I have been estranged from my daughter for almost 20 years

Posted by kartwk @kartwk, Feb 22, 2024

I have been estranged from my daughter for almost 20 years. Recently we have done some contact and she blames me for so much that did not happen at all!

She claims that I beat her (never happened) and did nothing for. None of that is true. Her father and I divorced when she was about 6 and we went to live with my mother. This was only because my husband tried to burn down the house we lived in with us in it! We lived in the country then.

He wanted generous child visitation, which I gave him wanting her to have a relationship with her father, but he stood her up so many times. I recall one time in particular when after church she was sanding behind the car in the driveway waiting for her father to arive. Her friends wanted her to play, but she told them proudly she was waiting for him. He never showed. When I went out to bring her in for lunch she took it out on me (she was about 8 then). It was MY fault. I had nothing to do with it.

Anyway, I am the one that bought her a car, encouraged her to take courses to go to college. She had a savings account that I had control of and turned over to her on her 18th birthday. This she claims never happened and actually sued me about it when she graduated from college and was looking for $$ to pay off student loans. This DEVASTATED ME. Even my Father said she was rotten through and through.

I couldn't deal with that for years yet, eventhough she claimed to the lawyers that she was afraid of me (thus she refused to be in a room with me and I had to leave the courthouse before she did). One time she was in the lawyers office for a deposition (she refused to have me in the room while I was deposed, she couldn't even look at my husband! I think that says a lot. Once it was over she seemed to think things should go right back to normal.

Oh, she moved out of my house between her junior and senior year in college because: 1. I wouldn't pony up money for her to move out of the dorm and have her own apartment. 2. I came home one night to find her and her current boyfriend in a compromising position, if you get my drift. I called her on that and she told me she would do what she wanted. I said not in my house, and she moved out. I told her she didn't have to move, but to have respect for me....you understand.

Re this I also had a problem with her in high school, also in her Junior. She had a crush on a young music teacher and he encouraged it. While the spring play was being rehearsed she told me she was going to be late one night because of that. When it got to 10:30, which was late for her on a school night) and she still wasn't home I started calling around looking for her. I drove to the high school there were cars there but I could not get in. Anyway, I called the police and told them she wasn't home yet, etc. The police checked the school and found that she was still there with the TEACHER! This was around midnight!

The police brought her home and boy was she angry. The next day she came home and told me the music teacher said I got him in trouble! I told her he got himself in trouble, that she should never have been with him etc. A few weeks later he told her that the school was not renewing his contract and she was furious at me.

I had talked to the school about the situation but the school also had the report from the police department.

Anyway, she always tells me how great her father was and I wonder if it is time to tell her about the fire etc. There is a police report on that and she and I spend about 2 weeks at a women's shelter after that happened.

Please let me hear your remarks. This has bothered me for years. I have gotten blamed for so much I didn't do. As I once told her, if I was that bad she could have gone to live with her father. The truth there is that he didn't want her to cramp his life style.

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I am reading book on adult child estrangement and have made a realization already.It seems that on all holidays, birthdays, etc. I would always send a card or drop a message. I see that doing that means that she always knows about me but doesn't recipicate etc.I have decided to stop reaching out since it hurts me too much. March 16th will be her 48th birthday. I'm tired. I feel I have tried and tried and it is time to let it go because every time I send something I am reminded and it hurts, and on my birthday, mothers day, christmas, etc., not hearing from her also hurts.Hubby and I are going to plan to do something on that day to keep my mind off of it.....casino, movie & dinner, something.Hubby and I talked and he confirms that it is only hurting me, and after discussion about some of what I read in book, I am being masochistic to myself. As he pointed out, when he let her know that I was in the hospital she never responded to him.I can love her but I don't need to be abused by this. I am also changing my will. No reason she should benefit from someone she evidently wants nothing to do with. Lawyer said to leave her a "token" so she can't claim she was accidentally left out, along with a clause that says anyone who contests my will will get nothing.Evidently he has seen this estrangement by adult children before and they usually come out of the woodwork when they know there is $$$ involved. He did say that the estranged adults, while glad of their inheritance, really didn't seem to care about the person who passed.Well, will see how her birthday and Easter go for me and keep on going. Life at 78 is too short to continue the pain of dealing with this though I know I will have up and down days

