Please help pulmonary vest problem

Posted by Cathln @Cathln, Dec 21, 2023

Dr orders vest. Therapist shows me how it works and leaves. 20 minutes on it twice a day at 10. I weigh 97lbs. It made me vomit. Does everyone here with a vest use it twice a day, on high? Is it up to you? Im in pain from brachial plexus neuropathy and chostrocondritis. I just finished 10 months of physical therapy for these problems. Pulmonary dr. Didn’t let me finish telling him. He just said, ok I’ll order the vest for you! I do fine with postural drainage. I’ve learned to do it so my muscles don’t spasm. I get nothing with this. I can’t imagine doing this the rest of my life. Thanks for reading this!

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I have an InCourage vest. You select a percentage for your therapy. I am not able to tolerate 100%. Was doing OK at 65% until I cracked a rib from coughing. I moved it down to 50% for 2 months, now doing it at 55%, and will work back up to 65% over time. The therapist for my machine suggested I loosen the bottom strap and sit up very straight until my rib healed and that helped a lot. I was getting neck and shoulder pain when doing 65%. They sent me a different size vest (hopefully this is now the correct size) to see if that will help with the neck and shoulder issues (that was right before I broke the rib). I use my vest for 30 minutes at 6 AM (before Breakfast) and between 3:30-4:00 PM (2-3 hours after eating lunch). I cannot use the vest if I have a full stomach.

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I also use Philips InCourage but I use it at 35 or 40% max otherwise it feels very tight. I am 102 pounds and the vest is size 34- I think it is too wide for me because no matter how I move the straps I really dont feel any shaking on my back but should I even feel any vibration on the back? I know when I sit and lean my back against the chair there is no air cushion at the back. Does anyone can comment on this? I asked the tech from the company to come and set the vest again for me since I understand better how it works.


Hey everyone, I’m sorry I have not replied to your question about the massager. Actually, mine stopped working a few weeks ago after 3 years and I’ve just ordered three different kinds to see which ones I might like best. I should have all of them by Tuesday. So I will get back to you and let you know my reviews, but keep in mind that these are just regular massagers with vibration and not any kind of medical equipment.


Thank you everyone for your comments. I have sent it back. I emailed the doctor and just told him I can't use it. Even on the lowest, it was too much. I am back with Physical Therapy to get spasms out of my back and chest muscles.
My areobika and postural drainage work every day, and have for years. I don't know why he thought I would need it. It did nothing but hurt me.
Thank you all for your help!


I used the Hillrom vest for 4 months and returned it. It caused bad shoulder pain even though I lifted it up from my shoulder with my hands and it didn't help at all with expectorating.


Same experience. Returned it. Go back to what works for you! There is no magic to the best. Works well for some people but not everyone.


Hey everyone, I’m sorry I have not replied to your question about the massager. Actually, mine stopped working a few weeks ago after 3 years and I’ve just ordered three different kinds to see which ones I might like best. I should have all of them by Tuesday. So I will get back to you and let you know my reviews, but keep in mind that these are just regular massagers with vibration and not any kind of medical equipment.

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This is what I decided on. It is not perfect, but it helps. Since it is flexible, I will roll it and put it on my side and front to get vibration all over but just having it hit my back seems to bring some stuff up. I don’t know why they don’t have something that works with vibration that isn’t so cumbersome like a vest Seems like a no-brainer to me.


This is what I decided on. It is not perfect, but it helps. Since it is flexible, I will roll it and put it on my side and front to get vibration all over but just having it hit my back seems to bring some stuff up. I don’t know why they don’t have something that works with vibration that isn’t so cumbersome like a vest Seems like a no-brainer to me.

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Thank you. Does it bring up the mucus out?


I expel a lot of mucus at every treatment. For me, within 5 minutes with massager on high, I started to cough. (This is before any other treatments).
However if you already have difficulty coughing up much mucus, I don’t know if it would work as easily. I just got it from Amazon, so, if you have prime, you can easily take it back.


I started with the vest, neubulizer and aerobika in October 2023 after NJH prescribed it. At first I was concerned with the vibrations of the vest near the heart and the small hiatal hernia I was diagnosed with while at NJH. Because of that and what I felt on my right side near my kidney, I decided to make a front cushion out of a roll of bubble wrap and a also protection for my right side near my kidney. I still feel the vibrations for all areas but of course mostly my back area. I do feel that using it probably does help but hard to know what truly is doing the most good...Nebulizing, Aerobika, Vest....all at the same time. For me I do not believe it is causing me problems, no broken ribs etc. etc. I also decided to use a hand vibrator at times while in between the therapy of the three (Neb,Aero,Vest) if I am in a sitting position to use it. I think all is a help, as long as no side bad effects, be it physically or just mentally knowing you are doing for oneself what you think is helping.

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