Internal vibrations: Anyone else experiencing this?

Posted by mbryant1380 @mbryant1380, Dec 16, 2023

Anyone else have what feels like internal vibrations, your shaking on the inside but no one can see it from the outside?
Would also like to hear from people who are experiencing this and have discussed this with Long Covid Program providers. And have they given any insight on the cause.

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I just can’t believe I finally found others who have the same issue of internal vibrations. It’s so sad and so relieving. I had COVID for a month in December/January 2022 followed by horrible seizures. One so bad I was out for 6 hrs & compound fractured my wrist. So the vertigo was attributed to this & went away. Then the vibrations. One day out of nowhere. I know the day exactly I thought it was from driving too long. Ok so it continues on and off. I remember taking Prednisone for something else by process of elimination I thought let me try & sure enough in a few days it stopped I wean off and it’s gone. Prednisone seemed to be the know all be all for everything. Blurry vision vertigo and vibrating. I’m associating this w some sort of inflammation. I think I’m out of antibodies (booster shot) for at least 18 months so maybe that’s why. Oh god what a regrettable decision. On Dec 21 2023 I get my first Moderna Monovalent & knew it would hit hard & it did. The next day was a disaster but the 10 after were golden. No symptoms at all. At the time I just suffered from blurry vision & vibrations. Since then every day I’ve had blurry vision every morning to where I can barely see & fight it as much as possible to work bc I don’t have a real job since COVID & day trade. It’s becoming increasingly realistic I will need to file for disability if this doesn’t get better. I’m 44 & want to work. I’m narrowing this to the Vagus Nerve or Central Sensitization Syndrome which I researched both similar neither have a procedure to cure but like the comment above about a Stellate Ganglion Block procedure which I’m going to discuss with my neurologist tomorrow. I’m desperate as everyone is. I recently had bloodwork and ALL of my white cells are extremely high. So if there’s an infection what is it? Is it in the spine? I’ve always thought it was. I’ve pushed for more tests. I can only update once I know more but say what has worked is better than nothing for now. I won’t live my life at the worst it is now. It’s unlivable. In a bed flat to curb vertigo? I’m pushing to sit up & realize also there are the spikes in blood pressure which I have low but suddenly have become high for me and I’m on BP meds now 155/120 I’m 110 pounds my cholesterol is over 300 so there’s major issues (not bp) but I feel those drops & spikes and it causes blurry vision and vertigo now. If I was stuck in fight or flight I would think I wouldn’t have a reaction so vagus I would rule out. Not being on prednisone the vibration has returned with a vengeance. I’ll take it over vertigo. And I’ll update once I know more. Stay strong all.


I just can’t believe I finally found others who have the same issue of internal vibrations. It’s so sad and so relieving. I had COVID for a month in December/January 2022 followed by horrible seizures. One so bad I was out for 6 hrs & compound fractured my wrist. So the vertigo was attributed to this & went away. Then the vibrations. One day out of nowhere. I know the day exactly I thought it was from driving too long. Ok so it continues on and off. I remember taking Prednisone for something else by process of elimination I thought let me try & sure enough in a few days it stopped I wean off and it’s gone. Prednisone seemed to be the know all be all for everything. Blurry vision vertigo and vibrating. I’m associating this w some sort of inflammation. I think I’m out of antibodies (booster shot) for at least 18 months so maybe that’s why. Oh god what a regrettable decision. On Dec 21 2023 I get my first Moderna Monovalent & knew it would hit hard & it did. The next day was a disaster but the 10 after were golden. No symptoms at all. At the time I just suffered from blurry vision & vibrations. Since then every day I’ve had blurry vision every morning to where I can barely see & fight it as much as possible to work bc I don’t have a real job since COVID & day trade. It’s becoming increasingly realistic I will need to file for disability if this doesn’t get better. I’m 44 & want to work. I’m narrowing this to the Vagus Nerve or Central Sensitization Syndrome which I researched both similar neither have a procedure to cure but like the comment above about a Stellate Ganglion Block procedure which I’m going to discuss with my neurologist tomorrow. I’m desperate as everyone is. I recently had bloodwork and ALL of my white cells are extremely high. So if there’s an infection what is it? Is it in the spine? I’ve always thought it was. I’ve pushed for more tests. I can only update once I know more but say what has worked is better than nothing for now. I won’t live my life at the worst it is now. It’s unlivable. In a bed flat to curb vertigo? I’m pushing to sit up & realize also there are the spikes in blood pressure which I have low but suddenly have become high for me and I’m on BP meds now 155/120 I’m 110 pounds my cholesterol is over 300 so there’s major issues (not bp) but I feel those drops & spikes and it causes blurry vision and vertigo now. If I was stuck in fight or flight I would think I wouldn’t have a reaction so vagus I would rule out. Not being on prednisone the vibration has returned with a vengeance. I’ll take it over vertigo. And I’ll update once I know more. Stay strong all.