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in reply to @kartwk I can only imagine. However, I am estranged from one of my sisters who decided she wanted nothing to do with me when I began showing signs of an illness. "My life coach on line told me to tell you I can only discuss recipes with you and nothing else." This year was the first year in five that I did not send her a birthday card because she did not invite me to her daughter's wedding in September. A few nights ago I started writing her a letter using AI to get me started, and as I read it, I thought, "this is so not me, I am not even going to put forth the effort."
While I was not estranged from my own mother, I knew from the moment I could remember, that she hated me, and she made no secret of this during my entire life. I can remember her lamenting how depressed she was after I was born, and how I was essentially handed off to all the women in the neighborhood after my birth. It's no wonder we never "bonded." And I really wanted a real "mom." Instead I began calling the mothers of my friends, "mom" and this made a huge difference until my mother heard me, and then all hell broke loose.
I am so sorry to hear your story, it really does resonate with me. Enjoy yourself while you are still able to do so. If there is one thing I did learn from my mother it was, "make every minute count," something I only realized and began saying as a sort of mantra after I got "sick." Afterall, she was diagnosed with terminal cancer and died six weeks later, which was a good thing because I knew she did not want her daughters to wind up taking care of her as she did for my father when she took care of him for 18 months before he died of leukemia. I have a vivid memory of the time when she asked her doctor how much time she had left, and he said at best 6 months. Her response was, "well, I could step off a curb and get hit by a bus tomorrow......"


I am reading book on adult child estrangement and have made a realization already.It seems that on all holidays, birthdays, etc. I would always send a card or drop a message. I see that doing that means that she always knows about me but doesn't recipicate etc.I have decided to stop reaching out since it hurts me too much. March 16th will be her 48th birthday. I'm tired. I feel I have tried and tried and it is time to let it go because every time I send something I am reminded and it hurts, and on my birthday, mothers day, christmas, etc., not hearing from her also hurts.Hubby and I are going to plan to do something on that day to keep my mind off of it.....casino, movie & dinner, something.Hubby and I talked and he confirms that it is only hurting me, and after discussion about some of what I read in book, I am being masochistic to myself. As he pointed out, when he let her know that I was in the hospital she never responded to him.I can love her but I don't need to be abused by this. I am also changing my will. No reason she should benefit from someone she evidently wants nothing to do with. Lawyer said to leave her a "token" so she can't claim she was accidentally left out, along with a clause that says anyone who contests my will will get nothing.Evidently he has seen this estrangement by adult children before and they usually come out of the woodwork when they know there is $$$ involved. He did say that the estranged adults, while glad of their inheritance, really didn't seem to care about the person who passed.Well, will see how her birthday and Easter go for me and keep on going. Life at 78 is too short to continue the pain of dealing with this though I know I will have up and down days

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Well, actually what the lawyer said is he has yet to meet an estranged child that wanted to pass up on his/her inheritance. The first question was always: how much. And if there were other brothers and sisters wanted to make certain estranged child got HIS/HER fair share.


in reply to @kartwk I can only imagine. However, I am estranged from one of my sisters who decided she wanted nothing to do with me when I began showing signs of an illness. "My life coach on line told me to tell you I can only discuss recipes with you and nothing else." This year was the first year in five that I did not send her a birthday card because she did not invite me to her daughter's wedding in September. A few nights ago I started writing her a letter using AI to get me started, and as I read it, I thought, "this is so not me, I am not even going to put forth the effort."
While I was not estranged from my own mother, I knew from the moment I could remember, that she hated me, and she made no secret of this during my entire life. I can remember her lamenting how depressed she was after I was born, and how I was essentially handed off to all the women in the neighborhood after my birth. It's no wonder we never "bonded." And I really wanted a real "mom." Instead I began calling the mothers of my friends, "mom" and this made a huge difference until my mother heard me, and then all hell broke loose.
I am so sorry to hear your story, it really does resonate with me. Enjoy yourself while you are still able to do so. If there is one thing I did learn from my mother it was, "make every minute count," something I only realized and began saying as a sort of mantra after I got "sick." Afterall, she was diagnosed with terminal cancer and died six weeks later, which was a good thing because I knew she did not want her daughters to wind up taking care of her as she did for my father when she took care of him for 18 months before he died of leukemia. I have a vivid memory of the time when she asked her doctor how much time she had left, and he said at best 6 months. Her response was, "well, I could step off a curb and get hit by a bus tomorrow......"

