Foot osteoporosis

Posted by kars @kars, Jan 31 9:30am

The top of my foot has been giving me a lot of pain recently. It is an aching pain and I have trouble walking. I am even having trouble finding shoes that are comfortable enough to wear. Anyone out there having anything similar? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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Hi Sue -
My podiatrist told me my toes hurt because my foot is swollen. Wrapping my foot with KT tape helps with the pain in my toes. Because it's been about a year since I fractured my foot, I have very little pain in my toes except at night when the swelling in my foot increases. I can bend them now, but I could not when the injury first happened.

My fracture is at the base of the second metatarsal which is closer to the ankle. I read it's more often found in ballerinas of which I am definitely not. 🙂 I have abnormal bones from osteoporosis so that's primarily why I'm dealing with this.

I am resigned that I will likely have to wear the rigid post-op shoe for the rest of my life. At least I can still walk. Thinking happy thoughts.

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Do you wrap the toes and foot with tape? Or just the foot?


Hello Sue -
Just the foot. I start above the toes and wrap about 3-1/2 inches. When I wrap it, it stops where my arch begins at my heel.

My podiatrist used an Ace bandage to wrap my foot and he wrapped it starting above the toes to just above the ankle. I found that to be bulky and I didn't seem to be able to wrap it very well with the bandage. I had a tendency to wrap it too tightly.

I suggest you talk to one of your docs before you try. I would hate for you to do something that could make your injury worse.

I forgot to mention, for a few months I used a carbon fiber insole in my shoe instead of wearing the rigid shoe. Because I'm using the bone growth stimulator, my doc told me to start wearing the rigid shoe again. Hopefully, I can go back to the carbon fiber insole if the bone growth stimulator works. This is what I used:
I hope this helps.


Do you wrap the toes and foot with tape? Or just the foot?

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Ooops. I forgot to reply to this post. Clearly, I should not be allowed on a discussion board. 🙂


Ooops. I forgot to reply to this post. Clearly, I should not be allowed on a discussion board. 🙂

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@mev123, No one expects you to reply immediately. I just want to thank you for your sharing. It has helped me so much!


Thanks for replying. The strange thing is that it is okay some days. 🤷‍♀️

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I have the same thing. I got an x ray and no bones were fractured or broken. Maybe arthritis?

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