Pancreatic Cancer Group: Introduce yourself and connect with others

Welcome to the Pancreatic Cancer group on Mayo Clinic Connect.
This is a welcoming, safe place where you can meet people living with pancreatic cancer or caring for someone with pancreatic cancer. Let’s learn from each other and share stories about living well with cancer, coping with the challenges and offering tips.

I’m Colleen, and I’m the moderator of this group, and Community Director of Connect. Chances are you’ll to be greeted by fellow members and volunteer patient Mentors, when you post to this group. Learn more about Moderators and Volunteer Mentors on Connect.

We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Pull up a chair. Let's start with introductions.

When were you diagnosed with pancreatic cancer? What treatments have you had? How are you doing?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Pancreatic Cancer Support Group.


I also am a retired nurse & being on this side of the bed is challenging to say the least. I have stage 4 inoperable pancreatic cancer in the tail which was also found by "accident" due to CT of my lungs as a former smoker. I had a mass on my adrenal gland and mets to my lungs. I am in GA about 2.5 hours north of Mayo Jacksonville. Mayo did the confirmation since I was striking out on referrals to "local" (45 min. away) gastro docs! You are so lucky to find this site early! Took me forever to find this group. The other 2 sites recommended are really helpful too (Let's Win & pancan .org). You may find your nursing research skills getting used to try & find articles that help you deal with nutrition & labs, pain management, drugs, and therapies like acupuncture (helps me), exercise and motivation.

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@199 Thank you for reaching out the info is very helpful. LOL😂 As nurses we know each other so well. In 3 weeks I have a 3 subject notebook set up. Someone said this journey is like having a job again. Appts, Phone calls, going to meetings you know you're going to feel worse coming out of the meeting.
I am VERY grateful for accidentally finding this now and I will do my part.
What are they doing for you as stage 4? Prayers always. If you need to talk to someone outside your circle message me.
I have a good ear.


Hello everyone. Joe from Pa here. My wife was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2021. She was diagnosed after repeated trips to her primary physician who prescribed heartburn medicine. Thankfully she pushed him and finally a gastro doc recommended an MRI which discovered a tumor in the middle of her pancreas. She received surgery in Hershey, Pa where they removed her tumor, part of her pancreas, her spleen and 13 lymph nodes. Unfortunately a year later the cancer was found to have spread to other lymph nodes in an inoperable area. After several rounds of Chemo drips both before her surgery and after she has come to the point where she can no longer tolerate the drip and the FU box they sent her home with. She is now on pills from a targeted therapy still getting side effects, but tolerable so far. It's been a long road for her and being her caretaker has been challenging. She has been though a myriad of emotions from anger to tears. Fighting to quiting to fighting again. We live in a rural area of Pa between Philly and Pittsburgh and I wonder if she is receiving the best care here. She is on her 4th oncologist in the past 2 and a half years. The local cancer clinic who is caring for her here is associated with John Hopkins in Baltimore, MD who is in communication regarding her case and in agreement with her treatments. In any case so glad I found this site. Hoping to connect with others going through the same issues. We don't have family close as we are from the Philly area as I moved us out here for a job 10 years ago. Don't hear much from them. I honestly think they don't know what to say to us, so out of sight out of mind, unfortunately. We are both retired now. Thanks for reading our story.

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Hello! Welcome to the Mayo board. I also have stage 4 inoperable pancreatic adenocarcinoma. I was diagnosed in late March 2023 and staged 4/6/23. I can certainly understand all of your concerns. This disease is challenging, and fighting it is a real slog, day by day. It is difficult to keep spirits up. I'm glad your MD is in touch with the Johns Hopkins folks; that should help you get the appropriate treatment. But of course, you are always free to seek a second or third opinion elsewhere. Why did your wife change oncologists? I changed early in my treatment because my first oncologist, um, lacked bedside manner, let's say. (He was sharp and dismissive.) I also hope that you have some community support in your area and resources such as grocery delivery to help you manage everything. Please feel free to browse the board and research topics and post questions. I have found the people here to be so friendly and forthcoming, and I'm sure you will too.