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Being left out of a family wedding is something that hurts, especially when you find out from someone else or after it took place.


Being left out of a family wedding is something that hurts, especially when you find out from someone else or after it took place.

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I'll say. I had to search online to find the venue where the wedding took place just to see what my niece and her husband look like. While I was offended, I knew that my sister had poisoned my niece's mind, and figure this is their loss and not mine, even though I felt hurt.


I am reading book on adult child estrangement and have made a realization already.It seems that on all holidays, birthdays, etc. I would always send a card or drop a message. I see that doing that means that she always knows about me but doesn't recipicate etc.I have decided to stop reaching out since it hurts me too much. March 16th will be her 48th birthday. I'm tired. I feel I have tried and tried and it is time to let it go because every time I send something I am reminded and it hurts, and on my birthday, mothers day, christmas, etc., not hearing from her also hurts.Hubby and I are going to plan to do something on that day to keep my mind off of it.....casino, movie & dinner, something.Hubby and I talked and he confirms that it is only hurting me, and after discussion about some of what I read in book, I am being masochistic to myself. As he pointed out, when he let her know that I was in the hospital she never responded to him.I can love her but I don't need to be abused by this. I am also changing my will. No reason she should benefit from someone she evidently wants nothing to do with. Lawyer said to leave her a "token" so she can't claim she was accidentally left out, along with a clause that says anyone who contests my will will get nothing.Evidently he has seen this estrangement by adult children before and they usually come out of the woodwork when they know there is $$$ involved. He did say that the estranged adults, while glad of their inheritance, really didn't seem to care about the person who passed.Well, will see how her birthday and Easter go for me and keep on going. Life at 78 is too short to continue the pain of dealing with this though I know I will have up and down days

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Well, the will is taken care of. Should anything change with her I can always change it. I see no reason that a adult that estranges herself from her Mother should benefit at the Mother's death.


I am reading book on adult child estrangement and have made a realization already.It seems that on all holidays, birthdays, etc. I would always send a card or drop a message. I see that doing that means that she always knows about me but doesn't recipicate etc.I have decided to stop reaching out since it hurts me too much. March 16th will be her 48th birthday. I'm tired. I feel I have tried and tried and it is time to let it go because every time I send something I am reminded and it hurts, and on my birthday, mothers day, christmas, etc., not hearing from her also hurts.Hubby and I are going to plan to do something on that day to keep my mind off of it.....casino, movie & dinner, something.Hubby and I talked and he confirms that it is only hurting me, and after discussion about some of what I read in book, I am being masochistic to myself. As he pointed out, when he let her know that I was in the hospital she never responded to him.I can love her but I don't need to be abused by this. I am also changing my will. No reason she should benefit from someone she evidently wants nothing to do with. Lawyer said to leave her a "token" so she can't claim she was accidentally left out, along with a clause that says anyone who contests my will will get nothing.Evidently he has seen this estrangement by adult children before and they usually come out of the woodwork when they know there is $$$ involved. He did say that the estranged adults, while glad of their inheritance, really didn't seem to care about the person who passed.Well, will see how her birthday and Easter go for me and keep on going. Life at 78 is too short to continue the pain of dealing with this though I know I will have up and down days

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Well, never heard from her on Easter or on Mother's Day but because Hubby and I planned on that it didn't hurt as it usually does. I didn't bother sending her Birthday wishes because, well that just opens the wound.

Interesting that a few years back I did hear, briefly from her. All she wanted to know what if I had her stuff and she wanted it. I told her I did, but she would have to pay to have it sent to her as we are on limited budget - we are talking LARGE boxes of items. Of course she didn't want to do that and reamed me out about being mean etc.

Hubby and I are on a restrictive retired limited income. We all know what that is like these days with rising inflation, car/house insurance, food, medical and everything else.

The stuff is still in my garage but we are downsizing things and it is going up for sale along with the other items we are getting rid of. I see no reason to keep moving it around any more.

FWIW, I have no doubt that should I have paid and sent it to her I would never have heard a peep from her after that....she wouldn't have even bothered to let me know she received it. That is how poorly she treats me.


