MGUS & Rash

Posted by samraz @samraz, Feb 22, 2023

Hi everyone, I got diagnosed with MGUS last month with my GP and still waiting to see Hematologist.

I have also got some rash in my body that is not itchy but haven't gone for last 6 weeks. I am going to see dermatologist tomorrow, but I want to know if these rashes are related to MGUS or cancer? I live in Canada, so it means I have to wait until specialist see me.

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If you are not already doing so, consider keeping a food log. In my case, the rash I had for decades was gluten intolerance (now celiac [14 years]). I also have MGUS (no rash), hypothyroid, and colageneous colitis (7 years). Because of the food log I saw that legumes and NSAIDs triggered the colitis. I'm also sensitive to sap of some trees (woodturner), perfumes, some processed foods, and other odds and ends. Sometimes sensitivities can worsen rashes and other autoimmune syndromes. I'm 69 and just take synthroid and various vitamins. I'm on mostly a FODMAP diet.

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Thank you for your insight. My blood tests show that I am not having those types of problems. Besides not knowing the cause, my dermatologist feels it might have been caused by a medication for my CLL condition. I stopped with the med in August and still have the rash and it has spread all over. So I really don't know??? Thanks again.


MGUS and rash dx as vasculitis in 2022.
(I collect autoimmune disorders and manifestations-a lot of dermatological things:
numbness (neurological but also skin related)
digital clubbing
and now
(Plus a LONG story of the other autoimmune stuff. Personally, I feel that MGUS can be insidious and is perhaps the root of other problems. BUT Drs seem to consider me a hypochondriac for considering such things. This IS called MGof UNDETERMINED significance. Why do so many write it off as INsignificant?)

Blessings to you all!


Thank you for sending the article. I am a white male, 69 & within the past 2 yrs had a prostatectomy. The MGUS started appearing as just odd blood level readings. No one took notice till my PT after the surgery was concerned that my energy level was not getting back to where it hard been before the surgery (I saw her for some Pre-hab to start exercises as soon as possible). The Oncological Hematologist thought I was loosing blood internally so I had upper & lower GI done which were negative. I just had a bone marrow biopsy & am awaiting the results from pathology to meet w/ the Hematologist. I have been experiencing different weaknesses in muscles which I was attributing to taking statins that my GP is hell-bent on me taking. However, I had reactions all over - muscle weakness & now discovered my Glucose is over 100 consistently, which had never happened before - so I stopped them immediately. The reading surfaced just recently when I had a finger prick to check glucose to have a PET scan done. It was 120 and I had not eaten anything for 12 hrs and drank only a bit of water. Things are really getting a bit screwy for me. The Hematologist is almost certain I have MGUS, but he wants it confirmed with the biopsy before we move ahead.


Thank you for sending the article. I am a white male, 69 & within the past 2 yrs had a prostatectomy. The MGUS started appearing as just odd blood level readings. No one took notice till my PT after the surgery was concerned that my energy level was not getting back to where it hard been before the surgery (I saw her for some Pre-hab to start exercises as soon as possible). The Oncological Hematologist thought I was loosing blood internally so I had upper & lower GI done which were negative. I just had a bone marrow biopsy & am awaiting the results from pathology to meet w/ the Hematologist. I have been experiencing different weaknesses in muscles which I was attributing to taking statins that my GP is hell-bent on me taking. However, I had reactions all over - muscle weakness & now discovered my Glucose is over 100 consistently, which had never happened before - so I stopped them immediately. The reading surfaced just recently when I had a finger prick to check glucose to have a PET scan done. It was 120 and I had not eaten anything for 12 hrs and drank only a bit of water. Things are really getting a bit screwy for me. The Hematologist is almost certain I have MGUS, but he wants it confirmed with the biopsy before we move ahead.

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Welcome to Connect, @sportedgee. Great to have you here in the MGUS discussion. Seeing that you’ve also had a prostatectomy, there is also an active prostate cancer group you may want to check in with. You may be able to provide some valuable insights to members who may be facing the same surgery. Here’s a link to that group:

Back to MGUS. Some people do experience a rash, sometimes numbness or tingling in the body, while others have no symptoms they can equate with the condition.
Tossing in another article for you:

Having the bone marrow biopsy will give your doctor a good overall analysis and picture of the health of your bone marrow and its ability to produce healthy blood cells. It can take a good week to 10 days for all of the analytics to be returned. Hopefully this gets you some answers as to the symptoms you’re having. I know it’s troubling when you’re not feeling right and have no answers. But it sounds like you have a good doctor who is following up on things for you.

I’m interested in hearing what your biopsy results show. If you don’t mind, would you please report back?


Welcome to Connect, @sportedgee. Great to have you here in the MGUS discussion. Seeing that you’ve also had a prostatectomy, there is also an active prostate cancer group you may want to check in with. You may be able to provide some valuable insights to members who may be facing the same surgery. Here’s a link to that group:

Back to MGUS. Some people do experience a rash, sometimes numbness or tingling in the body, while others have no symptoms they can equate with the condition.
Tossing in another article for you:

Having the bone marrow biopsy will give your doctor a good overall analysis and picture of the health of your bone marrow and its ability to produce healthy blood cells. It can take a good week to 10 days for all of the analytics to be returned. Hopefully this gets you some answers as to the symptoms you’re having. I know it’s troubling when you’re not feeling right and have no answers. But it sounds like you have a good doctor who is following up on things for you.

I’m interested in hearing what your biopsy results show. If you don’t mind, would you please report back?

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I will let you know as soon as I meet w/ the Doc. I do not see him until the beginning of May. Unless I get a call stating I am expected to be in the office a date prior to my schedule time, which has happened in the past. More fun to come…..


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