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I’m sorry that you are also suffering through these horrible symptoms. Do you feel the prednisone helped with the vibrations?
I also have been vigorously researching and I agree that the Vagus Nerve or Central Sensitization Syndrome is malfunctioning. I’m going to see me primary care doctor tomorrow and going to ask for inflammation bloodwork to be performed.
When I went to see him in October he said my antibodies were very high and did not need any booster at the time. Honestly was hesitant to have one anyway BUT my long COVID care doctor said having a booster has showed improvement in some people’s long COVID symptoms, so I don’t know what to do about that.
My neurologist recommended for me to think about taking Gabapentin for the “vibrations/tremor” sensations.
I have Covid twice last time was Aug. of 2022 and it has been a nightmare ever since. I feel stuck between feeling hopeless and still trying to find something, anything to feel a little bit better. Don’t know if I will ever feel pre Covid me again, not just physically but mentally and emotionally.
It’s sad you know, you get through the acute illness and the aftermath seems just as bad if not worse.
I wish everyone on here complete recovery and brighter happier tomorrows.


The prednisone absolutely worked for the internal vibrations. And other symptoms. Why I can’t tell you. Some sort of inflammation we may have. I got the booster and this is when all the symptoms began again and I regret getting it again thinking the antibodies would help. Now we are all different but I’m never getting it again at this juncture. When it makes one worse not better or did I wait too long so many questions it’s not worth it. I heard gaba has helped. Dr’s are hesitant about prescribing prednisone but a couple medrol packs should be able to let you know whether it would work and being persistent about it should help. GABA has a lot of side effects as well so low dose of either or is a double edged sword bc god knows how many mg’s of gaba they are going to have you taking a day.


The prednisone absolutely worked for the internal vibrations. And other symptoms. Why I can’t tell you. Some sort of inflammation we may have. I got the booster and this is when all the symptoms began again and I regret getting it again thinking the antibodies would help. Now we are all different but I’m never getting it again at this juncture. When it makes one worse not better or did I wait too long so many questions it’s not worth it. I heard gaba has helped. Dr’s are hesitant about prescribing prednisone but a couple medrol packs should be able to let you know whether it would work and being persistent about it should help. GABA has a lot of side effects as well so low dose of either or is a double edged sword bc god knows how many mg’s of gaba they are going to have you taking a day.

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I have seen on here quite a few people have said prednisone has helped with the inflammation. So sorry things reversed back for you after the booster, my LC Care Doctor told me I should think about getting it because people have reported that it helped their LC symptoms. But my PC Doctor said my antibodies levels are very high and don’t need any booster/vaccine at the moment, so I don’t know. Then I have seen people symptoms got worse like yourself after the booster.
Yea most medications have some sort of side effects, you take something to treat/manage something and it causes something else to happen. My Neurologist prescribed 100mg Gabapentin, very hesitant to take it, just tired and don’t want any more symptoms.
Wishing better health to you.


I am curious too. I have something similar. I initially thought it was anxiety, but I had panic attacks in 1999 and it’s not like that. It’s more pervasive. It feels like a high intensity internally. An adrenaline rush is a good description of it. Like high pressure in my body. I’ve read some describe it as vibrations, but I wouldn’t describe mine like that. It’s severe intensity. I have checked my blood pressure during an episode before and it has always been normal! Odd. Blood sugar normal too. I have T1 diabetes. Well controlled.

I’m debating if I should start taking an SSRI and see if that helps. Neurologist prescribed it. I’m not sure what to do next. I also have taste/smell disorder, tingling/numbess in hands and feet. Not neuropathy, according to neurologist.

