Benzodiazepine class action law suit

Posted by shake @shake, Nov 4, 2022

Has anyone looked into a class action law suit regarding Benzodiazepines?

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I have suffered extreme illness from Klonipin after being on it for 3 years. I would wake up and start vomitting for a day and stay in bed for 2- 3 days. My stomach was constantly nauseous, my intestines were twisted in knots couldn't eat. Just to name a few side effects suffered. All tests came back negative for gall stones, ulcers etc.
To no avail I could not find answers until I looked up side effects of Klonipin and there I was! I suffered from paralyzing anxiety, left my job hanging could not address it, basically couldn't live.
I told my doctor what I found out and he LAUGHED at me! Stated only 1% people suffer side effects. I told him I wanted to wean off Klonipin he told me take a vitamin!!
No one but no one should wean themselves off of Klonipin by themselves, could be deadly! Most people have to enter detox to go off the medicine and here my whacko doctor told me to take a vitamin! How dare he call himself a doctor. I entered out patient therapy, found a psychriatrist and a new MD of course! With all of this and more no lawyer will touch the case due to the fact Texas has a 250,000.00 cap on malpractice cases so no lawyer finds it profitable to take this on! So no justice through malpractice nor the makers of Klonipin. It absolutely sucks that we trust our doctors, they destroy us but nothing can be done! So much for our government For The People. More like Government for the money!

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I'm sorry for what you have gone through. I personally hate this medication, was on it for 7 months (6 months of hell) and finally quit cold turkey as it was causing multiple symptoms. Most physicians don't understand this med, especially the older ones! I know I shouldn't have stopped cold turkey but wasn't even going to try to detox for months or longer while I had these symptoms going on. Two of the three symptoms have disappeared but body vibratons continue, for 11 months now. Doctors don't know why but when I discussed protracted withdrawal symptoms to neurogist he ignored that and said he doesn't buy the crap in the article, which I brought along with me btw. So all I can tell you is many physicians suck and frankly are dangerous. I have 2 nephews who are docs. and we've had these converations. Both told me they are appalled at what they've seen in their fields. It's like any other field, you have good and bad. The bad ones can kill you as medical errors is third leading cause of death in this country. Sad but true!! Google it if you don't believe me. Best of luck to you! I understand your pain!


I'm sorry for what you have gone through. I personally hate this medication, was on it for 7 months (6 months of hell) and finally quit cold turkey as it was causing multiple symptoms. Most physicians don't understand this med, especially the older ones! I know I shouldn't have stopped cold turkey but wasn't even going to try to detox for months or longer while I had these symptoms going on. Two of the three symptoms have disappeared but body vibratons continue, for 11 months now. Doctors don't know why but when I discussed protracted withdrawal symptoms to neurogist he ignored that and said he doesn't buy the crap in the article, which I brought along with me btw. So all I can tell you is many physicians suck and frankly are dangerous. I have 2 nephews who are docs. and we've had these converations. Both told me they are appalled at what they've seen in their fields. It's like any other field, you have good and bad. The bad ones can kill you as medical errors is third leading cause of death in this country. Sad but true!! Google it if you don't believe me. Best of luck to you! I understand your pain!

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I’m so sorry that you had to go through this! I was taking benzos prescribed by my Psychiatrist for depression, anxiety and insomnia. I told the Doc I needed to get off them and he instructed me to decease by 1/4 the total dose. I had horrible withdrawal - brain zaps, nausea, felt very very sick. I finally found a patient support group in England that gave instructions on how to decrease dosage that I could tolerate. I decreased by 10% of total dosage for 10 days. I ground a pill between 2 spoons, (a mortar and pestle works also). Then I placed the powder in a medicine cup. I calculated what fluid volume I needed, in ml, so that I could draw up 10% of the solution in a tuberculin syringe. No needles needed. I mixed this until desolved. Then I drew up 10% of the solution and squirted it in my mouth. Discard the remaining solution.
Repeat for 10 days. If you’re having intolerable withdrawal symptoms, increase the dose a bit. Continue to decrease the remaining dosage by 10% as tolerated. I managed to get off clonazepam and Xanax (separately) without too much discomfort. I wish I remembered what the name of the website was. “BENZOS”something.
I understand your pain too!💖
If I could do it, anyone can do it! You are stronger than you think!


What's the lawsuit about or for?


I truly understand the frustrations that come with medications, it’s becoming more complicated these days, we have so many drugs available today that our doctors can prescribe but at the same time they don’t really have much knowledge about the drugs they give to us…most of their knowledge they have about our meds is what they are told by the pharmaceutical salesperson and the rest comes from the patients they give them to…it’s not a perfect system, sometimes we have to try several meds to get the desired effect and this is not an easy thing to get through, unwanted side effects and also addiction issues. It also doesn’t help matters when they start putting pressure on you as the patients…we’re already trying to cope with the symptoms of our illnesses. I honestly can’t think of how we can improve the way it works and giving up meds isn’t an option

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They still prescribed still. I mean it isn't as easy to get. But I know someone who is on methadone n prescribed benzo. That's not allowed, it suppresses ur lungs. You will stop breathing.


Has anyone trying to recover from xanax tried B vitamins, especial b5 and b6?


I am in consultation with a pharmacist and a retired MD close friend.
They suggested that my neurotransmitters might be out of whack. Had a test showed that excitatory transmitters were sky high and the calming neurotransmitters were way too low. My body thinks this is normal.
They have put me on supplements to stabilize the transmitters. Pharmaceutical grade vitamins, magnesium and L-theanine. They recommend exercise, 90 grams protein , low carbohydrates and no alcohol.
I still take .5 mg of Ativan at night but do not feel the need to increase the dosage
Hopefully I can quit the Ativan in the future.
Right now my body is fighting tooth a nail to this change as my body is not use to this.
I have only been on this regimen for a couple of weeks.
Will keep you posted on any changes.


