Small Intestine Bacteria Overgrowth (SIBO)

Posted by jacque6977 @jacque6977, Feb 22, 2017

My wife, after years of suffering from debilitating nausea and fatigue, has finally been diagnosed with SIBO as confirmed by a hydrogen breath test. It is estimated the bacteria has had at least two years to grow and may be well established. She has started on Xifaxan, at $35 per pill, but it is estimated that elimination of the SIBO may take up to six months. Her day now starts with her waking up with nausea and when she has a cup of tea and toast in the morning she gets sick within fifteen minutes thereafter. Her sickness is accompanied by violent belching, and at times she regurgitates liquid vile. The only drug she has for nausea is Zofran which does nothing for her. Are there any other SIBO sufferers that are experiencing the same symptoms, and what are you taking to reduce the nausea?

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May I ask what brand of bitters?

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The brand is Dr. Shade's #9 bitters. It can be ordered from Amazon. After I take the bitters, 2 quirts under the tongue, I also do about 10 slow breaths - in through the nose and out through the mouth.
Hope this helps.


To diagnose SIBO, my doctor ordered a breath test which looks at these gases - methane and hydrogen - being produced in your gut. It's a home kit mailed to you but needs to be intrepreted by your doctor. I don't understand how SIBO can be detected via a colonoscopy or endoscopy. Google SIBO to find out what exactly it is and the symptoms one can experience (there are many) - I lost weight, felt fatigued and bloated and that my food was not being digested but just sitting in my upper stomach. Also, do some reading on testing for SIBO so you are armed with that information to share with your doctor. Let him/her know that you would very much like this test to at least rule in or rule out and how to treat if you do in fact have SIBO. What you want is to find out what is causing your symptoms, not just treat the symptoms, otherwise once you stop treating symptoms and feeling good, your symptoms will return if indeed you do have SIBO. That is what happened to me and on my third endoscopy I was told by the GI to never take the proton pump inhibitors (PPI) as they had made my digestive tract cells hypertrophic.
There is also a great book out called SUPER GUT by Dr. William Davis that helps you understand SIBO and dietary changes that need to be changed and/or added to your diet. His recommendations are very similar to what my doctor prescribed for me.
If your doctor refuses, I highly recommend you seek another one out who is willing to work with you on finding the reasons for your symptoms and treating that cause. My doctor is a functional medicine doctor as I gave up on my health providers. You can find one by city and state at and look for one that specializes in digestive issues.
Wishing you the best in finding an answer and getting your health back.

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I thought PPIs were bad as they reduce acid that is needed to digest food and keep bacteria away. 5 years ago I became sick and while testing to find out what it was, drs had me on 80 mg of Prilosec. I eventually got diagnosed with Crohn's and now battle with SIBO. I feel the high dosage of Prilosec damaged my stomach . Experts say no PPIs.
Your thoughts?


To diagnose SIBO, my doctor ordered a breath test which looks at these gases - methane and hydrogen - being produced in your gut. It's a home kit mailed to you but needs to be intrepreted by your doctor. I don't understand how SIBO can be detected via a colonoscopy or endoscopy. Google SIBO to find out what exactly it is and the symptoms one can experience (there are many) - I lost weight, felt fatigued and bloated and that my food was not being digested but just sitting in my upper stomach. Also, do some reading on testing for SIBO so you are armed with that information to share with your doctor. Let him/her know that you would very much like this test to at least rule in or rule out and how to treat if you do in fact have SIBO. What you want is to find out what is causing your symptoms, not just treat the symptoms, otherwise once you stop treating symptoms and feeling good, your symptoms will return if indeed you do have SIBO. That is what happened to me and on my third endoscopy I was told by the GI to never take the proton pump inhibitors (PPI) as they had made my digestive tract cells hypertrophic.
There is also a great book out called SUPER GUT by Dr. William Davis that helps you understand SIBO and dietary changes that need to be changed and/or added to your diet. His recommendations are very similar to what my doctor prescribed for me.
If your doctor refuses, I highly recommend you seek another one out who is willing to work with you on finding the reasons for your symptoms and treating that cause. My doctor is a functional medicine doctor as I gave up on my health providers. You can find one by city and state at and look for one that specializes in digestive issues.
Wishing you the best in finding an answer and getting your health back.

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Who was your GI and where?


