Pituitary tumor symptoms: joint, muscle and body aches
Hi. I am new to this. And not sure I'm in the right category. I was diagnosed with a pituitary tumor in November. However, I have been experiencing terrible joint, muscle and body aches for a year now. No doctor knows why and nobody can confirm its from the tumor. I'm frustrated and becoming very hopeless and depressed. Can anyone with a pituitary tumor relate to body pain?
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuroendocrine Tumors (NETs) Support Group.
Good morning, my son and his fiancé will be staying with me in Rochester for the duration. It entails the procedure on one day and a sinus debravement 5-7 days after. And sooo many appointments! I’m forever grateful they can come with me. I’m so excited. I’ve had a migraine for 5 months constantly from the tumor.
I had surgery on 14.12.23 to remove tumor on pituitary gland. I was allowed home in 4 days but due to drop in sodium levels was readmitted and then home again on 24.12.23. Since then I have had constant ache at the back of my nose and in front of my head. I take pain killers every day. Can anyone tell me is this normal and if so when will these symptoms improve. I feel worse now than before I had the surgery which is a shame. Thank you in anticipation of responses. Matt.
Hello!I have been ill for over a year and I am trying to figure out what I have.The specialists have not been much help.I just saw that you mentioned your daughter having a weak pelvis from Cushings.I met with a neurologist who thinks I might have a metabolic muscular disease.I had blood tests done that showed low deha sulfate.When I looked that up I saw Addison's Disease can cause that.I thought I might have Cushings though.I keep on gaining weight and have no control over it and the muscle is completely gone in my arms,legs,pelvis,etc.I haveva big belly,arms and legs though.I saw that Cushings is usually skinny arms and legs.
Have you seen any cases where the deha sulfate in Cushings would be low instead of high?
Thankyou so much for responding.I am going to the endricinologist this week so hopefully I will get more answers.They are not finding much.They did find a Borderline antibody for Myasthenia Gravis too.I dont know if it is possible to have MG and Cushings at the same time.
@khauertkhauert did you ever get answers to what was causing the pain? I have had pain for years and no answers
I'm tagging @khauert to make sure they see your question about finding the cause of their pain.
@chiggins81, have you also been diagnosed with a pituitary tumor?
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Hola cómo estás? Espero que andes bien y hayas podido encontrar la solución. No soy medico ni puedo darte respuestas médicas. Puedo contarte lo que pasamos con mi esposa y esa enfermedad.
Los síntomas que nombras si pueden ser de cushing. Cara redonda ? Cara de Luna llena ? Estrias violetas en abdomen ? Perdida de potasio ? Debajo de la nuca , tienes una especie de joroba? Fracturas de huesos ? Glucemia alta? Presión arterial alta? Bastante incontrolable ?
Lo primero que tienes que hacer es ir al endocrinólogo y contarle tus dolencias. En todo caso, sugerir que crees que tienes cushing. Ellos deberán solicitar exámen de ACTH , cortisol .
Cómo dije en otro comentario, nunca te quedes con dudas. Tu eres la que conoce mejor tu cuerpo. No dejes que te manden al psicólogo. Muchos medicos al no conocer esa enfermedad no detectan nada y te diagnostican depresión. Obviamente al tener el cortisol por las nubes tu estado de animo es muy cambiante. Pero todo esto que te comento son mis experiencias. Ojalá hayas podido solucionar tu problema
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Hello @gustavo1975 and welcome to Mayo Connect. I see from your post that you have experience with ACTH.
I look forward to hearing from you again and knowing more about your health experience. If you are comfortable sharing more, what symptoms have you had? How long ago were you diagnosed? Are you being treated for this now?
Hola Teresa . El TNE lo tuvo mi esposa. Se lo diagnosticaron en. Septiembre del 2023. En Marzo del 2024 fue intervenida quirúrgicamente, enucleacion tumoral. Por ahora todos los controles salieron bien. No recibió tratamiento de nada, ni quimio ni radiación . T1 N0 M0. ahora en marzo tiene un nuevo control con el oncólogo y con la endocrinóloga. Hasta el día de hoy libre de enfermedad por suerte.
Los síntomas por lo cual fue detectado. Principalmente fueron los rasgos físicos que genera la enfermedad, también presentaba debilidad muscular , presión arterial alta y azúcar en sangre alta, perdida de potasio. Pero fue bastante dificil encontrar el tumor primario todos examenes de imágenes daban negativo hasta que llegó el PET TC con ga68. Ahí mostró la lesión en cabeza de páncreas sin comprender arterias, asique se pudo extirpar el tumor por completo. La vida le cambio para mejor , solo le quedan a veces dolores de huesos pero los puede llevar sin medicamentos.
Escribí es español, espero la traducción para ustedes sea entendible, soy de Buenos Aires Argentina. Saludos para todos, espero todos estén bien.
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