For those of us without family - Who will take care of you ?

Posted by ginger123 @ginger123, Feb 18, 2024

As I age, not having children or close family, I’m beginning to ask myself who will see to my care, when I can no longer take care of myself. And, who should I name in my Will to be executor….. I don’t want to burden friends, as I have a complicated estate. And friends my age have their own challenges..

I’m fortunate to have financial resources, but no children or close family. I’d like to get things in order while I’m still healthy. May I have your ideas?

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Our attorney told us we didn't need a will if we have beneficiaries on all accounts. Have a lady bird deed on our house. Have signed our titles on the cars but named no buyer until our death it can be filled in. As far as tractors, jewelry, and other possesions, we were told to write on a piece of paper in our own handwriting who we want things to go to and just sign and date it. Now we are in Michigan so I'm sure the laws in other states will differ.

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I would get a second opinion on the advice from your attorney.

My husband and I do disaster management relief contract work from time to time.

One thing that is important is having your documentation in order regarding ownership and occupancy.

Unfortunately, people pass away adopting the advice suggested by your attorney that any court would consider insufficient documentation.

Attorneys thrive on this and make money off of folks desperately trying to get their affairs in order with improper documentation charging them astronomical fees and causing unnecessary delays and stress.

My job helping people with ownership and occupancy documents requires a great deal of research at times but it all could be avoided with good honest to the point legal advice.

This work experience has provided both my husband and myself pertinent knowledge on the importance of wills, successions, donations, deeds, etc.

My beautiful husband and I who live in a community property state are taking measures to get our will in place for us and our kids.

We talk about the latter part of our life journey and how can we make it less burdensome for our kids. (Getting rid of stuff) 😭😂

Who knows our kids might go through difficult health and financial difficulties. We need to think about ourselves and how we can help them without sacrificing our financial savings and lifestyle choices yet be there for them.

What we have learned after getting burned over the years by professionals giving bad advice (cough attorneys) is to arm ourselves with as much knowledge about our circumstances before consulting with professionals to discern if they have our best interests in mind verses viewing us a cash cow.

My Beloved Husband said tell your attorney to put what he said to you in writing ✍️


I have 2 brothers and a sister but they aren't able or wouldn't take care of me. I've always been the run to person for help. No one helped me. I need a shoulder replacement but can't, I have no help. I won't go to a nursing home if the time came, so who knows what will happen to me🤔😳

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Where I currently live, neighbors help neighbors in real tangible ways and nobody keeps score.

Cars get loaned out; meals get delivered; weeds get whacked; dogs get walked…all by neighbors helping neighbors.

Everyone is going through a lot. It’s different from one to the next, but EVERYONE has good days and bad.

I’m hoping we senior citizens can do the same with a little help from some younger people.



My neighbor uses his snow blower to clear my driveway and the sidewalks. By city ordinance the sidewalks must be cleared within 24 hours of a snowfall. And I take him and his family something that I have cooked; they both work and it is a blended family of four children, so I take soups in quantity or a dish that will feed six.
My church has a group of volunteers called " Helping Hands." If someone needs help or transporation or food, they send an email giving the type of help needed in to the coordinator, she sends a request out to those who can provide the requested type of help, and usually within an hour or two, the requestor has a reply of someone who is volunteering to provide the needed type of help. I've used it for moving furniture, for meals when I've been ill, for transportation after knee surgery when I've been told I'm not to drive. In return I'm on the list to provide transportation for those who mustn't drive. Through this service I've met individuals I would not have met otherwise.


No vivo en EEUU,pero he oído de sociedades que se dedican precisamente a ayudar a personas en esa situación.Cede usted después de su fallecimiento los bienes a cambio del cuidado que han tenido con usted.Si esas sociedades son responsables,tendrá usted tranquilidad y cuidado en su vejez.
Tal vez personas de su entorno lo puedan asesorar sobre este tipo de Solución
No son empresas comerciales unque tambien las hay.A cambio de la cesión usted su sus bienes recibirá cuidados y una mensualidad ,que supongo que será acordé con la edad y el bien cedido.
Seguro que encontrará quién lo asesore desinteresadamente y de manera ecuánime.


