I was recently diagnosed with Bronchiectasis.

Posted by mmteach @mmteach, May 10, 2016

I was recently diagnosed with Bronchiectasis. No symptoms yet just starting different tests- another CAT scan, pulminary function test, and possible bronchoscopy. Any advice/suggestions would be greaty appreciated. Thank you!

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@beatitnow Hi Amy, I was on the big 3 for 2 years, 3 days a week with no results. My dr changed me to daily big 3 and inhaled Amakacin and it worked to close my cavities and get rid of the nodules, but some nodules have returned after stopping the Amakacin. Good luck

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@heathert So, did you get rid of your infection? If so, how long did it take for it to go away? So, what are you doing about your nodules now? What doctor and area do you see? Thank you so much for your response!! 🙂


@beatitnow I am not sure as I was no good at sputum collections, I had a bronch a year after starting Amakacin and it was all clear however I stopped the Amikacin and within 6 mths the nodules appeared so I had another Bronch and it came back clear for any bugs. Very strange. I have another scan in a few months, who knows what that will bring. I am in New Zealand.


Hi @beatitnow...Did you have any problems or side effects with the Amikacin???


Hi @beatitnow...Did you have any problems or side effects with the Amikacin???

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1) Hi @gaylewroc. I was never on Amikacin. I have just been on Rifampin, Clarithromycn, and Ethambutol for almost two years without success. I forget, what was your story? Were you on Amikacin? If so, what have been your results? Has it come back?

2). Also to the group, and @katemn, Katherine mentioned taking vitamins 4 hours apart. I was told by my lung doc it didn't matter what time I took the vitamins. Does anyone else and/or Katherine have any more advice about this. I guess I am wondering if that is why my antibiotics have not worked to kill the bacteria? I would love to hear from you if you would. Thank you for any and all help!

3) To all and @katemn, what do people know about people who have been on the antibiotics without success, and then decided to stop taking them? This is one option for me, because I am seeing the Naturopathic doctor in Denver who can give me other support to hopefully heal my system. It is all a risk though. I would love to hear what people have heard about people who go off the antibiotics because they were not successful. Thank you SO much if you can give me your feedback!


1) Hi @gaylewroc. I was never on Amikacin. I have just been on Rifampin, Clarithromycn, and Ethambutol for almost two years without success. I forget, what was your story? Were you on Amikacin? If so, what have been your results? Has it come back?

2). Also to the group, and @katemn, Katherine mentioned taking vitamins 4 hours apart. I was told by my lung doc it didn't matter what time I took the vitamins. Does anyone else and/or Katherine have any more advice about this. I guess I am wondering if that is why my antibiotics have not worked to kill the bacteria? I would love to hear from you if you would. Thank you for any and all help!

3) To all and @katemn, what do people know about people who have been on the antibiotics without success, and then decided to stop taking them? This is one option for me, because I am seeing the Naturopathic doctor in Denver who can give me other support to hopefully heal my system. It is all a risk though. I would love to hear what people have heard about people who go off the antibiotics because they were not successful. Thank you SO much if you can give me your feedback!

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@beatitnow, Hi there, just wanted to tell you that there are other treatment options out there besides the Big 3. You can click on my picture and read about my antibiotic regimen. Of course, it would depend on your suseptibility test. Plus, there are inhalables available now. Chances are, your mac has become or is resistant to your meds. Have you had a recent suseptibility test? Are you doing twice daily nebulized saline?


1) Hi @gaylewroc. I was never on Amikacin. I have just been on Rifampin, Clarithromycn, and Ethambutol for almost two years without success. I forget, what was your story? Were you on Amikacin? If so, what have been your results? Has it come back?

2). Also to the group, and @katemn, Katherine mentioned taking vitamins 4 hours apart. I was told by my lung doc it didn't matter what time I took the vitamins. Does anyone else and/or Katherine have any more advice about this. I guess I am wondering if that is why my antibiotics have not worked to kill the bacteria? I would love to hear from you if you would. Thank you for any and all help!

3) To all and @katemn, what do people know about people who have been on the antibiotics without success, and then decided to stop taking them? This is one option for me, because I am seeing the Naturopathic doctor in Denver who can give me other support to hopefully heal my system. It is all a risk though. I would love to hear what people have heard about people who go off the antibiotics because they were not successful. Thank you SO much if you can give me your feedback!