My husband was diagnosed with Stage IV pancreatic cancer with metastasis to the liver and peritoneum. He is 67 but is in really good physical condition due to working construction his entire life. He is getting ready for his 12th treatment of Folfirinox next week and is still doing fairly well considering the severity of the disease and degree of spread. His tumor is in the tail of the pancreas. We did go to MD Anderson for a second opinion but they couldn't offer any different treatment than we are receiving in Kansas City. He still works construction except for the days he is on the 5fu pump (we own the company so his schedule if flexible). Outside of fatigue with anemia, which is chemo related I assume, and some bowel issues a few days per month he feels fairly good. His last scan yesterday does show "stable widespread metastatic disease" but also a new condition has arose. This is copied and pasted from the actual report in his mychart. We do not get to speak to the oncologist for another week, although I do expect them to call since there is another "procedure" needed, but I am unclear as to what this new situation means. Does anyone have any experience or knowledge of the following condition?

"2. Development of moderate right hydroureteronephrosis with abrupt transition of the dilated right ureter at the level of the false pelvis likely owing to distal ureteral obstruction from peritoneal metastatic disease. Consideration should be given to placement of a percutaneous nephrostomy or ureteral stent to preserve renal function."

Thank you for any help with this and prayers for all of us dealing with this evil disease currently and in the past!

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Hello and welcome to the Mayo board. I think I'm in the same situation as your husband. I'm stage 4 inoperable adenocarcinoma, and I also have a right ureteral blockage with hydronephrosis. Basically, my right kidney doesn't drain properly anymore. My tumor is in the body of the pancreas, and CT scans do not indicate that it is causing the blockage. I have kidney damage from a bout with some viral thing, probably covid, in fall 2020, so I guess it could be either complication. Anyway, I have now had three ureteral stents installed, most recently on 3/5/24. I'd be happy to answer questions. All the surgeries have been very simple for me; I came home and cooked dinner! If you have questions, please post.


Hello everyone. Joe from Pa here. My wife was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2021. She was diagnosed after repeated trips to her primary physician who prescribed heartburn medicine. Thankfully she pushed him and finally a gastro doc recommended an MRI which discovered a tumor in the middle of her pancreas. She received surgery in Hershey, Pa where they removed her tumor, part of her pancreas, her spleen and 13 lymph nodes. Unfortunately a year later the cancer was found to have spread to other lymph nodes in an inoperable area. After several rounds of Chemo drips both before her surgery and after she has come to the point where she can no longer tolerate the drip and the FU box they sent her home with. She is now on pills from a targeted therapy still getting side effects, but tolerable so far. It's been a long road for her and being her caretaker has been challenging. She has been though a myriad of emotions from anger to tears. Fighting to quiting to fighting again. We live in a rural area of Pa between Philly and Pittsburgh and I wonder if she is receiving the best care here. She is on her 4th oncologist in the past 2 and a half years. The local cancer clinic who is caring for her here is associated with John Hopkins in Baltimore, MD who is in communication regarding her case and in agreement with her treatments. In any case so glad I found this site. Hoping to connect with others going through the same issues. We don't have family close as we are from the Philly area as I moved us out here for a job 10 years ago. Don't hear much from them. I honestly think they don't know what to say to us, so out of sight out of mind, unfortunately. We are both retired now. Thanks for reading our story.

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Have you contacted for options in your geographic area? I have found very helpful in providing information on oncologists, surgeons and clinics. University of Pennsylvania does PDAC research (for one), although I don't know how robust their Pancreatic Cancer department is for your situation. can provide quite a bit of information that may be of help.


My husband was diagnosed with Stage IV pancreatic cancer with metastasis to the liver and peritoneum. He is 67 but is in really good physical condition due to working construction his entire life. He is getting ready for his 12th treatment of Folfirinox next week and is still doing fairly well considering the severity of the disease and degree of spread. His tumor is in the tail of the pancreas. We did go to MD Anderson for a second opinion but they couldn't offer any different treatment than we are receiving in Kansas City. He still works construction except for the days he is on the 5fu pump (we own the company so his schedule if flexible). Outside of fatigue with anemia, which is chemo related I assume, and some bowel issues a few days per month he feels fairly good. His last scan yesterday does show "stable widespread metastatic disease" but also a new condition has arose. This is copied and pasted from the actual report in his mychart. We do not get to speak to the oncologist for another week, although I do expect them to call since there is another "procedure" needed, but I am unclear as to what this new situation means. Does anyone have any experience or knowledge of the following condition?

"2. Development of moderate right hydroureteronephrosis with abrupt transition of the dilated right ureter at the level of the false pelvis likely owing to distal ureteral obstruction from peritoneal metastatic disease. Consideration should be given to placement of a percutaneous nephrostomy or ureteral stent to preserve renal function."