No vivo en EEUU,pero he oído de sociedades que se dedican precisamente a ayudar a personas en esa situación.Cede usted después de su fallecimiento los bienes a cambio del cuidado que han tenido con usted.Si esas sociedades son responsables,tendrá usted tranquilidad y cuidado en su vejez.
Tal vez personas de su entorno lo puedan asesorar sobre este tipo de Solución
No son empresas comerciales unque tambien las hay.A cambio de la cesión usted su sus bienes recibirá cuidados y una mensualidad ,que supongo que será acordé con la edad y el bien cedido.
Seguro que encontrará quién lo asesore desinteresadamente y de manera ecuánime.

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Bienvenido al groupo, y gracias por haber escrito su mensaje. Si, hay tales grupos, pero no existen en cada ciudad, ni pueblo. Principalmente están en las ciudades mas grandes. Aquí tenemos un lugar donde se puede comprar un "apartament" y no se cuánto tiene que pagar por mes por el alojamiento. Cuándo no vive en el apartamiento no más el apartamento pertenece a la familia, pero la familia tiene que vender lo a la companía, no se puede venderlo a otra persona.


My neighbor uses his snow blower to clear my driveway and the sidewalks. By city ordinance the sidewalks must be cleared within 24 hours of a snowfall. And I take him and his family something that I have cooked; they both work and it is a blended family of four children, so I take soups in quantity or a dish that will feed six.
My church has a group of volunteers called " Helping Hands." If someone needs help or transporation or food, they send an email giving the type of help needed in to the coordinator, she sends a request out to those who can provide the requested type of help, and usually within an hour or two, the requestor has a reply of someone who is volunteering to provide the needed type of help. I've used it for moving furniture, for meals when I've been ill, for transportation after knee surgery when I've been told I'm not to drive. In return I'm on the list to provide transportation for those who mustn't drive. Through this service I've met individuals I would not have met otherwise.

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This is a wonderful idea - and it does the necessary work to get the needs met!

I've been doing Meals on Wheels every 2 weeks, as we're scheduled, and though it isn't much time, it is the least I can do, the folks who receive the hot meals and dessert/fruit are kind and appreciative, and it addresses a need. I'd like to do more! Maybe I'll look into the church out of which our Meals on Wheels is sponsored and see if they have anything like this.

I hope all is well with you.


This is a wonderful idea - and it does the necessary work to get the needs met!

I've been doing Meals on Wheels every 2 weeks, as we're scheduled, and though it isn't much time, it is the least I can do, the folks who receive the hot meals and dessert/fruit are kind and appreciative, and it addresses a need. I'd like to do more! Maybe I'll look into the church out of which our Meals on Wheels is sponsored and see if they have anything like this.

I hope all is well with you.

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Hi Brandysparks,
If you find your church group does not having anything like Helping Hands, you might suggest that such a group be formed. Our church office solicited a person to be the contact point. The emails that we send in requesting help go to Helping Hands@ our church's email address. Those emails go directly to the Contact Person, but they are separate from her private email. They are then sorted by the type of help needed and forwarded to one of three lists: to 1) provide transportation, or 2) provide meals, or 3) do small handyman type projects. No, I'm not suggesting you take this on. Anyone on this forum has plenty on their plate, but someone might pick up the idea.
Do take care of yourself!


Where I currently live, neighbors help neighbors in real tangible ways and nobody keeps score.

Cars get loaned out; meals get delivered; weeds get whacked; dogs get walked…all by neighbors helping neighbors.

Everyone is going through a lot. It’s different from one to the next, but EVERYONE has good days and bad.

I’m hoping we senior citizens can do the same with a little help from some younger people.


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Can you tell us more about your helping neighbors?
Is there a focus of communication?
Were things intended and encouraged, or did things just happen?
Is there a neighborhood association or some defined community?
These things happen differently in each location, but it is helpful to know about successful communities and how they occur.
Thank you!


Can you tell us more about your helping neighbors?
Is there a focus of communication?
Were things intended and encouraged, or did things just happen?
Is there a neighborhood association or some defined community?
These things happen differently in each location, but it is helpful to know about successful communities and how they occur.
Thank you!

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I'm not Laurie, but the single older women in my part of town have formed a group where they can call on one another when anyone of them needs help. It has been arranged by word-of-mouth.


Sometimes a town social services department can help in some ways. I have experience of having done this for older people in the town I worked at in the past.

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