Adenocarcinoma - just diagnosed

Posted by fpdm @fpdm, Oct 24, 2023

Hi - just diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma rectal cancer after colonoscopy. Will go for CT scan and MRI to determine next steps. Any advice? So scared.

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I too have the adem cancer disease After 2 other hospitals that were on the negative, just go away & die, Mayo is a sunshine of hope. Slim ray as I will be in treatment until Thanskgiving. Other 2 hospitals just wanted to rip out my butt & then live a colo bag. My life style which allows me to eat & sleep would not allow this if I want to survive. Surgeon I saw was noy impressed as he barely talked to me & was out the door before the door closed Only bad person I have run into at Mayo's If you get treatment at Mayos look into the Hope facility Free place to hangs one hat if you are in treatment Mayos was my last resort to live

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Glad to hear that you found a treatment that fits your life style and that you seem more hopeful! I wish you the best with your treatment!


Thank you for your response. I was told that LARS can gradually get better over time and some people didn’t have as many symptoms as others. The Surgeon gave all the facts about it but not an opinion as to how I will do. Every case is different and I guess all I can do now is go through the operation and hope for the best. I am also going to look into a therapist to help me with my range of feelings. We really do t have a choice since the cancer has to come out. They won’t know if I need chemotherapy until after the operation, so another thing to occupy my mind.

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My surgeon told me the same thing they told you. LARS can happen or not. If it happens it can manifest in many different ways, more or less severely, and there is no way to know how long it'll last. I'm hoping for the best, since I've also consulted with a clinical nutritionist to help me with the reintroduction of foods in a way that will minimize LARS as much as possible.


Glad to hear that you found a treatment that fits your life style and that you seem more hopeful! I wish you the best with your treatment!

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Thanksgiving is a loooong way away that I will be finally done with chemo & radiation Probably will be bald & look like a rasin but i guess it is a life not worth much that is for sure And there is not a promise that all these treatments will kill the cancer. Probably my luck will be Xmas in the hospital have my butt cut out but not by the original surgeon that spent 30 seconds with me At least they could stay & talk until the exam room door shuts not like the 1st time I saw his shadow


Glad to hear that you found a treatment that fits your life style and that you seem more hopeful! I wish you the best with your treatment!

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Amen, and ditto!


Hi @lou3, I hope you were able to contact your surgeon. How are you doing?

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Hi Colleen, This is Richard Burrows! I commented a lot a couple years ago about living through Stage IV Colon Cancer 25 years ago. IThen was supposed to have died from the chemo! had a serious TBI a year ago! I shut this computer and email down for the last year. I am back and available for any questions you or anyone have!
As life goes on I am very interested in effects of Brain Injuries, also Lyme Disease I have had for going on five years,
Glad to see you are still here at MayoConect !
Talk to you soon! Sundance, Richard Burrows


Had a bunch of more tests and markers getting ready for radiation. Hope house sounds wonderful but unless you have a care giving you can not stay here. SO if one is sick in a hotel thats better than being sick at the Hope house Hope house facility is free if you are getting treatments at least 3 times a week BUT no care giver no can stay her SO stay at a hotel & try to take care of oneself. Makes lots of sense!!!!!!!!!!!


No. Miracles. Or. Prayers are. Going. To help. Had. Ten tests. Today. And. Tomorrow. All they are. Pushing. Is. Chem. And.radiotherapy So then. I will be bald for the rest of my. Life. No folks. Hair is. Very thin now. And then stick me. With a five gallon pail on. My. Hip. Everybody. Says. O a bag is. Delightful. I ride & work. Horses for a. Living. How. Can I ride. No it not Goodie. 2. Shoes down a. Trail. I am a very high level rider in dressage. So you are. Very very active. Moving around in the saddle. One. Doesn’t just. &. Look pretty. Plus. Clothes. We HAVE to. Wear is skin tight. Plus. White. Do you goody. 2. Looking for an answer

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Dear coverstory, your hair will grow back, I had chemo and lost all my hair but it came back within a year . There are attractive hair coverings available. On line. And some wigs are looking very natural. All the best to you. After rain comes sunshine. Don’t give up.Try to get in contact with people who have a colostomy bag and ask questions how it works and how they experience it, that will take your fears away.


Hair maybe will grow back SInce high school hair has stayed same length just falls out all the time without chemo ect
And if all these dugs do not work I know they will want to do surgery My lifestyle & means of income will not support a bag I am self employed & it is real simple as I tell folks. I work I eat I don't work no money


PS anybody found a reasonable priced hotel to stay at. Hope lodge requires you to have a care giving. I have no one so cannot stay there Got a list of hotels but am looking for suggestion


PS anybody found a reasonable priced hotel to stay at. Hope lodge requires you to have a care giving. I have no one so cannot stay there Got a list of hotels but am looking for suggestion

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My only personal experience with hotels/motels in Rochester is staying at a Motel 6 on US 52 N when we moved to the region back 40+ years ago. I do know there are many and that some have free shuttles to Mayo and the hospitals.

Where this matters is that prices will vary due to proximity to Mayo and size/amenities. Places near the clinic like the Kahler have higher rates. So, yes, you'll have to shop around. Mayo concierge services may be able to provide guidance.
One service they list is: "Narrow your hotel options based on your budget and individual needs"

When I worked in Rochester years ago, my company recommended Microtel on US 52 N, but I've not stayed there myself.

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