Gastroparesis Diet – Questions, Suggestions, Tips

Posted by bellbelinda3 @bellbelinda3, Jan 30, 2012

I was recently diagnosed with Gastroparesis. Can anyone enlighten me about diet?

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About the Tai Chi, try Tai Chi for Arthritis. It is much more simple forms, and, much less of them! Dr Arthur Lam (sp?) created it. I did it at my PT's, and, brought my mom, who had had a stroke, and, with some modifications (hold on to a chair, during difficult movements), she did great.

My teacher said that even if you only do the warm ups, or, the first few, easy movements, over and over, it can help with balance, etc...

I haven't been DX with Gastroparesis yet, have the stomach emptying test a week from Friday.

But, from researching it, it seems pretty probable.

I'm concerned for both constipation caused by my pain meds, for my chronic pain (haven't ever had an obstruction, thank goodness!!). Usually, 5 fiber capsules in AM and PM, are enough to keep me regular. But, if I have to stop the fiber capsules, I'm pretty sure added water (already drink a lot), and, walking won't help me. I have done this, when in hospital, during the delay for them to get my fiber capsules ordered.. I also ate as much fruit and veggies as I could. None of that worked, until I got my fiber back.

So, I'm very concerned, if I do have Gastroparesis (what else could it be...?!! Lower end/bottom of stomach is red, irritated, inflamed, along with first part of my duodenum.), about constipation.

But, I've also been DX again with prediabetes (had it before, then my A1c was in range several times), and, from what I've researched, how I'll have to eat, if it is Gastroparesis, is almost opposite how I should eat, for diabetes. Eating for Gastroparesis, seems like high carb food.

Also, as I said earlier, I have chronic pain, and, also, chronic health conditions. Shopping, putting it away, cooking, and cleaning up, wears me out, and, causes me to hurt (as does activity, such as walking daily... but, I'll give it a go...)

I mostly try to get easy to prepare, somewhat healthy foods (frozen, and can be nuked, are my go to).

I saw the broths when I was shopping for bland foods (don't know if it's psychological, but, after gastro PA told me about possibility of Gastroparesis, my stomach 'went'. Pain, can't tolerate any but very bland, 'vanilla' foods, etc...).

I didn't really look closely at the broths, as I remembered them being pretty salty. But, I'll look at, and get some, next time I'm at store.

I told my GP's PA, that I think I'll need another dietitian appt, to figure out how to eat for both Gastroparesis and diabetes, if I am DX with Gastroparesis.

For years, like, 20, gastro doc had me on proton pump Inhibitors, and, for the most part, they seemed to work, with my stomach 'going', every so often...

I had 'hot spots' in my stomach, in middle school, and was put on restrictive diet then. Also, had to take a muscle relaxer, and wait 20 minutes, before I ate. Having experienced that, is why I think, even the possibility of having it, is triggering me. Especially, with the other complications I'll have

If I am DX, I'm going to see my ND. I've found, that often, with chronic conditions, naturopathy can do more, especially, get at the cause, than western medicine, which can only treat the symptoms.

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Hello, thank U 4 all the helpful information.
- Can U please tell me exactly what fiber capsules U were taking, as U mentioned near the beginning of your post, please?


I eat a lot of trail mix that I make with Costco Trail Mix, unsalted mixed nuts, dried crasins, m&Ms, dried apricots, a treat I eat a non-dairy avocado ice cream... As a Snack try celery or Napa cabbage with peanut butter on it..

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Most sound like things not to eat w gastroparesis. Help me understand please.


Fiber is the worst thing to take for gastroparesis! Why take something to slow down your digestion? Are you constipated or something? Small frequent meals, no uncooked fruits or veggies…. Only cooked or canned…. I found that not eating vegetables or fruits with my meats helps me….I take Rx Zofran for nausea or a bloated stomach… gasx helps with gas. I eat eggs, chicken, fish, & ground meats…. Never eat salads Never… ice cream for some people who are not lactose intolerant…. I found some cashew ice cream bars… don’t like the taste of almond milk ice cream… I had tests done at Mayo Clinic to confirm my lactose intolerance. Taking lactaid tablets helps if I’m having a little cheese or something dairy…. Walking after eating is my best tip for at least 10 minutes or longer ( it gets things moving)!!! If I can’t walk outside I use the treadmill or at least walk in the house….(I made a trail inside our home). If we’re out to eat I go for a walk while my husband pays the bill…. Family support & understanding is most helpful….. Good Luck & God Speed….


I just got diagnosed with this as well. Actually just returned home from the Mayo Clinic today. Before I left for my flight today I had an appointment with the Dietician at the Mayo Clinic. I felt it was very informative. She gave me a lot of references and a few web pages. One even has a lot of daily food examples and recipes. I am not sure exactly what you would want but I would be happy to share. Thanks

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I would love it if you are willing to share! I too was at Mayo recently but a dietician was not suggested to us while we were there. I have been privately looking for info since we returned. My email is


If you want to give me your email or phone number I can have someone give you the information about it. They are not a salesperson they just give you info to decide for yourself. I started the gummies about 3 weeks ago so I can get the vegetables and fruit I need. Kathy

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I would be interested in information about the gummies if you could provide. Thank you!

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