I am reading book on adult child estrangement and have made a realization already.It seems that on all holidays, birthdays, etc. I would always send a card or drop a message. I see that doing that means that she always knows about me but doesn't recipicate etc.I have decided to stop reaching out since it hurts me too much. March 16th will be her 48th birthday. I'm tired. I feel I have tried and tried and it is time to let it go because every time I send something I am reminded and it hurts, and on my birthday, mothers day, christmas, etc., not hearing from her also hurts.Hubby and I are going to plan to do something on that day to keep my mind off of it.....casino, movie & dinner, something.Hubby and I talked and he confirms that it is only hurting me, and after discussion about some of what I read in book, I am being masochistic to myself. As he pointed out, when he let her know that I was in the hospital she never responded to him.I can love her but I don't need to be abused by this. I am also changing my will. No reason she should benefit from someone she evidently wants nothing to do with. Lawyer said to leave her a "token" so she can't claim she was accidentally left out, along with a clause that says anyone who contests my will will get nothing.Evidently he has seen this estrangement by adult children before and they usually come out of the woodwork when they know there is $$$ involved. He did say that the estranged adults, while glad of their inheritance, really didn't seem to care about the person who passed.Well, will see how her birthday and Easter go for me and keep on going. Life at 78 is too short to continue the pain of dealing with this though I know I will have up and down days

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But then if I go back to when she was in high school and jr. high she wasn't much better. She was always secretive.

I know the one thing she really got angry with me about was her "relationship" with her music teacher. It cumulated one school nite when there was play rehearsal.

She informed me that due to play rehearsal she would be home late. Okay. Well 9p.m., 10 p.m, go by no daughter. About 10:30 I start calling her friends, they are all home. Her bestie tells me when she left at 9 p.m. my daughter was still there with teacher.

So I go and drive to school. I can see cars around but I can't get in. It is about 11:30+ at this point and I am really worried. Go back home and call the police dept. and explains situation and my concern about not knowing where daughter is. Officer tells me he can reach custodian and see if any one is there and will call me back.

Officer calls back, Yep, she is there with teacher and will be calling me shortly to pick her up. Well, that didn't happen because the police dropped her off and watched her come into the house. Boy, was she livid.

Next day she comes home from school and starts screaming at me that Music teach told her I got him in trouble! I told her I didn't get him in trouble, he had no business with her at that time of night etc. I didn't tell her that I had also called the school about the situation and they told me they had also gotten a report from the police dept. and the custodian.

She also went off the deep end at me when the Teach informed her a month or so later that his contract at the school had not been renewed. That, according to her, was my fault.


But then if I go back to when she was in high school and jr. high she wasn't much better. She was always secretive.

I know the one thing she really got angry with me about was her "relationship" with her music teacher. It cumulated one school nite when there was play rehearsal.

She informed me that due to play rehearsal she would be home late. Okay. Well 9p.m., 10 p.m, go by no daughter. About 10:30 I start calling her friends, they are all home. Her bestie tells me when she left at 9 p.m. my daughter was still there with teacher.

So I go and drive to school. I can see cars around but I can't get in. It is about 11:30+ at this point and I am really worried. Go back home and call the police dept. and explains situation and my concern about not knowing where daughter is. Officer tells me he can reach custodian and see if any one is there and will call me back.

Officer calls back, Yep, she is there with teacher and will be calling me shortly to pick her up. Well, that didn't happen because the police dropped her off and watched her come into the house. Boy, was she livid.

Next day she comes home from school and starts screaming at me that Music teach told her I got him in trouble! I told her I didn't get him in trouble, he had no business with her at that time of night etc. I didn't tell her that I had also called the school about the situation and they told me they had also gotten a report from the police dept. and the custodian.

She also went off the deep end at me when the Teach informed her a month or so later that his contract at the school had not been renewed. That, according to her, was my fault.

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One addition her that should give a lot of insight. Even though the officer called the school custodian, they sent a police unit out there and physically brought her home. No one ever said anything happened, but then it seems strange they would send someone out if, well, you get the idea. A teacher taking advantage of a student with a crush on him. That, IMHO, is why the school did not renew his contract.