Thank you for any help with this and prayers for all of us dealing with this evil disease currently and in the past!

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The best interpretation I can give is that the ureter, which connects the kidney to the bladder, is being blocked by cancer (distal here means "downstream"). When the ureter become blocked off, the kidney will stop functioning and can become permanently damaged and non functioning. A stent is internal, to internally bypass the blockage, a nephrostomy will bypass the internal blockage with drainage which drains externally.


Have you contacted for options in your geographic area? I have found very helpful in providing information on oncologists, surgeons and clinics. University of Pennsylvania does PDAC research (for one), although I don't know how robust their Pancreatic Cancer department is for your situation. can provide quite a bit of information that may be of help.

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Hi. Yes. We have researched in PanCan. Actually, we are attending a virtual class on nutrition next week on that site. My wife has gastro issues so traveling long distances is an issue. John Hopkins is involved in her case, so we are hopeful moving forward. With JH advice, she is on a completely new targeted treatment which just started about a week ago. Thanks for the info.


Hello! Welcome to the Mayo board. I also have stage 4 inoperable pancreatic adenocarcinoma. I was diagnosed in late March 2023 and staged 4/6/23. I can certainly understand all of your concerns. This disease is challenging, and fighting it is a real slog, day by day. It is difficult to keep spirits up. I'm glad your MD is in touch with the Johns Hopkins folks; that should help you get the appropriate treatment. But of course, you are always free to seek a second or third opinion elsewhere. Why did your wife change oncologists? I changed early in my treatment because my first oncologist, um, lacked bedside manner, let's say. (He was sharp and dismissive.) I also hope that you have some community support in your area and resources such as grocery delivery to help you manage everything. Please feel free to browse the board and research topics and post questions. I have found the people here to be so friendly and forthcoming, and I'm sure you will too.

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Hi. Thanks. Yes my wife is the same as you. Stage & type of pancreatic cancer. Apparently they have a hard time keeping oncologists at our clinic. Been through 4 only because they are temporary and move on to other cities. She is on talfinar and mekinist pill treatment just started. Hoping it keeps her level as we pray for a future cure. Thanks for the reply. Great site to locate others going through the same things


Has anyone on this panel ever used broccoli sprouts to help stop the spread of cancer? I have read at the N.I.H. and Johns Hopkins websites that using broccoli sprouts that has a concentration of a substance called sulforaphane can help stop the progression of various cancers.


Has anyone on this panel ever used broccoli sprouts to help stop the spread of cancer? I have read at the N.I.H. and Johns Hopkins websites that using broccoli sprouts that has a concentration of a substance called sulforaphane can help stop the progression of various cancers.

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@199 Thank you for reaching out the info is very helpful. LOL😂 As nurses we know each other so well. In 3 weeks I have a 3 subject notebook set up. Someone said this journey is like having a job again. Appts, Phone calls, going to meetings you know you're going to feel worse coming out of the meeting.
I am VERY grateful for accidentally finding this now and I will do my part.
What are they doing for you as stage 4? Prayers always. If you need to talk to someone outside your circle message me.
I have a good ear.

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Some meetings I go to I feel better & some confused. Stage 4 inoperable really shocked me since I had been praised for early detection and told I was probably a stage one. My husband & I found out on a "zoom" meeting with the oncologist that I was stage 4 when I asked about my prognosis! We were speechless! Fortunately, my PCP locally had suggested I see an oncologist locally weeks before & that appointment was in 2 days. My local oncologist was very positive and frank in what was going to happen. Within 3 weeks I had my port and started chemo! My CA 19-9 was around 450 then & slowly it came down over the next months. My CT scans showed some improvement & after 44 treatments with gemcitabine & Abraxane, I am now taking a "break". I will find out how that is going after the 25th/28th when my CT, labs & oncology appointment occur. This is now a stressful time. Scary to be without chemo, but my body was telling me I had to take a break.
When my local oncologist told me in the first visit that I would be in "palliative" care, I was really down since I saw "palliative" care in the light of hospice and not as ongoing cancer care. After searching that definition, I was much relieved.
Sometimes you need to fight with providers or teach them about things you discover. I had such edema from being on pregabalin that I finally took myself off of it! Breasts still have edema, but my feet & legs are 100% better! I won my fight with the VA over acupuncture but the VA made me give up my Tai Chi, so now I get 1 tx every 3 weeks. Since it has been helping I will pay for tx too!
Prayers to you, also. If you need to talk, message me also 🙂

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