I have suffered extreme illness from Klonipin after being on it for 3 years. I would wake up and start vomitting for a day and stay in bed for 2- 3 days. My stomach was constantly nauseous, my intestines were twisted in knots couldn't eat. Just to name a few side effects suffered. All tests came back negative for gall stones, ulcers etc.
To no avail I could not find answers until I looked up side effects of Klonipin and there I was! I suffered from paralyzing anxiety, left my job hanging could not address it, basically couldn't live.
I told my doctor what I found out and he LAUGHED at me! Stated only 1% people suffer side effects. I told him I wanted to wean off Klonipin he told me take a vitamin!!
No one but no one should wean themselves off of Klonipin by themselves, could be deadly! Most people have to enter detox to go off the medicine and here my whacko doctor told me to take a vitamin! How dare he call himself a doctor. I entered out patient therapy, found a psychriatrist and a new MD of course! With all of this and more no lawyer will touch the case due to the fact Texas has a 250,000.00 cap on malpractice cases so no lawyer finds it profitable to take this on! So no justice through malpractice nor the makers of Klonipin. It absolutely sucks that we trust our doctors, they destroy us but nothing can be done! So much for our government For The People. More like Government for the money!

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The worst thing you can do is go to rehab for benzodiazepine withdrawal. It’s a no no. You have to taper this drug very, very slowly. This should be done at home with the support of your doctor.


I have been on 1 mg Kolonopin since 1991 for panic attacks and anxiety then after getting Hashimoto’s for sleep.
I also take 5/325 Norco as needed, for many painful spinal issues and Fybromyalgia. But only take it as needed. Been on that for years. I normally only take 1/2 tablet just to get me out of bed and walking. I deal with the pain the rest of the day.
I can go days without taking either one of these drugs without any withdrawls.
I believe everyone is different. Some people have addictive tendencies. I do have medical cannabis and if I use one hit of my low THC/CBD vape cartridge I can go to sleep without taking Kolonopin.
If I drink wine I do not take any of my Kolonopin. Norco is already out of my system because the 1/2 tablet is taken very early in the morning,
I would recommend to anyone that is having problems getting off any drug to begin breaking the mgs by 3/4 and take that amount for a 2 weeks, then cut it in 1/2 and do that amount say for 2 weeks or more if needed, Then when you have a 1/4 left do that amount for a week of more if needed. I believe by that point you won’t even need it.
I smoked cigarettes for many years. I wasn’t a heavy smoker, but that was difficult for me to quit. Once I was ready, I decreased the amount every 3 days by one cigarette until I was down to my last. At most I smoked 1/2 pack a day.
I haven’t smoked for 12.5 years.
Key is in taking these meds is that don’t reach for the euphoric affect that you initially had when you began taking Kolonopin and take more. My medication dose has not changed since ‘91 and I still achieve sleep when I take the same dose when I need it.

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I’ve been looking up cbd and and everything I’m reading is saying that it can cause side effects of colonopin to be stronger I’ve been on 1 mg for last year half taking twice a day and now there saying just take as needed but of course I’m addicted to it and have anxiety over the anxiety of taking it not taking it and then they want to add straterra for anxiety cause my ocd and I’m like I don’t want anymore meds in my body I believe the colonopin is causing worsened anxiety that now I’ve developed fears and phobias chemicals etc contamination etc I never had in my life and I have said to drs for over a year I think this pill form of colonopin is causing this they don’t believe me and just want to give more meds I have asked to be takin off of it so I can go natural they keep saying it’s bad idea and I feel so trapped I don’t know what to do and I’m so scared of meds cause I have had non stop reactions and it triggers ptsd to take a med and I’m just at loss of what to do I don’t know what I can take naturally that can help this anxiety w out another pych med and the drs don’t believe in natural or cbd or anything else but the big pharma and so I can’t get any help on what is safe and not I’ve talked to cbd stores and they do not know about taking the colonopin w the cbd or canabis .


I would say, from experience, get a professional to help you with a taper plan and plan to go very slowly. I started Klonopin after losing my son, too, and it worked so well for my sleep for many years. Now it is nearly impossible to get anyone to prescribe, so my psychiatrist is helping me. I'm down from 1 - 1.5 to .25 and this is likely the last month I'll take it. My sleep is not great, but I'm trying natural alternatives. I'm hopeful in time I will be all the better for it. I'm almost 65 years old.

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What natural methods are you trying to get off the kolonopin I looked into cbd but I’m reading online it worsens side eff ts of the colonopin I’m on 1 mg .5 twice a day and for over year half now on pill form I had made mistake before that after eight years anxiety was really high and cut it off and I had a dr actually tell me after six days that I would not have side effects or withdrawal but I was on wafer form then and now wafer form being offered to me again and now I’m dealing with phobias fears I never had in my life and I keep saying I think the colonopin is causing this horrible anxiety I can’t work hardly function I’m terrified of other psych meds I’ve felt w one reaction after another to point I’m terrified to take them none of this is making sense I have a horrible fear of contamination I can’t even get in the pool fear of chemicals so bad I keep saying I want to get off this they keep saying oh the colonopin is saving ure life and when I say I want off and to go natural they won’t and then try to force another psych med I’m like I’ve so had it w this and every one in my family is like this is not me and what is happening and they even think it is the colonopin it says long term use can create a fence w anxiety and can cause weird mental side effects ts the nurse laughed said ok what ever u want to think . I don’t know what to do I need help e the anxiety w out another pharma drug and I don’t know if pill form causes worse things effects to happen then the wafer form or what to do here

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