Excessive white sinus mucous/no allergies/no sinusitis

Posted by ddanca @ddanca, Mar 11, 2024

Everything started about 5 months ago. I felt sick; just tired and achy with a stuffed up nose. Two weeks in, the general Dr gave me augmentin for a sinus infection which I did not think I had but took the antibiotic. After a week, I felt better but had excessive gel like mucous in my sinuses. I was going though a box of Kleenex a day and could not sleep because I was gagging. Went back to my ENT. I had deviated septum surgery in June and wanted him to check it wasn't from that. Over the course of the next 4 months, I have had a scope, a culture, allergy testing, a sinus ct that showed a small cyst in one sinus that Most mucous is coming from, had various nasal sprays, a compound antibiotic to put in saline 2x's a day, using a navage, and month long doxycycline prescription. NOTHING is working! I was told the cyst would not cause this... I do have silent reflux and they had me try taking omaprozole 2x's a day for a month. No change. At one point, I ended up with a lung infection, coughing up jelly like yellow mucous. This mucous is thick, clear/white and sits far back in my sinuses. I feel like as soon as I clear it out, it is right back. Sometimes after eating, it gets worse...cold it be a gluten intolerance? I am not allergic though..help! I am beside myself. This is horrible. Thanks for any ideas. I am not even sure where to follow up with what type of doctor. A neurologist was thrown out there as a suggestion from the ENT

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Support Group.

Have you had COVID by chance? Lots of folks have written in about excessive mucous in the back of their throats & nose after having COVID. Praying for you.


Please let us know how your journey for answers proceeds. I have had many of those symptoms and nothing worked to change it. I have a deviated septum also, but haven't had any treatment for that. I understand that doctors will advise any tool they think might work for these problems. It's their duty to offer such treatments and many people appreciate that and find solutions,. In my case, however, decongestants, antihistamines, nasal sprays and washes, antibiotics and anti-allergens can just make things worse.
I noticed you said "sometimes after eating, it gets worse" and that's my experience too. I'm not sure what foods irritate my sinuses (and everything attached to them including my ears - tinnitus and hearing loss are part of the problem) but I no longer keep cheese, yogurt and other such products in my fridge. I use non-dairy almond, cashew or coconut milk and creamer instead. I also contracted covid, despite having the vaccine and it's boosters. My ENT said they don't know what effect the virus may have on the ear, nose, throat and brain. Praying answers will come for all of us who suffer from these issues.


Have you had COVID by chance? Lots of folks have written in about excessive mucous in the back of their throats & nose after having COVID. Praying for you.

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Have had sinus problems and estashian tube disorder feel like a weight is on my head no dizziness ever or balance problems


Have had sinus problems and estashian tube disorder feel like a weight is on my head no dizziness ever or balance problems

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Covid twice not much problem except coughing up mucus


Have had sinus problems and estashian tube disorder feel like a weight is on my head no dizziness ever or balance problems

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Is this support group with Mayo clinic


If it's silent reflux (LPR) then PPIs won't address it, according to ENT Jamie Koufman. You can read more about her thoughts on GERD and LPR and decide for yourself whether you want to pursue action based on her information: https://jamiekoufman.com. In general she advocates for the low-acid diet (if you are an adherent of another ENT who specializes in LPR, Jonathan Aviv, it would also be a whole diet), sleeping with head inclined and other lifestyle changes, and complementary support like Gaviscon Advance (I am using that plus aloe vera juice. Others favor manuka honey). Good luck!


I’ve had all your symptoms and more (fever, dry/burning eyes, shooting head pains, laryngitis, swollen glands)) for 3 years. My symptoms all started after sinus surgery for what was thought to be chronic sinusitis. I’ve been to many docs and had a lot of testing. A few things I’ve learned: I have a mild form of cystic fibrosis (which can explain some of my problems, but definitely not all), I might have an immune deficiency (we’re testing that now), and I may have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. That last one sounds most like what you’re experiencing. You can read this for more info https://www.webmd.com/allergies/what-is-mast-cell-activation-syndrome


This sounds like what I went through for several years. A box of kleenex a day was typical even after sinus surgery.
My diagnosis at Mayo clinic ended up to be "Aspirin Exacerbated Respiratory disease (AERD)". Im now on 300mg Dupixent injections, twice a month. Nasal polyps, Asthma like events, and thick mucus that was hard to stop. Finally, I broke my foot and the podiatrist told me to take 2 advil or tylenol for pain. I went for the advil and it put me into a serious Asthma attack. That was scary so if you have not taken Asperin or any nsaids for a long time, don't do so until you do a aspirin challenge with a support team. If you take them now with no reaction, likely its not AERD.

Additionally, I saw many chiropractors or integrative health specialists that determined through special blood tests that I was intolerant to: Wheat/gluten, corn, and soy. All of these or any of them will cause a sinus reaction and slight cough and tickle in throat. You will have to see a Integrative health specialist to have these tests because medical doctors or allergists only have the skin prick allergy tests that don't detect food intolerances.
To this day, I have not found a solution to the food intolerances other than the Dupixent seems to help. I also still have morning post nasal puss in throat but I have to say if I use the Saline nasal flush kit from Walgrens and ad the Budesonide capsule, that problem subsides somewhat. My allergist prescribes the budesonide capsules.
Best of luck to you and beware of constant antibiotic usage as it killed all of my gut flora early on back in 2006.
That may have lead to the food intolerances according to several Integrative doctors I have discussed this with.


ddanca, I feel for you, truly. I have a similar if not identical syndrome that gets worse and worse. Have had sinusitis for a few years...balloon surgery, which did nothing, then an atrostomy, which helped somewhat but cured nothing. Had Covid in December 2022 for the first time, then again a year ago, following the sinus surgery. Since then, the issue has been pretty much nonstop. Symptoms are postnasal drip with gag coughing in the a.m.; clear mucus; maxillary pressure; brain fog/headache; depression that feels chemical; body aches; dizziness; insomnia; tinnitus. It all may go away for a few days but then comes back like clockwork. I do two neti pot rinses daily (xylitol + budesonide + mupirocin), eat healthy, lots of veggies...I even had my home tested for mold! No mold, only allergies are to cats and dust. Had blood workup and some immune values are low...had a pneumonia vaccine to see if that does anything. Have taken augmentin, which did nothing. I'm beginning to think this is one of those weird post-Covid syndromes. The timetable is my clue. Have any of you visited a Long Covid clinic? An immunologist? Rhematologist? Infectious disease specialist? It's comforting in a way to know I'm not nuts, that others are down with this mystery syndrom, too -- which isn't to say I'm glad you have it LOL, only that this forum provides good support.


Hello @ddanca. This sounds so frustrating to have no response to all that treatment. I also wonder about the association with reflux. I might suggest that you research Manuka honey as it is used for reflux. I know people who have had much relief from using it, even better than the medications that were prescribed. Sometimes these complementary therapies can really surprise you.

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