Loss of voice after lung surgery

Posted by vic83 @vic83, May 22, 2023

I had video assisted thoracic surgery for lung cancer surgery on Friday and immediately lost my voice. It is now Monday and no improvement. I can talk in whispers but have no volume and it is quite hoarse. Anybody else have this problem? What treatments are there?
I specifically asked the attending physician of the day but she only said "she was not worried" and offered no information on what to expect or do. I live alone and if I need to talk to someone, they now have trouble hearing me. Automated systems don't hear me.
Anyone out there have similar experience?

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I had the same surgery Jan 31. I was told not to worry that it was just from the tube. I finally was referred to an ENT doctor who diagnosed a paralyzed vocal cord. During surgery a nerve was most probably injured. I still have a very high pitch, low volume voice. Do you choke on liquids? That is one of the signs of paralyzed cord. I

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I had vocal paralysis of the left cord. Five months later it’s very minimal improvement… I’m so depressed cause I sing


Thanks for your reply. Yes they put tubes down for breathing. My throat is not swollen as far as I can tell and not sore. I just have no volume and have to speak in hoarse measured words. I have put in a call and message about it and await some comment

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This is me!!! It’s been five months and I have no voice in so sick


This is me!!! It’s been five months and I have no voice in so sick

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So sorry. What do the doctors tell you?
Fortunately I went back to normal in a week


So sorry. What do the doctors tell you?
Fortunately I went back to normal in a week

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They put me in vocal therapy. It’s helped but not back to 100% like I would want


They put me in vocal therapy. It’s helped but not back to 100% like I would want

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Hello @dexrichdex, Welcome to Mayo Connect. This has to be so difficult for you. It's frustrating for any of us to not be able to communicate the way that we would want, but for you, who define yourself as a singer, it has to be extra difficult. I'm glad that you are in vocal therapy. Remember to be kind to yourself. Are you able to be involved with music in other ways, it can be therapeutic? Or is it too difficult of a reminder of your own situation?


Hello @dexrichdex, Welcome to Mayo Connect. This has to be so difficult for you. It's frustrating for any of us to not be able to communicate the way that we would want, but for you, who define yourself as a singer, it has to be extra difficult. I'm glad that you are in vocal therapy. Remember to be kind to yourself. Are you able to be involved with music in other ways, it can be therapeutic? Or is it too difficult of a reminder of your own situation?

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Thank you for your kind words! It is very difficult to deal with this.
I still practice singing everyday!


Thank you for your kind words! It is very difficult to deal with this.
I still practice singing everyday!

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I watch my TikTok’s over and over


Though mine isn’t from cancer it is from being intubated twice back to back surgeries on my lungs from a horrible ATV crash


I had vocal paralysis of the left cord. Five months later it’s very minimal improvement… I’m so depressed cause I sing

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It took me about 9 months for the vocal cord to begin working again. Hopefully you will see more improvement


I had vocal paralysis of the left cord. Five months later it’s very minimal improvement… I’m so depressed cause I sing

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Hello Dex, Vic83 and Patti!
Issue is real. Lower Lobectomy Nov 2023 I am 4 Months post Surgery, I sound like a long shoreman, gravelly, low tone, Horrible! Nothing reminiscent of a female voice. I was told by my ENT it was a partially paralyzed Vocal cord from the Vats when taking my Lymph nodes. He also said it could take 12 to 15 Months with an 80% chance of it returning. The Two options given if we choose not to wait it out are Restylane injections into our vocal cords ( Ouch!) once a month or Surgery whereby they insert a pacer of sorts so the cords can again vibrate off each other. Yes to liquids going down the wrong pipe especially if I forget and try to talk while swallowing and sometimes food gets stuck, no gag reflex it's an unexpected side affect when taking Cancer in stride and getting such a resolution as the Vats Surgery. I count my blessings and realize it could be worse but it is frustrating having to fight to be heard in a noisy Restaurant or Room. I Talk for a living and don't feel as effective making a point sounding like this, If anyone has any other suggestions or experiences that may help, I would appreciate hearing them. All the best to the others afflicted with the same issue and Blessings to your Health Journey. ~ Jody

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