Wow, all of you with this horrible issue! I had SIBO, didn’t know it at the time, and first Gastro did nothing, ultimately just said “ eat fodmap plan” nothing else. No test nothing. I had terrible bloating, within an hour after eating. For a long time. Then I wasn’t able to swallow, lost weight quickly and started getting dizzy. This was probably over a year-went to health food and vitamins store, they recommended a porcine (pig) enzyme.
Took that, and was able to start eating after a few days. Had a doctor appt, told him again, what was happening, showed him the bottle, he looked at it, said there were better things to take and walked out. I thought he was getting me an RX…no, I was done.
Well, was able to get an appointment with a new Gastro, within 2 weeks he had done a scope and 4 other tests, all in office (he has a surgical center) and I was diagnosed with SIBO. Apparently, first doctor didn’t have the ability to test for anything. 😱
Put me on the fodmap diet after explaining it, and I also ordered numerous books to understand and have some ideas for trying to put together potentially tasty food. They say 3 months of fodmap, and then start to introduce foods, but I stayed on it a longer time and still am careful with the most offensive foods. Will have some…but very limited. Sugar stuff, most alcohols, garlic, many fruits and vegetables and gluten. He also said to eat organically.
Then you have to check for leaky gut syndrome, something else to look up info about, I ordered books on that too.
It worked, I’m healthy and the food choices I make have just become habit.
Remember, the diet itself is not forever…
A bit of research, information and a little work and I hope that you will all start feeling better soon…


May I ask what brand of bitters?

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I take Dr. Shades #9 bitters, ordered on Amazon. Two squirts underneath the tongue with water and then I do 10 deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth 10 minutes before eating. It helps to calm the body. Also helpful if you chew your food, not swallow large bites.


Thank you for sharing this information. I have been diagnosed with IBS-D. Recently had a positive breath test for SIBO. Started Xifaxan a few days ago but I don't notice any difference in my symptoms. Some of the symptoms actually seem more pronounced. I had the SIBO breath test in the doctor's office. The breath testing machine made an alarm noise at the 3rd and forth 20 minute check. Both time the medical assistant said she had to calibrate the machine. 'I"m wondering if the test was even accurate. I also do not have any upper GI symptoms (heart-burn, belching, indigestion , nausea) which I thought was common with SIBO. I'm questioning if I even need this antibiotic but the doctor feels I do. Any thoughts on this?

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Did Xifaxan end up helping? I am currently on my third round of it. I found my symptoms got worse before getting better. I have IBS-D and nothing has helped my SIBO except Xifaxan. I am going to stay on it indefinitely most likely. Have you found anything else to help your symptoms?


After two regiments of Xifaxan my wife's latest breath test came back negative for SIBO. The problem is that she is still suffering from chronic nausea. She will eat a piece of toast and a cup of tea for breakfast and will be nauseated within fifteen minutes accompanied at times by violent belching and regurgitation. Her latest visit to the ER, and subsequent admission, once again found no abnormalities in her tests. The hospital could not duplicate her sever nausea on a hospital diet, but as soon as she got home the nausea reappeared. It is disappointing that the SIBO test was negative, because a positive reading would have at least given a diagnosis that could be treated. There have also been some suggestions that her symptoms might be psychosomatic. I would appreciate any feedback from anyone who may have had such symptoms. Tuesday she has an appointment with the gastroenterology consulting physician who seen her in the hospital. This will be the fourth GI physician she has had in the last four years.

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Hi, just reading through old posts. These symptoms are the exact ones I have. Just curious if you ever found a cause with your wife's symptoms?


Did Xifaxan end up helping? I am currently on my third round of it. I found my symptoms got worse before getting better. I have IBS-D and nothing has helped my SIBO except Xifaxan. I am going to stay on it indefinitely most likely. Have you found anything else to help your symptoms?

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I had ileocecal valve removed during surgery for adhesions. My SIBO is treated with xaxaflaxen plus flagel an antibiotic


Hi, just reading through old posts. These symptoms are the exact ones I have. Just curious if you ever found a cause with your wife's symptoms?

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Have you been breath tested for any food intolerances like fructose or lactose? Once you have SIBO your gut microbiome is a mess and nutritionists have told me to try a low FODMAP or low inflammatory diet to let it heal.


Did Xifaxan end up helping? I am currently on my third round of it. I found my symptoms got worse before getting better. I have IBS-D and nothing has helped my SIBO except Xifaxan. I am going to stay on it indefinitely most likely. Have you found anything else to help your symptoms?

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My next step, my gastro said is to try Xifaxan. If you are on Medicare how do you afford it? It's horribly expensive.

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