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@beatitnow Another form of treatment is having regular brochial washes done. That is where you go in for a brochioscope and they flush some saline through your lung and suck it back out. I do know of several people that got better that way.


1) Hi @gaylewroc. I was never on Amikacin. I have just been on Rifampin, Clarithromycn, and Ethambutol for almost two years without success. I forget, what was your story? Were you on Amikacin? If so, what have been your results? Has it come back?

2). Also to the group, and @katemn, Katherine mentioned taking vitamins 4 hours apart. I was told by my lung doc it didn't matter what time I took the vitamins. Does anyone else and/or Katherine have any more advice about this. I guess I am wondering if that is why my antibiotics have not worked to kill the bacteria? I would love to hear from you if you would. Thank you for any and all help!

3) To all and @katemn, what do people know about people who have been on the antibiotics without success, and then decided to stop taking them? This is one option for me, because I am seeing the Naturopathic doctor in Denver who can give me other support to hopefully heal my system. It is all a risk though. I would love to hear what people have heard about people who go off the antibiotics because they were not successful. Thank you SO much if you can give me your feedback!

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@beatitnow Hi! This disease is rare and there is really nothing specific to treat it. Maybe Amikacin...but it is relatively new. I have heard that most people that take the big 3 only keep the disease at bay..and after they stop it starts to progress. That has happened to me. My Doc has had me on random courses of Clarithromycin just to calm down flares. Not a good way to live.

I did research on the bacteria, and of course the bacteria is stuck in the bronchiectasis pockets. The bacteria is supposed to have a hard outer shell making it hard to get anything inside and kill it. Also, the way the bronchiectasis is spread throughout the lungs, the blood supply doesn't really get into that damaged tissue. So drugs in your bloodstream are not very effective and..the inhaled kind is not always going to get in those pockets.It's just a frustrating situation!!!! My ID doc wanted to put me on IV Amikacin but I was not happy about that at all. I'd rather at least try the inhaled kind.

As far as vitamins..some are water soluable. So your body flushes them out pretty quickly when you pee.That's probably why Katherine said to take every 4 hours. Some are fat soluable and those will stay in longer.


@beatitnow Hi! This disease is rare and there is really nothing specific to treat it. Maybe Amikacin...but it is relatively new. I have heard that most people that take the big 3 only keep the disease at bay..and after they stop it starts to progress. That has happened to me. My Doc has had me on random courses of Clarithromycin just to calm down flares. Not a good way to live.

I did research on the bacteria, and of course the bacteria is stuck in the bronchiectasis pockets. The bacteria is supposed to have a hard outer shell making it hard to get anything inside and kill it. Also, the way the bronchiectasis is spread throughout the lungs, the blood supply doesn't really get into that damaged tissue. So drugs in your bloodstream are not very effective and..the inhaled kind is not always going to get in those pockets.It's just a frustrating situation!!!! My ID doc wanted to put me on IV Amikacin but I was not happy about that at all. I'd rather at least try the inhaled kind.

As far as vitamins..some are water soluable. So your body flushes them out pretty quickly when you pee.That's probably why Katherine said to take every 4 hours. Some are fat soluable and those will stay in longer.

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@gaylewroc...Hi! Thank you for your responses.

I am doing the nebulize glutathione also. Do you inhale through mouthpiece or a mask? I don't feel anything when my glutathione hits my mouth. I am wondering if my prescription is off, or if I am not doing something right. I remember in Dan's book he says that his bubbled over the first couple times. I have no idea what could be bubbling. I just pour the pre-proportion vial into the machine with like .3% saline solution. Can you tell me what you do? Also, are you seeing Dr. Daenell, the Denver naturopath that Dan saw? I am.

Also, as far as taking the vitamins, Kate had mentioned taking them 4 hours apart from the antibiotics. I have not been doing that and I wondered if that could have been affecting the potency of the antibiotics? Also, my doctor said it was okay for me to drink coffee in the morning when I took my Rifampin, so I have been. What I didn't realize until a couple weeks ago, is that I was putting coconut milk in my coffee, and I probably should have been having it black so it didn't interfere with the antibiotics. Do you have any thoughts on that?


That's amazing news about your moms improvement!!
I use colloidal silver but haven't inhaled it yet. Please keep us informed here of your moms progress.
It is so great to hear this good news.


@kristiemlove Could you tell us what dosage your mom took of colloidal silver and how often. Thanks, Flib

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