I had my bone marrow biopsy and aspiration today. As I was lying on my stomach, waiting for the doctor to come in, I felt an unexpected feeling of calmness, which I was very happy about. Much to my surprise, I don't think I felt anxious at all. That's not just me putting on a brave face - I'm not the brave type.
My doctor began by prepping the area and then administering the local anesthetic. I think that was the most uncomfortable part of it all. I've certainly experienced pain far greater in the past. I winced a bit, maybe gnashed my teeth a little. My anxiety level went up. But once the anesthetic took effect, the rest of the procedure was a piece of cake. At some point, my doctor told me that he was going to count to three and by the time he reached "three", I was to take a deep breath. Again, my anxiety level jumped. I was expecting the worst when he reached "three". At "three", I sucked in a bunch of air and...nothing. I felt no pain. Some pressure, some unusual sensations, for sure, but nothing like I had feared.
From the time he administered the anesthetic to the time he removed the needle, I'd say it took no more than 10 minutes.
Getting the results in about a week.
Although I’ve certainly heard stories on both end of the “ouch” continuum, my take away is that like everything else, one has to advocate for your personal preference. A conversation with your physician about other health concerns and risk may make sedation less appealing, but all other things being equal, patients should advocate for what they want. Justification should be provided as to why your wishes can’t be fulfilled. We tend to acquiesce when given pushback as though we are being cowardly, but we are all different with different fears and pain thresholds. All legitimate considerations.