I am reading book on adult child estrangement and have made a realization already.It seems that on all holidays, birthdays, etc. I would always send a card or drop a message. I see that doing that means that she always knows about me but doesn't recipicate etc.I have decided to stop reaching out since it hurts me too much. March 16th will be her 48th birthday. I'm tired. I feel I have tried and tried and it is time to let it go because every time I send something I am reminded and it hurts, and on my birthday, mothers day, christmas, etc., not hearing from her also hurts.Hubby and I are going to plan to do something on that day to keep my mind off of it.....casino, movie & dinner, something.Hubby and I talked and he confirms that it is only hurting me, and after discussion about some of what I read in book, I am being masochistic to myself. As he pointed out, when he let her know that I was in the hospital she never responded to him.I can love her but I don't need to be abused by this. I am also changing my will. No reason she should benefit from someone she evidently wants nothing to do with. Lawyer said to leave her a "token" so she can't claim she was accidentally left out, along with a clause that says anyone who contests my will will get nothing.Evidently he has seen this estrangement by adult children before and they usually come out of the woodwork when they know there is $$$ involved. He did say that the estranged adults, while glad of their inheritance, really didn't seem to care about the person who passed.Well, will see how her birthday and Easter go for me and keep on going. Life at 78 is too short to continue the pain of dealing with this though I know I will have up and down days

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Sorry to have told all the above, but I have very seldom talked about it and the whole situation disturbs me now as it did then. Please forgive.


My 34 year old daughter is being manipulated by her new husband of one year. He’s 16 years older than her, a cop and controls everything; she can’t have friends, tells her when i can see her and the new granddaughter. He has now convinced her that i was/is a terrible mother. I was a single mother at 17 and again at 23, i was stressed beyond belief i didn’t always show affection or was not the most patient, i admit. My youngest is now 34, she is now a mother and she asked me how could i be this way as a mother? How could i be so cold. She has a different life then i led; she’s married and a stay at home mother. I said i was sorry and i acknowledged her feelings but she is making it sound like i was a cold hearted monster. I took care of her loved her and her sister, gave them everything. Sometimes, yes i worked two jobs and maybe wasn’t there or got upset when homework wasn’t done but i loved those girls more than anything, we have always been close, the three of us especially my younger daughter of whom i write about, until she got married. At this point she will not take my calls but tells my brother that i was a terrible mother, and there are things he doesn’t know about (i have no idea what this means) she told him that about 5 years ago ( when she was roughly 28) I grabbed her arm very roughly, she said i called her stupid, and was never there for her emotionally. So now I can’t see my baby granddaughter . My brother is shook, he thinks she’s having postpartum and witnessed me as a mother and said i was excellent and could only use the tools that i had at 17, 23 and unmarried with no support whatsoever; financially or otherwise. He said she sounds “dark”
My heart has been pulled out of my chest and is bleeding. I never married until i was 52, i gave everything to my daughters. I was not perfect, no. This past Tuesday she called me via FaceTime and asked me why i was so impatient with her as a child, why was she always in trouble with me growing up? Which isn't true, if you ask my oldest daughter who is now 40 and a mother of fours boys, she says i catered to my younger daughter and coddled her. During the FaceTime i criedand said i did the best i could that im so sorry she remembers her childhood this way, and what can i do to make up for it, she hung up on me. She never once looked at me on the FaceTime camera she had the camera on my sleeping granddaughter. I told her to please look at me, I’m distraught, I love you, I’m sorry. I am crying everyday.
My brother has been diagnosed with cancer and we are going through this as a family, im very close to my brother and he is very close to my daughters, he does not get what is going on with my daughter. He thinks her husband is trying to break our bond. If i died tomorrow I would know i did my best, i truly do not know where this is coming from or why right now. Just 9 days ago i spend the afternoon with her and the baby and we had so much fun talking about all the fun we will have taking my granddaughter to the park, to Disneyland, making cupcakes like we did when she was little.
I can say that for the past year she will text my older daughter and i almost daily in a group chat complaining about her husband and his family, her husband doesn’t take her anywhere not to restaurants, I’ve offered to watch the baby and he says no. Her husband never got the baby’s room ready or allowed my daughter to have a baby shower (her first baby). My granddaughter’s nursery is full of junk and old furniture. He kept putting off buying a bassinet so my husband and I bought one, which we were thrilled to do anyways. Never in my wildest dreams i would think my legacy would be known as a bad mother. My daughter also had a “lazy eye” growing up; she had two eye surgeries and we did the eye patch treatment and glasses. She is not wearing her glasses and her eye is getting very bad again, this breaks my heart. I asked her why she’s not wearing glasses and she said her husband doesn’t want her to. I reminded her she could lose the vision in her eye. I feel like he wants to hurt her self esteem and isolate her. But how can she be manipulated enough to not want me in her life? Please help me! I can’t bear my life without my daughter and baby granddaughter.

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