SUSPICIOUS PULMONARY NODULES. And then I just had my first LDCT lung cancer screening (because I am a former smoker who fits the criteria for being screened) and here we are with four nodules unfortunately.

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