← Return to Pacemaker recipients: Looking for support from others

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What a great idea @balubeje. A group for people who have pacemakers. I'm tagging fellow Connect members who have mentioned that they have pacemakers. Please meet @ronbee @jimana @martishka @billmichalski @sotiredofit @ricke62 @catygirl @bevtar98.

@balubeje why don't you kick off the conversation. What is your primary concern? How has living with a pacemaker changed how you live today?

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Replies to "What a great idea @balubeje. A group for people who have pacemakers. I'm tagging fellow Connect..."

Think you need a pace maker...Run don't walk to get one. I have that common irregular heart since birth.I never thought much about it. My Internist 5 years ago said " you could sling shot a hemorrhage clot in the brain. As a preventive measure, I went to the Heart Hospital in Alburqeurque, New Mexico. They implanted a device to regulate my heart at 60 cycles. When I went home two days later, guess what? Man, did I feel stronger and less tired. I never thought it would make me feel that much better. I typically have a 100-109/over 55-70. Nurses have to take my pressure twice. There are many reasons for a pace maker, but mine does not need a battery for another 8 yrs. I am tested 2 times a year by the cardiologist office. The heart hospital gave me a home unit to put next to my bed. It monitors my heart wireless to the telephone back to the Heart hospital.It cost nothing for this service. I call their vendor when I go out of town. I am not aware of my pace maker unless I feel for it. There is no site pain. I hope this helps others. Oh! If I have surgery, the vendor for the pace maker comes into the surgical area and turns off the pace maker. On other occasions, the rep showed up and said they did not have to turn the pace maker off. But, there was never any inconveniences.

Its been 4 weeks and i dont feel much better. Please let me know youre experience

I had a pacemaker/defibrillator implanted 2 weeks ago tomorrow for HCM, unusual for my age of 84. I’m told that it usually occurs at a younger age.

I see Collen is quite active as she is also director on prostrate cancer support.

Have had a ICD/Pacemaker since 2006. I was fortunate enough to have the best electrophysiologist in the U.S. Dr. Kusumoto at Mayo Clinic Jacksonville. He is the president of the Electrophysiologist Group, written many books, gives lectures, seminars, and is known by so many other electropysiologist.

I would like others to hear what I heard that really help me deal with having a foreign body in my chest which helped lesson anxiety over having a ICD/Pacemaker. I was told that I had now my own EMT inside my body monitoring me 24 hours a day and ready to shock me back into rhythm. And did it. I would not be here many many times since first implant and I am on my 3rd ICD/pacemaker.

The pacemaker side is set to 70 to help reduce PVCs. Also I take medications that reduced my heart rate and got down into 40s at one time.

The Pace Clinic at Mayo Jacksonville is outstanding and it's director is Dr. Kusumoto. I have device checked at home every 3 months and once a year in office. The techs can be contacted at any time for advise.

It takes some time to get use to it both physically and mentally. Dr. Kusumoto advised me it would take about a year to get use to is both physically and mentally. I did have some issues and everything was done to change programming to make the device worked the best it could. I was recently put on Mexiletine to help with the hundreds of thousands of PVCs I get. It has helped. Dr. Kusumoto wanted to try this before another ablation.

I have heart failure but virus caused. The right side is normal it is my left that has a low ejection value. Do not have any exercise restrictions other than at age 76 don't over do it. I actually do Sprint Triathlons and exercise every day.

I have been through everything with ICD/Pacemaker since I have had one for over 17 years. Be glad to help with any questions, comments, experiences. I sure wish I had known this group was here when I first got mine as could have asked hundreds of questions.

Scheduled for insertion but doctor said I didn,t need it yet. Suggested I get a Kardia device and send him regular emails of results.
Still no symptoms and no pacemaker. I,m 80 .