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I had to have a skin biopsy before they accurately diagnosed me with neuropathy. Prior to that I had nerve conduction studies that showed nothing. I take 900mg of gabapentin an 120 mg of Cymbalta daily. I can't function without this. The long COVID clinic where I am a patient has been a lifesaver. I have POTS. I have the high and low blood pressure. I wear an abdominal binder which has helped a lot. I rarely pass out now. I take a low dose of high blood pressure medicine as my blood pressure can be insanely high. This is crazy. I have been researching the Vagus nerve as well. I have been told that Long COVID turned on bad genes in my body and all of my diagnosed issues are not curable, just have to attempt to manage/mitigate symptoms. Pressure changes destroy me even with all the medicine. Good luck. I have come to terms with my current normal and have learned ways to get through most days and stay in a better frame of mind. I wish us all success in finding cures or at least ways to mitigate the issues we have.


I also have this internal vibrations and nobody has explained to me what it is and why I feel it.


I just can’t believe I finally found others who have the same issue of internal vibrations. It’s so sad and so relieving. I had COVID for a month in December/January 2022 followed by horrible seizures. One so bad I was out for 6 hrs & compound fractured my wrist. So the vertigo was attributed to this & went away. Then the vibrations. One day out of nowhere. I know the day exactly I thought it was from driving too long. Ok so it continues on and off. I remember taking Prednisone for something else by process of elimination I thought let me try & sure enough in a few days it stopped I wean off and it’s gone. Prednisone seemed to be the know all be all for everything. Blurry vision vertigo and vibrating. I’m associating this w some sort of inflammation. I think I’m out of antibodies (booster shot) for at least 18 months so maybe that’s why. Oh god what a regrettable decision. On Dec 21 2023 I get my first Moderna Monovalent & knew it would hit hard & it did. The next day was a disaster but the 10 after were golden. No symptoms at all. At the time I just suffered from blurry vision & vibrations. Since then every day I’ve had blurry vision every morning to where I can barely see & fight it as much as possible to work bc I don’t have a real job since COVID & day trade. It’s becoming increasingly realistic I will need to file for disability if this doesn’t get better. I’m 44 & want to work. I’m narrowing this to the Vagus Nerve or Central Sensitization Syndrome which I researched both similar neither have a procedure to cure but like the comment above about a Stellate Ganglion Block procedure which I’m going to discuss with my neurologist tomorrow. I’m desperate as everyone is. I recently had bloodwork and ALL of my white cells are extremely high. So if there’s an infection what is it? Is it in the spine? I’ve always thought it was. I’ve pushed for more tests. I can only update once I know more but say what has worked is better than nothing for now. I won’t live my life at the worst it is now. It’s unlivable. In a bed flat to curb vertigo? I’m pushing to sit up & realize also there are the spikes in blood pressure which I have low but suddenly have become high for me and I’m on BP meds now 155/120 I’m 110 pounds my cholesterol is over 300 so there’s major issues (not bp) but I feel those drops & spikes and it causes blurry vision and vertigo now. If I was stuck in fight or flight I would think I wouldn’t have a reaction so vagus I would rule out. Not being on prednisone the vibration has returned with a vengeance. I’ll take it over vertigo. And I’ll update once I know more. Stay strong all.

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I suffer from internal vibrations, blurry vision, diarrhea and very bad acid reflux. I also have fatigue and my head is fuzzy or brain fog. Please update us on the Stellgate Ganglion Block procedure. Thank you.


I’m sorry that you are also suffering through these horrible symptoms. Do you feel the prednisone helped with the vibrations?
I also have been vigorously researching and I agree that the Vagus Nerve or Central Sensitization Syndrome is malfunctioning. I’m going to see me primary care doctor tomorrow and going to ask for inflammation bloodwork to be performed.
When I went to see him in October he said my antibodies were very high and did not need any booster at the time. Honestly was hesitant to have one anyway BUT my long COVID care doctor said having a booster has showed improvement in some people’s long COVID symptoms, so I don’t know what to do about that.
My neurologist recommended for me to think about taking Gabapentin for the “vibrations/tremor” sensations.
I have Covid twice last time was Aug. of 2022 and it has been a nightmare ever since. I feel stuck between feeling hopeless and still trying to find something, anything to feel a little bit better. Don’t know if I will ever feel pre Covid me again, not just physically but mentally and emotionally.
It’s sad you know, you get through the acute illness and the aftermath seems just as bad if not worse.
I wish everyone on here complete recovery and brighter happier tomorrows.

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So did you end up taking Prednisone or Gabapentin?


So did you end up taking Prednisone or Gabapentin?

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I took Gabapentin for 2 weeks in very small dose. It made me feel really good, but caused blurry vision and I had to stop taking it.

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