Mucus in my throat and post-nasal drip after covid

Posted by goodrider2024 @goodrider2024, Jan 26, 2024

Ever since I had covid in November of 2023 but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I no longer have the covid virus but I have this cough that has been going on since November 2023 till January 2024 this cough just won't stop but I have an appointment for the pulmonary and the ENT to find out what's going on I do have acid reflux so I don't know if that's the cause of me to still have this cough.😞😞 I'm on steroid inhalers (symbicort 160/4.5 and Doxycycline for 5 day I have tryed albuterol, allergy medication and that didn't work... Is there anyone going through this too??

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Yo llevo dos años igual y nadie sabe el porqué? Ahora voy a ir a aparato digestivo.


I had symptoms like that after Covid recently, and it turned out to be strep throat. I took penicillin for it — which I just finished yesterday.


Yes I can relate as I too are going through annoying mucus phlegm in back of my throat since I got Covid last April 2023. And I too have acid reflux and on Omeprazole for several years. This mucus is constant especially when lying down. What to do?!


Absolutely there are plenty of us dealing with this. There are two other threads on this forum with pages of discussions. There have been no cures that I’ve found. For me it’s been since August 2022. I’ve been on the same drugs you mention and more as well as plenty of OTC remedies. I can tell you it has gotten a little better with time but at this point I’m not sure it’s ever going away. Chewing gum, for me Extra Polar Ice, has been one of the best ways to manage the awful increase following a meal. It keeps you swallowing.


Yes, been there done that, but it was before my LC, only reason it hasn’t returned is prolly because I’ve for years, been taking guaifenesin, 750 mg, 4Xdays, for my bronchiectasis, it’s generic Mucinex, much cheaper, you can find it on Amazon, drug stores, etc, and don’t need Rx. It thins the mucus. Really helps me.


Yes…big affliction from long haul Covid.
Amazing, but not that no one has mentioned that their doctor hasn’t suggested the use of Acappela device (green) to assist with expelling of muscus. Big Pharma doesn’t like these working solutions, but you might want to talk to your dr about it and maybe get approval if necessary based on your personal symptoms.
It actually works. The post nasal drip is a whole other story…What a new day it will be when that is solved. It’s insane.


I took an occasional Sudafed and vitamin C with orange juice when I felt extra-congested, and drank lots of water, which seemed to help.


Yes!! I discovered I am now intolerant of grains. Had COVID in Nov and had the same problem. Discovered it was worse some days than others, then realized it was wheat products that made it worse. Then realized it's all grains that increase the post nasal drip and cough. Did not have this problem before COVID.


Me pasa lo mismo y es abrumador algunas noches. Me pasa cuando me acuesto. Montelukast me ayuda bastante. Lo tomo en las noches. A veces hago gárgaras de agua tibia con sal y limón y me ayuda un poco. Te deseo salud.


I have had the same problem and I am going for a ct scan and reversibility test. I'm coughing since march 2020 when I caught covid . I was very ill since then I have phlegm and constantly swallowing down to stop the cough! I'm at the end of my teacher with it. It's actually good to hear its not just me! I am worried now it could be copd. But I'm only 56 but I'm so fed up with it!

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