Lung nodule... Reassuring results but still anxious

Posted by yulia87 @yulia87, Mar 7, 2024

My mom had an incidental finding of lung nodule on CT scan 3 years ago (8 mm), right lower lobe. She is 57. Followed up in a year, was still stable, same size. Now back in January she had her third CT (2 year follow up) and in the report they put "speculated" nodule, but same size. They scheduled her for PET CT and that came back negative; not avid, no suspicious nodules. The doctor also did the Nodify lung blood test and that also came back negative. So with all these results the doc said to have another CT in 6 months and then again in 1 year. If no change, they will stop watching it.

I am glad that everything pointing in the benign direction, but still anxious about the "spiculated" part. Everything you read online says it's almost a definite sign of malignancy, but if you use the Mayo Clinic Solitary Nodule assessment risk (which is what the doc check during our visit as well), the the "spiculation" increases risk of malignancy by about 9% (way too far from "almost definitely cancer" scares you read online). Also, with negative PET the scale says her risk is about 1.5%.
Anyone had similar experiences? With nodule being spiculated, but stable/same size for years and being benign?? The only thing that happened in these 2 years between follow ups is that she had severe covid pneumonia, was hospitalized for 5 days, required oxygen. I am thinking it could have affected her lung structure to make the nodule appear spiculated.
I appreciate your input. Thank you

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got it. Last question (sorry there are so many!) - did you have a repeat of PET scan after it grew or just the initial one that was negative?


got it. Last question (sorry there are so many!) - did you have a repeat of PET scan after it grew or just the initial one that was negative?

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Just the one PET - the decision to remove the tumor surgically based on growth rate made the pet scan redundant and inferior to pathology examination ..


I am on the nodule journey. I think the CT results that found them (yes, I've had TB, several pneumonias, valley fever, covid 2X) was good. I've done the periodic scans, this last one being two years after discovery. No growth. I am glad, but I think that, like a cold nothing needs to be done, really--or can be done until it turns into pneumonia. Next check for me is in two years.


I am on the nodule journey. I think the CT results that found them (yes, I've had TB, several pneumonias, valley fever, covid 2X) was good. I've done the periodic scans, this last one being two years after discovery. No growth. I am glad, but I think that, like a cold nothing needs to be done, really--or can be done until it turns into pneumonia. Next check for me is in two years.

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How big are the nodules? Any spiculation/warning signs?


5 and 7mm plus one ground glass. I declined the lymph node operation where they would remove an offending one, along with other lymph nodes (all good ones). I thought the risk of lymphadema was too big for me for exploratory surgery after a biopsy showed nothing. The biopsy of lymph nodes set me back for weeks.


Hi @yulia87, As you've found through your research, each lung cancer situation is a little different, but I'm sure it helps to hear other stories. That makes Mayo Connect so special. Your mother is fortunate to have a daughter that cares so much for her. I think the year wait would make me nervous. How is she feeling about waiting another 6 months, or even a year?


Hi @yulia87, As you've found through your research, each lung cancer situation is a little different, but I'm sure it helps to hear other stories. That makes Mayo Connect so special. Your mother is fortunate to have a daughter that cares so much for her. I think the year wait would make me nervous. How is she feeling about waiting another 6 months, or even a year?

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Another 6 months after a year? Sorry, I’m confused by your question. She has a follow up CT in 6 months, then another one in a year after that. If stable, they will stop watching.


Another 6 months after a year? Sorry, I’m confused by your question. She has a follow up CT in 6 months, then another one in a year after that. If stable, they will stop watching.

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@yulia87, sorry for the confusion. I was wondering how she was feeling about not having another CT for 6 months? Some people have them even more often than that.
Then, if her next scan is clear, hopefully she can have some input on waiting a year for the next scan after that. It's good to be prepared, but she doesn't need to face that question yet.


@yulia87, sorry for the confusion. I was wondering how she was feeling about not having another CT for 6 months? Some people have them even more often than that.
Then, if her next scan is clear, hopefully she can have some input on waiting a year for the next scan after that. It's good to be prepared, but she doesn't need to face that question yet.

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The doctor said he didn’t even feel that follow up was needed at all based on all other results. The only reason he scheduled the 6 months CT was because of the “possible 1 mm size increase” on last CT, but that was not confirmed by PET scan, which came back as same size of 8 mm. Based on nodule presentation, the doctor thinks mild speculation was caused by severe Covid pneumonia she had back in 2021 that stretched the tissue slightly. So it has been stable in size for the past 3 years and he feels like frequent CT radiation exposure is not necessary in the case.


The doctor said he didn’t even feel that follow up was needed at all based on all other results. The only reason he scheduled the 6 months CT was because of the “possible 1 mm size increase” on last CT, but that was not confirmed by PET scan, which came back as same size of 8 mm. Based on nodule presentation, the doctor thinks mild speculation was caused by severe Covid pneumonia she had back in 2021 that stretched the tissue slightly. So it has been stable in size for the past 3 years and he feels like frequent CT radiation exposure is not necessary in the case.

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Then it’s her call. I’m jaded because that little ole thing in me with a “slight” chance of being cancer in fact, was. Personally I’d do the 6 month CT plan and see the oncologist before I walked away from monitoring. But as I said- I’m jaded.

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