Just diagnosed Stage 3 CKD: Should I be referred to a nephrologist?

Posted by pmsfarmer @pmsfarmer, May 21, 2019

My Dr. sort of blew this off, but I am concerned about living awhile past 69, my current age. Any suggestions appreciated. He didn't feel a referral to a nephrologist was necessary.

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you and your family deserve best of medical care. Please get that referral if required to see heph! Then you can make better decision about what to do going forward


Could it be an insurance issue?


Stage 3, past time to see nephrologist


Stage 3, past time to see nephrologist

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I was stage 3 with eGFR in the 50's for a long time before seeing a nephrologist. My PCP never even mentioned it. I think a sudden drop in eGFR should be investigated though. I didn't go to a nephrologist until my eGFR hit 37 suddenly. My Cystatin C, a steadier form of GFR, has remained pretty stable though.


My primary referred me right away. I am 3B and see my nephrologist every 3 months.


My primary referred me right away. I am 3B and see my nephrologist every 3 months.

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3B would definitely merit a visit!! Good luck!


My internist though well meaning was not as concerned as I was about my high blood pressure, the current medication I was taking for my BP or my diagnosis of chronic kidney disease. I asked to see a nephrologist and he referred me straight away. My medication was immediately changed by the nephrologist to a more “kidney friendly” medication. Seeking more knowledge is a good practice. Being proactive is a good practice. Asking questions and searching for the questions to be asked is a good practice.


I was stage 3 with eGFR in the 50's for a long time before seeing a nephrologist. My PCP never even mentioned it. I think a sudden drop in eGFR should be investigated though. I didn't go to a nephrologist until my eGFR hit 37 suddenly. My Cystatin C, a steadier form of GFR, has remained pretty stable though.

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My eGFR is 49 one week after a Reclast infusion. Does that sound right? 3 weeks prior to Reclast my eGFR was 83 and had been steady for 3 years at least.
I did a stomach pelvic CT scan last Friday because my stomach is larger on right side than the left with no known cause (I’m on tamoxifen). The scan came out clear of cancer but the blood work showed creatinine at 1.2 and the low eGFR.
You seem to have a broad knowledge on all things medically related to your health, so I thought I’d check with you.
The CT also showed some small kidney cysts, and mild thickening of my left adrenal glad that they thought might be hyperplasia. It’s always something!!! Although I might have lived to 100 never knowing some of this stuff!


My eGFR is 49 one week after a Reclast infusion. Does that sound right? 3 weeks prior to Reclast my eGFR was 83 and had been steady for 3 years at least.
I did a stomach pelvic CT scan last Friday because my stomach is larger on right side than the left with no known cause (I’m on tamoxifen). The scan came out clear of cancer but the blood work showed creatinine at 1.2 and the low eGFR.
You seem to have a broad knowledge on all things medically related to your health, so I thought I’d check with you.
The CT also showed some small kidney cysts, and mild thickening of my left adrenal glad that they thought might be hyperplasia. It’s always something!!! Although I might have lived to 100 never knowing some of this stuff!

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@Rubyslippers you might want to talk to a nephrologist. I have a vague memory of someone having a much lower eGFR that recovered, but that might have been after IC contrast.

My nephrologist does say Reclast can affect kidneys, and some even have kidney failure. She recommends lower dose (1/5), IV hydration and slow infusion.

I hope you continue to get tested for that eGFR. Hoping it will go back up. Your current one isn't terrible but that is a big drop. Sorry I cannot answer- other than to suggest talking with a nephrologist who knows about Reclast.

If you can, let us know what you find out! My eGFR is already in the 40's so hoping it doesn't sink lower. Sorry that this has caused worry for you. Are you doing another Reclast?


My mom has stage 3b kidney disease and also severe osteoporosis. Her primary put her on Prolia for bones but new info is showing it is not good for those with kidney disease. Does anyone have any information on this?

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